I Can't Do It

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Make love to me.

I stared into her teary eyes and I just wanted to hug her as she cried. But what she was asking of me was too much. God, I wish I could fucking do it but I knew why she was saying it and I didn't want her first time to be a spur of the moment. I wanted to treasure her.

"Hana" I whispered "I won't make love to you"

"Why not!" She screamed "You said that you love me"

"And that is why I can't do it!" I exclaimed "You're a virgin for fuck sake!"

"So?" Hana snapped. She was angry and I understood why.

"Hana, please just listen to me"

"I'm tired" She pulled away from me "I'm going to bed"

"Hana!" I called and ran after her. She slammed her bedroom door in my face and I put my hands on the door. I sighed "Hana...I can't do that to you"

I could hear her crying but I didn't want her to get the wrong idea. I didn't love her sister. Why would I? I couldn't love Eujin when I had someone like Hana. Eujin was trash compared to Hana.

I sat down and leaned against the door "I want your first time to be special. I don't want to rush into sex because your sister is coming back. I...Hana, I want to have sex with you. I won't lie about it. I want to have sex with you so much that it hurts so fucking bad. I love you. More than anything but I can't,"

"Stop saying that" I heard her say through the door.

"I won't stop saying it because I fucking mean it," I sighed "I told you that your first time should be special and not forced. I don't want to have sex with you because I feel that you only want to have sex because of your sister"

Hana didn't say anything.

"Baby, please say something" I said "Please don't cry by yourself"

"It isn't fair" She cried "Why does this have to happen to me? After I thought that Eujin was finally out of my life, she manages to come back and ruin everything"

"She hasn't ruined anything!" I exclaimed "Eujin is a bitch and I can see that now but she hasn't done anything other than make you cry"

"I hate her"

I smiled "I know you do. I'm pissed off that she made you doubt my love for you. I've told you the truth about our conversation. 2 weeks ago I thought I loved her, but I was wrong. I love you. Nobody else"

"I don't see why" Hana sniffed "Eujin has more going for her. I'm just...plain and boring...fat and ugly"

I had never felt this bad for someone before. Hana had been bullied until there was nothing left but trauma and no self-esteem or confidence. She had no reason to believe any compliments because in the past, no one meant them or they said those words to her because they wanted to get closer to her sister.

"I swear to fucking god!" I sighed, "You have more going for you than you realise. Everything about you is perfect and you are definitely not plain or boring. Oh, and if you keep calling yourself fat and ugly I am going to get so fucking angry"

I heard Hana laugh slightly.

"Hana, you are gorgeous. You aren't boring and the other guys can vouch for me. I've never met someone so interesting"

"You're just saying that"

I smiled and rested the back of my head on the door "I always thought I'd marry Eujin. I thought she was interesting but she really isn't. She was so caught up in how she looked in the morning and eating a certain amount of food...but with you...I'm scared that my heart is going to stop beating every time I see you in the morning"

I sighed and she didn't respond.

"The way you don't care about how you look eating pizza, or how you parade around in those fucking cute pyjama's eating ice cream. The way you smile shyly at me...the way you get annoyed at me because I didn't put my shoes away" I smiled "Even the way you burp is cute"

"It's really not" Hana mumbled, "I don't see how burps are cute,"

"Hana, please open the door" I knocked on it "I don't like talking to my upset wife through the door"

"I'm not upset," Hana said "I'm angry and I don't like showing people that I'm angry"

"I'm your husband," I said quietly "I want to see all of your emotions"

"I'm not an angry person...but my sister just makes me so mad" Hana opened the door suddenly and I fell through. I looked up at her with a smile "Everyone favoured her over me. Everything she did was perfect and I was just a failure. Even my parents told me that I should be more like her or tried to convince me that my life wasn't worth living"

I lifted my hand and placed it on her cheek "I'm glad you aren't like her. One Eujin is enough for the world and I'm not sure she has a place in it anymore. Your life is worth more than anything and you are my life,"

Hana smiled slightly "I'm sorry...for trying to force...sex onto you"

I shook my head "You were mad and I knew why you said it. Eujin brings out the worst emotions and anyway, she won't be moving back in here. I don't have space or time"

"Jimin, I'm scared that she is going to talk to the press about our marriage"

I swallowed "So am I. But that doesn't mean I am going to take her back. Eujin running away with another guy was the best thing that happened to me"

Hana frowned "Why is that?"

I laughed "Are you being serious?"

"I don't understand," Hana said and I sat up, pulling her onto my lap "Jimin, I don't get it"

"You are too cute" I said and kissed the top of her head "Because I got to marry you and I finally felt what real love feels like"

"You are being too cheesy" Hana muttered and buried her face into my neck "It's making me feel sick. Did you learn those lines from Jin?"

"Actually, no" I sighed and held her tightly "Don't let that bitch of a sister get into your head. I don't love her. I love you"

"She is going to do anything to get you back" Hana whispered "What if you see her and-"

"I'll slam the door in her face...that is if there is a door to slam" I said "The guys know that I love you so they will make sure to get rid of her if she turns up at our studio"

Hana sighed "Jimin, I'm just so...angry at her. I didn't think I could hate my sister this much"

"Well, she isn't much of a sister. Is she?" I said "I don't think in all the years I've known her and you, I have ever seen her be a sister to you. The members are more like siblings to you."

Hana didn't say anything. She didn't need to. I was right. Eujin was a nasty piece of work and now that she was trying to snake her way back in, I would do anything to protect Hana.

She was my wife and I loved her.

A/N: sup....just to let you know I love reading all your comments

So keep em coming ;D

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