Marriage Is a Two Way Thing

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It had been a week since Jimin kissed me in front of the cameras, and we were getting on better than we had started off with. He would leave before I woke up and I would find sticky notes on the fridge and messages on my phone.

'Have a good day beautiful' 

'I will see you later beautiful'

'Don't forget that you are beautiful'

'Forget everything negative people are saying about you. You are my beautiful wife'

He made me question my feelings about him. When my sister first introduced him to the family, I will admit that I had a crush on him and not because he was famous. But because to start off with, he was sweet and friendly. Then of course he took a turn and was horrible to me. I still did have a crush on him, sort of, and it pained me to say that I was falling in love with him. But...I knew he didn't feel like that about me. It was obvious.

Jimin made it even more obvious last night when my sister's face appeared on the screen, showing the new advert she was in. We had been talking to each other, laughing at each other's bad jokes as if we had been close for years and I felt normal around him. I felt as if I was important and I loved it, but then she showed up on his TV. 

Jimin stopped smiling and turned away from me, to see her. It hurt me but not just because he stopped paying me attention, but how he couldn't see that my sister was horrible and hurt him.

Eujin hurt him and she didn't care. After the advert came on, I tried to tell him a joke to distract him, but he just got up and shut himself in his room. I honestly thought that we were making progress, but I was wrong. And once again it was my sister's fault.

That girl was going to ruin many more men and it was upsetting to see what she had done to the man who loved her. The man I was falling in love with. The man who would never look at me the way he looked at my sister.

Jimin was out with his band members shopping for suits for the upcoming award ceremony. I was at home cleaning...again.

I was bored of cleaning. Jimin had told me that he was going to start cleaning up after himself, but he never did. He would come back, kick his shoes off not caring where they went. Then he would raid the fridge in search of something to eat and leave the door open with a mess all over the place.

After another hour of cleaning, I sat on the sofa and turned the TV on. I smiled when my best friend's face appeared and I sat watching the show they were on. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed for them as they were given punishments for not doing well on a challenge.

Minhyuk had always been my best friend, even though he was older than me. Everyone went to the same school and when I joined the school, they were the only ones to see my sister for what she was. I was bullied badly in school because of my sister, and the boys were the only ones to stand up for me and be friends with me. I was always scared that they were using me to get closer to my sister, but they always sent her away when she tried to flirt with them.

I think she started picking on me even more since that day. Eujin wasn't used to rejection and I think it hurt her pride that they chose me over her.

The front door opened, bringing me from my thoughts and Jimin came in, followed by his friends. They all said hello and made themselves comfortable. Jimin sat beside me and frowned at the TV.

"You should be watching us," He said, taking the remote from me and he changed the channel until he found a programme they had recorded "We are funnier"

"I want to see my friends," I said, taking the remote back "I've seen this episode. You made me watch it 2 days ago!"

Jimin shrugged "So? I'm your husband"

"Minhyuk is my best friend and Monsta X are really good friends of mine,"


"Best friend"

"Who is more important?" Jimin asked.

I smiled slightly "You don't want me to answer that, but I will answer in your favour because I need you to help me with something"

"With what?" Jimin asked, "Did you want more hugs? More kisses? What can I help you with? I'll do anything"

His friends snorted "She has you wrapped around her little finger"

"Shut up," Jimin said, and turned his attention back to me "What can I help you with wife?"

"Tidy up," I said, "I've spent the whole day cleaning up after you again and you come home kicking your things around the house"

"I did no such thing"

"Are your shoes on the rack? Is your jacket hanging up?" I asked, and he tried to act cute "Sorry, husband, but that won't work on me"

Jimin groaned "But I'm tired!"

"I'm not your mum, Jimin," I said, "Marriage is a two-way thing even if it was forced on us. Please. I don't want to have to tidy up after you all the time"

Jimin groaned again but got to his feet to clear his things up. I smiled in victory and went back to watching Monsta X. A few moments later Jimin came back and tried to wrestle the remote from me.

I gripped it tightly and he still tried to pull it from my hands "I am not letting go!"

"It's my TV!"

"It's my turn to watch it!" I said, pulling the remote away from him "Mine"

"It's a shame that you two won't stay married," Namjoon said, "You two make a good couple. Even though its fake"

"It's not fake," Jimin said and my heart skipped a beat "We are married. Just not in love. Right Hana?"

I forced a smile "Yeah...not in love"

Jungkook and Yoongi looked over at me. They weren't stupid. I had told them how I felt about Jimin and all they could do was sigh in pity.

I cleared my throat "I'll be upstairs if you need me"

"Wait!" Jimin grabbed the bottom of my top "We are going out for dinner tonight"

"Have fun"

"With you" Jimin smiled "I can't leave my best girl behind"

I couldn't smile. He didn't mean it "I'll get ready...I guess"

"Great!" Jimin said, "Wear something pretty or something comfortable,"

"So tracksuit bottoms?" I asked.

"Not where we are going," He said pointing at me, "At least wear a dress,"

"Whatever," I mumbled under my breath and went upstairs.

I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now