The First Outing

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The first week of our marriage involved very few words unless his band members were here, then I'd plaster a fake smile on my face pretending to be a good wife that was head over heels in love with the slob.

The car we sat in had blacked-out windows, and his bodyguard's sat in the front seat. I had my arms folded looking out the window, hoping that no one would try and cause trouble for me. But I knew that wasn't going to happen.

"We're here" Jimin mumbled, "Try to look just a little bit happy"

I turned to face him with a fake smile "Of course, Chim Chim"

Jimin didn't say anything, he just stepped out of the car when his bodyguard's opened the car door. He reached back with his hand and I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to take his hand. When I stepped out, my eyes were shocked by how bright it had become. I pulled on a pair of sunglasses and Jimin tugged my arm slightly, making me walk with him.

People were screaming loudly when they spotted him, and a few even told me I was too inferior to be married to the idol. Some screamed how lucky I was and wished me good luck. I almost laughed at them because I wasn't lucky. This was like a curse. I must have done something wrong in the last few years to be put through this.

"We'll go in here first," Jimin said, and he pulled me into a clothes shop "Pick out what you want, baby"

I almost winced at that name but I forgot we were in public, and the shopkeepers were watching him with dreamy eyes. I pulled my hand away from his and went shopping. I didn't like shopping, but I had no choice. Jimin told me that I couldn't be seen wearing my other clothes because they weren't good enough for an idol's wife. 

Jimin followed me around the shop closely, telling me what we were going to do next on our outing together. More clothing shops, shoe shops, restaurants and then his company's building. I was to watch his dance practices, but I had to make sure I stayed in character or there would be trouble. I was getting fed up with these threats.

Jimin led the way to a restaurant and we sat at a distance from the public. His bodyguards blocked off the part of the restaurant we were, so we wouldn't be disturbed. The food was placed in front of us, and we were left alone.

"You're doing a good job," Jimin said, "Surprisingly"

"Don't worry" I muttered "I don't want your perfect image ruined just yet"

Jimin just looked at me "This is why people compare you to your sister"

I almost slammed my hands onto the table "No. Everything I do is compared to my perfect big sister"

"Maybe you should act nicer, or try harder"

"Excuse me?" I hissed "Ah, forget it. I know I'm not my sister. I know I'm never going to be as good as that girl. Just leave it. I don't want to hear about how perfect and proper she is. Or even how she's beautiful and I'm ugly. I'm always hearing things like that. I was born hearing that,"

Jimin laughed "Yeah, she is beautiful and I was supposed to marry her..." He trailed off and I sighed.

"What did you even see in her?" I asked, "Everyone knew that she was a cold-hearted bitch, so why did you want to marry her?"

"I loved her," Jimin said, looking at his food "She wasn't as perfect as everyone thought"

"Yes. She was" 

"Hana, you and I both know that is a lie," Jimin said, "When I first met you 4 years ago, you were just a 16-year-old girl who wanted to be left alone. Eujin didn't leave you alone though"

"I know. My sister was a bully" I said, "You made the perfect couple. Bullying everyone who couldn't stand up for themselves or for not being as beautiful as everyone else"

Jimin frowned  "You thought I bullied you?"

I looked at him with disbelief "Please tell me that was a joke"

"Hana, I didn't bully you. I teased you because you were her younger sister"

"Really?" I frowned "So, when Eujin threw books at me, or called me the ugly sister and even 'dropped' her dinner on my lap, you laughing and agreeing with her was just teasing?"

Jimin shifted in his seat "No...that wasn't teasing"

I scoffed "Then please remind me about this teasing"

"I called you the ugly duckling," Jimin said, "Everyone knows that story so don't pretend you don't. I also teased you because when your hair dried naturally, it was curly and poked out in all directions. It was cute. Oh, and when you got a boyfriend, I told you that no one would be good enough for you"

"I'm not good enough for anyone. Just look at me," I said quietly.

"I know you feel like that but the boys weren't good for you,," Jimin said, "That's because they used you to get closer to your sister. I may have been horrible to you, but I didn't hate you. I saw what they were doing"

"Somehow I don't believe you"

"You don't have to" Jimin shrugged "You have something on your lip"

My breath caught in my throat when he reached forward and used his thumb to wipe my lips. I stopped breathing when he put his thumb in his mouth, with a smirk.

"Mmm" He grinned "I'll order what you have next time...or maybe you can just kiss me so I can taste it"

"Jimin, you-" I started but I was cut off by the owner of the restaurant.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your date," He said, "But would it be ok to take a photo?"

"Sure" Jimin smiled.

"Oh, Mr Park," He said, "I'm sorry...but may I have the photo with your wife?"

I almost smiled at Jimin's face "Of course"

The man sat in the chair next to me and Jimin took the photo of us. The owner smiled widely and shook Jimin's and my hand.

"You are a very lucky man, Mr Park," He said, "Your wife is a very beautiful lady"

Jimin looked over at me with a small smile that looks half-real, "Yes...she is"

I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now