Award Ceremony

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EDIT: I can't believe I have to do this but I've been getting way too much hate and being called disgusting and disrespectful, and for tarnishing the name.

The character 'Sulli' in this book is not the Sulli from the kpop world who unfortunately passed away. The character isn't in F(x) and she does not represent the Sulli in real life. This was written long before her sad passing.

She is a made up character in a made up band because this story is fiction. I used the name because I couldn't think of another name. But please just remember, which some readers don't, this has nothing to do with real life.

Stop sending me hateful messages about how I'm disgusting for using her as a horrible character. It is just a name, and what you are doing by hating on me is what people did to the real Sulli.

Instead of being caught up in spreading hated why not just be nice or keep those comments to yourself?

If you don't understand me then fine. But any hate I receive or hate I get in the book, the comments will be deleted and you will be blocked.

Thank you and good night.


The hairdresser tugged on my hair making my eyes water. She didn't need to be so obvious that she hated me. Jimin was sitting beside me with the makeup artist sorting his face and hair out. They were flirting with him and he just ignored flirt with me. Which made her pull harder on my hair.

I sighed and pulled my phone out to see some messages on my group chat.

Solar: I bet Hana is going to
steal the show :)

Wheein: don't worry my
sunshine. I've got your back.

I smiled.

"Baby" Jimin said reaching over to hold my hand "Are you alright?"

"I'm ok Chim Chim" I smiled through the pain.

"Excuse me" Jimin said glaring at the woman pulling my hair "Stop pulling her around or I will get someone better"

The door was kicked open and everyone turned to see who it was.

"Hwasa" I said "What are you doing?"

"I'm here to make you even more beautiful, since this woman keeps yanking on your hair. Now, Park Jimin. I'm stealing your wife"

"What?" Jimin said, "But-"

I was pulled from my seat and after her. I looked back and waved at Jimin. I had never had friends like this before and it was lovely. I sat in their dressing room for over an hour as their stylists did their magic on me.

"Wow" I breathed out "Is this really me?"

"Of course!" Moonbyul said "Gorgeous as ever. Jimin may get too excited to see you"

I looked at myself in the mirror not believing that my reflection was me. I wore a knee-length deep red dress that was tied tightly at the back sucking everything in. The sweetheart neckline showed some cleavage but nothing too much. My hair was curled and pinned to hang over one shoulder and my makeup was just amazing. Nothing I could ever do myself. It looked like I idol.

The girls led me back to Jimin's dressing room and I didn't want to go in.

"What if he thinks I'm ugly?" I panicked.

"Don't be an idiot!" Wheein laughed "He's definitely going to excuse himself to the bathroom"

The girls giggled "See you later!"

I took a deep breath and opened the door. All the boys turned around and Jimin got to his feet looking at me. I shuffled side to side.

"Well? Do I look ok?" I asked.

"Ok?" Jin said "You look amazing!"

"I fucking knew it" Hoseok said "She's going to take the limelight away from us"

"Oh god" I said "I'll change"

"No!" Jimin said grabbing me before I could run away "You look..." He cleared his throat and looked at me with pink cheeks "Stunning"

"Your sister would look like an ogre next to you and she'd hate you even more" Jungkook said and I smiled shyly "Let's go then. We have a red carpet to walk down"

The boys left the room first leaving Jimin and me alone.

Jimin cleared his throat again "Hana. You look gorgeous"

"It's not too much?"

"No it's perfect. Like you" He said with a small smile "After you, my lovely wife"

I giggled and we walked arm in arm towards the other guys. I took a deep breath and tried to get myself prepared to walk down the red carpet.

"I've got you" Jimin slipped his hand in mine and I just nodded "You're beautiful Hana. I might not be able to walk properly"

"Loser" Yoongi said.

Their manager opened the door and I was almost blinded by the flashing of cameras. Jimin tugged on my hand gently and I walked beside him in front of all the cameras and fans.

The boys stopped to sign things and the photographers were going mental. It was like they had to take a good picture before it was too late.

"Just relax baby" Jimin said in my ear "They can't get enough of you. Beautiful"

I smiled at him "I just don't want to embarrass you"

Jimin smiled back and kissed my forehead "You won't. Trust me"

I managed to stay upright walking beside Jimin and I stood to the side as the band had their group shots taken. Jimin never took his eyes off me and I had to laugh. He was getting in trouble with the manager.

It made me happy knowing that he wanted to look at me. But I'm the back of my head I kept thinking it was just for show. We had to be husband and wife in public.

"Park Hana!" I heard photographers yell at me. I turned and a swarm of them were taking my pictures. I smiled at them and when Jimin called me I rushed over to him.

"They are scary" I muttered to Jungkook "How do you deal with them?"

"Famous" Jungkook shrugged "You'll get used to it after a while. But these are tame"

I didn't want to think about the others then. If this was tame, I dreaded to think what the non tame ones were like.

Jimin led the way to our table and he put his hand on my thigh when we sat down. My breath caught in my throat and I was sure my face burnt. Keep it together. This is part of the act.

"Jimin!" I heard a girl squeal "It's been so long since I've seen you. Handsome as ever"

Jimin looked like he forced the smile "Hi Sulli. How are you?"

"Better now I've seen you" she winked at him and I almost snorted at the reaction of the other band members "So, is this your wife?"

"The one and only" Jimin said and he kissed me on the lips catching me by surprise "Oh sorry baby. Shall we save that for later?"

My whole body went up in flames and Sulli stared at me with anger.

"Huh" Sulli said "I expected more from Eujin's sister. Still, we can't all be beautiful like her or me"

I smiled at her feeling like a bitch "Are you a bitch like her too?"

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