Drunk Jimin

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The door flew open and Jimin tumbled in. Yoongi and Jungkook laughed and picked him up, dragging him to the bed.

"How much did he drink?" I asked, looking up from my laptop. Yoongi just grinned at me "That much?"

"I think he needed the drink," Jungkook asked, "Where shall we put him?"

I lifted my eyebrow, "You don't want me to answer that"

Yoongi pushed a giggling Jimin back on the bed "I'll leave you to strip him"

"Wait!" I called as they started walking away "Can...can you just strip him and put him to bed?"

"Ah!" Jungkook said, "Jimin mentioned that you were a virgin"

"Jungkook!" Yoongi slapped Jungkook on the shoulder "Ignore this kid"

"How are you and Eujin related?" Jungkook asked.

My eye twitched "Can you leave now?"

"I wasn't going to say anything bad" Jungkook scratched his ear "I didn't like your sister. She looked at other men and when we heard that she ran away with another guy, we were happy"

I forced a smile "You don't have to pretend that I'm better than her"

"Well, you are," Yoongi said, "But...we know you two were forced to get married to keep his parent's image"

My eyes went wide "That's not true"

They both grinned widely at me and I sighed.

"Jimin talks when he is drunk" Yoongi said, "But don't worry. We won't tell anyone"

"Hana, you know he doesn't hate you," Jungkook said.

"Wife!" Jimin moaned "Tuck me in!"

"We will leave you to it" Yoongi winked at me.

"Did you still want us to strip him or?"

I sighed "It's fine" I mumbled "He can sleep like that"

Yoongi and Jungkook said good night and closed the door behind them. Jimin was rolling side to side trying to undo the buttons on his jeans.

"Wife, help me" He giggled and I dragged myself away from the desk and walked over to him. He looked up at me with a big smile.

"Move your hands," I said quietly and my hands were shaking as I reached for the button. Come on Hana. It's just undoing trousers. No more than that.

"How cute," Jimin licked his lips "You really are a virgin. You're shaking"

I ignored him and quickly undid the buttons, and stepped away "Done. You can go to bed now"

"Baby" He sang "I'm still wearing my trousers. Take them off"

My eyes went wide "No! Do it yourself"

"Wifey, you need to save my lifey" He laughed at himself "Just tug on it...and I only mean my trousers"

"What is wrong with you?" I muttered, "Take your own trousers off"

Jimin sighed and stood up, struggling to take them off "Shit. I can't do it"

I almost smiled at how cute he looked trying to pull them down, but I quickly shook my head. I walked over to him and quickly pulled them down and hopped away from him.

"You are so cute" Jimin muttered and kicked them across the room "Wife, come tuck me in!"

"Tuck yourself in!" I said, and he reached for me "Hey! What are you doing?"

"Tuck me in" He pouted and I groaned "Come on wife"

Jimin dragged me to the bed and he climbed in, patting beside him "Come on wife. Join me"

I hesitated but sat beside him. I yelped when he pulled me against his chest, holding me tight.

"Jimin!" I said, trying to push him away "Let me go!"

"Few minutes" He mumbled, "Just...few...minutes...I want to hold"

I looked up at his face, his eyes struggling to stay open "Jimin, please let me go"

"No" He breathed heavily, the smell of alcohol clogging my nose "So...comfy"


"No" He pulled me closer to his chest "You feel so nice"

I felt myself blush and I wasn't sure if I wanted to push him away or not. When he didn't ease up I sighed and shifted, making myself more comfortable. The side of my face was against his chest, his heart thumping against my cheek and he sighed again.

"So...cuddly" He sighed, "Don't go...so warm"

"You can hug a pillow"

"Not the same...wife" He moved his arm under my head and my eyes went wide when he kissed my forehead "Wife...you are so...cuddly...you fit so nicely in my arms"

Don't fall for his words. He is drunk. Although drunk people normally spoke the truth. Didn't they?

"Jimin," I said, quietly "Why did you tell your friends that we were forced to get married?"

"You were upset" Jimin kissed my forehead again "I didn't mean...to make you cry"

"That doesn't-"

"Wifey...for lifey"

I rolled my eyes "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I got to marry you" He smiled, and lifted my head up. His dark eyes found mine and my heart felt like it skipped a beat "So beautiful"

"S-s-stop talking rubbish," I said, trying to look away "You only feel sorry for me"

"My wife is so beautiful" Jimin chuckled and pressed a kiss to my forehead "Everyone is so...burp...jealous"

"You bastard!" I yelled, "Don't burp in my face!"

"I love you wife" Jimin breathed and his lips were on mine. My eyes were so wide and I had no idea what was going on. I found myself gasping, as his tongue slowly flicked against mine. 

Oh my god! 

Jimin was kissing me and I was kissing back! What was wrong with me? Oh hell...I had never been kissed like this before so I had no idea what the hell I was meant to do...

Just go with it, Hana. It will be fine...

Who was I kidding? I didn't want him to kiss me. I pressed my hands against his chest and pushed him back slightly and he pulled away.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, "I'm...I'm sorry,"

Jimin's hands slid to my face holding it firm, as he kissed me again. The alcohol on his breath didn't faze me at all, and I gripped his top not knowing where to put my hands. As Jimin deepened the kiss, he rolled me onto my back, positioning himself between my legs.

My heart was racing and even though I was worried, I didn't want to push him away. This was a bad idea, Hana. I needed to stop it. The only reason why he was like this was that he was wasted.

"Wife," He said, kissing along my jaw "I finally got to marry you"

"Jimin," I said, "Please, I don't want-"

"I love you" He said, "Eujin...I love you"

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