Pancake Wars

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I was sitting at the breakfast bar with the boys on either side of me, watching Jin and Jimin facing each other. Jin was holding a pan up like a sword and Jimin was just glaring at him.

"Do you really think you can beat me young one?" Jin said, hopping from foot to foot "I am the almighty cook in this band. You can't beat me"

"I have to" Jimin said "My wife says your pancakes are better than mine. I can't lose to you, old man"

"Old man?" Jin gasped and clutched his chest "How dare you insult me! There is no way that you can beat me. I'm the master and you are not. You're more of a kitchen porter than anything else"

Jimin scoffed "I don't clean the kitchen"

"No you don't," I said and the boys laughed "Can we start the battle, please? I'm hungry"

"You would be," Jungkook said "They've been standing opposite each other for 20 minutes and we only got here 5 minutes ago. But we wouldn't have known that if Hana didn't tell us,"

"I'm so hungry!" Taehyung whined "If you don't cook then I will"

"I'd rather go hungry than have you in the kitchen," Yoongi said "You can't cook either"

Taehyung grinned and put his arm around me "Shall I treat you to breakfast someplace else?"

"Hands off my wife you fiend!" Jimin said pointing the pan at Taehyung "We are battling for the best pancakes that will make my wife happy and smile. I won't let a small enemy like you get in the way"

"Wow. Someone got out on the wrong side of the bed this morning" Taehyung held his arms in the air in surrender "Let the battle commence!"

I sighed as the boys rushed around getting ready to make the pancaked mix. Hoseok and Taehyung made their own music, with Jungkook banging on the side with his fingers. Namjoon made up a rap about what they were doing. I was impressed, to be honest. He was rapping about what they had done and even though he was rapping about breaking eggs and weighing flour, he sounded really good.

"I'm too tired for this" Yoongi mumbled and covered his face "Hana, we were told about what happened this morning. How are you feeling?"

I shrugged "I don't know. I finally stood up to her and told her that I didn't need her. Then she tells me that she only bullied me because she wanted me to become a stronger person. Oh, then Eujin told me she loved me"

"Do you think she loves you?"

"No," I said, "I don't know if she is capable of love. Eujin probably doesn't know the meaning of it"

"Do you feel bad that you-"

"No" I interrupted him "I don't feel bad for what I said to her. Eujin has never been a sister to me. All she did was bully me, beat me up and blame me for things I never did"

Yoongi ruffled my hair "I'm proud of you. If someone told me a few months ago that you were going to stand up to your sister, and slap her...I would have laughed"

"So would I," I said " you think she will change?"

Yoongi shrugged "Who knows. But even if she does, then she has a lot of shit to make up for. For starters, bullying you and making you shy. You aren't shy now because you have Jimin but I'm sure there were other people out there that bullied you"

I nodded "Yeah but they aren't in my life anymore"

"The press have got off your back over the marriage," Yoongi said "I heard your parents are still being dicks towards you"

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