I'm Scared

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"I'm so sorry Hana!" PDnim said "If I had any knowledge of her movement in companies I would have turned her away. I wasn't involved in some of the new recruits and I feel like I have failed you"

I had stopped crying but my sister had got to me and everything just...I sighed and shook my head. It wasn't his fault that my sister is horrible.

"If she says anything to the press then it will be dealt with straight away," He said "Please remember that I have your back"

PDnim walked out with another word and Jimin hugged me again.

"She's only pretty on the outside" I mumbled.

"You might think that," Jungkook said "But she is a troll. I don't think I've ever disliked someone so much"

"Yoongz?" Yoongi was still glaring "How dare she call me that. No one calls me that and gets away with it"

Hoseok gasped "Then was it you that put soap on my toothbrush when I called you that?"

"No. That was me" Jin said.

"Why did you do that!" Hoseok complained "Do you how horrible that tasted? I had to get a new brush"

"Then when you use my kitchen clean up afterwards. I spent an hour scrubbing that dish and it still isn't clean"

Hoseok snorted "Then maybe you should cook for me next time"

They started to bicker and Jimin took me to the side to talk to me.

"Are you ok?"

"I don't know," I said "I didn't think that she wanted you so..." I paused and looked up at Jimin "She said something that made me think though"


"Something about you saying that you wanted my first time to be special," I said my heart in my throat.

Jimin looked away "Is that it?"

"I want you to tell me the truth," I said "Why did she know that?"

Jimin groaned "Because I said that to her but before you start crying again, I said it about you"

I frowned "I'm sorry, what?"

"When I was with her you were with a loser but I can't remember his name," Jimin said "She started saying that she was embarrassed that her younger sister was a virgin and that guys were that desperate to fuck someone that you were an easy choice cause you were 'ugly'"

"That's just...I don't even know"

"I said to her that if you were to have sex with someone it should be special and not because you just wanna fuck. I didn't think that you were desperate to lose your virginity anyway" Jimin said "She then laughed and said that if I wanted to have sex with you, crack on cause she could find someone else"

"I don't understand how my parents can be proud of her" I gripped the bottom on my top and sighed "I did everything I possibly could to make them proud. I finished top of my school, I did well in college and got a fantastic job, but nothing was ever good enough for them"

"Hana" Jimin put his hands on my cheeks "I'm proud of you"

I snorted "Why? What have I done for anyone to-"

"For starters, you married me" Jimin laughed and then pulled my cheeks "You can cook, clean and-"

"Why is cleaning always bought up?"

"-you look good with and without makeup. You make people smile and that's something I can be proud of. It's not every day that Yoongi shows a gummy smile"

"Hmm," I said, "That's not anything-"

"Shut up," He said "You stood up for yourself in a room full of idols and you proudly said 'I'm Park Fucking Hana. Who the fuck are you?' And, you were brave enough to admit to me that you love me even though I was a dick head to you"

"Aww," Namjoon said "How cute. But we have a table reservation and Taehyung is getting grumpy cause he's hungry"

"We'll meet you there," Jimin said "We still-"

"Can you stop pulling my cheeks now please?" I asked "It's getting annoying now"

"Shit. Sorry. I didn't realise I was still doing it" Jimin laughed nervously "Don't let your sister get to you. She really isn't worth shit"

"Who'd have known that she's turned into a troll? Even I'm shocked to admit that" Taehyung said and he jumped onto me, shoving Jimin away.

"Hands off my wife"

"What are you going to do?" Taehyung challenged him with a smirk "Scared I'll steal her?"

Jungkook hugged my other side "Yeah Jimin. What are you going to do?"

"Do you really want to know?" Jimin said pushing his sleeves up.

I let out a small yelp as Jungkook and Taehyung ran out the room...dragging me with them by my hand.

"Hey!" Jimin yelled "Give me back my wife! Guys, stop it!"

I ended up laughing and ran with them. I don't know why I was having fun but we reached the car before them and they asked how I was.

"Honestly?" I said quietly "I don't know"

"You don't need to worry about her" Jungkook said "Everyone will look after you. PDnim likes you so no matter what comes out, it will be sorted"

"I'd just walk with your head high," Taehyung said with a shrug "Sooner or later something will come out about your sister that will throw her under the bus"

"I'm..." I stopped.

"Your what?"

"I'm scared" I whispered "I don't know what she is going to do or say"

"Does it matter?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes!" I said "This is my sister we are talking about. What if she talks about how this was a marriage to cover up her running away, or that I was the reason she ran away?"

"Don't be-"

"I can't help being scared" I sighed "My sister is a horrible person and if I'm being truthful, I'm scared of her"

The boys didn't say anything. There probably wasn't anything to say. I wasn't the only person scared of my sister.

A/N: sorry if this one is boring 😅

More like a filler, but hey ho

Enjoy it anyway bros and hoes

Enjoy it anyway bros and hoes

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