Moving Rooms

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I sat on the sofa, texting my friends when Jimin came to sit next to me. He changed the channel and sat back watching his band sing and dance on TV. I glanced over at him and it looked like he was studying every move he did.

"Not good enough" I heard him mutter "Wife. I'm hungry"

"Then order some food, husband," I said, still typing away. Jimin took my phone from me and he glared at me "What? Give me my phone back!"

"Who is Minhyuk?"

I snatched my phone back "He is a good friend of mine"

"Don't be seen with him in public unless I'm there," Jimin said, "You need to cook dinner because my members are coming round"

"There is nothing to cook! Order out," I got to my feet and he grabbed the back of my top "Let go. And I can talk to who I want."

"You need to move your clothes and yeah, but not in public. If you do, rumours will spread about you cheating on me,"

"What?" I blinked "But you don't even want to be married to me"

"I'm just looking out for you," Jimin muttered, "Your stuff. Move them from your room"

"To where exactly?"

"My room," Jimin stood up "They are staying and I can't have your stuff in another room, and I can't have you sleeping in another room. As my wife, that would be weird"

"I'm not staying in your bed,"

"Then sleep on the floor, but you have to get your things and move them. I'm not letting them find out this wedding wasn't for us,"

I groaned, "Just tell them I'm a virgin who is scared to share a bed with a man"

Jimin suddenly smirked "Are you a virgin?"

I blushed "It has nothing to do with you!"

"Go move your things into my room. I'll call someone to bring food here and then, you can cook for the 8 of us. Yes?" He laughed slightly.

"Do I even have a choice?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Wife, you do" Jimin chuckled and walked away.

Later that night, his friends were round again eating the food I made them.

"Wow!" Jungkook said, "You are a really good cook"

"Jimin normally orders out for us, so to get a meal cooked by his amazing wife is amazing," Jin said, "Can I have seconds?"

"Of course!" I said, smiling. It had been a long time since someone had appreciated my food and not even my husband thanked me "Eat as much as you like"

"Jimin, how did you get so lucky?" Hoseok moaned, "Why didn't you tell us the relationship with Eujin was fake? I thought you both loved each other"

"Yeah," Yoongi asked, "Those make-out sessions and all the sex could have fooled even the smartest of guys"

"You looked so good with Eujin" Taehyung sighed, "She was perfect"

I turned my back and gritted my teeth, almost slamming the pot back onto the stove.

"Excuse me," I said, walking away from everyone.

"Now look what you did," Jimin said, "You upset my wife. Eat up, I'll be right back"

Jimin met me in his room and I was sitting on the balcony, looking at the city lights. We were so high up, and you could barely hear the traffic.

"Are you alright?" Jimin asked, sitting next to me.

"Why do you care?" I asked, "You agree with him. I'm not Eujin"

"No, you aren't"

"Go back to your friends, Jimin" I sighed, "I'm tired. I just want to sleep"

Jimin sighed "I'm sorry for Taehyung...he always wanted Eujin"

"Just like everyone else," I said, bitterly "Do you know something?"

"What's that?" Jimin said softly.

"I used to look up to my sister. I wanted to be like her" I looked over the edge "I wished I was slimmer like her, be shorter and have the perfect little nose. I even started to save money to get a nose job, but I realised that she was just a bitch and I didn't want to look anything like her anymore. I used to love her, but I don't anymore"

Jimin didn't say anything.

"My parents still compare me to her. I could never do anything to make them proud. I aced all exams in school and college. I even got a job in a law firm as a PA, but they still compared me to her" I swallowed back tears "I had a boyfriend who I loved, but he used me to get to my sister. She found it funny when I walked in on them having sex"


"And you wanted to marry her," I said quietly, "Do you know how many times she cheated on you?"

Jimin looked away from me "I didn't want to believe it. I love Eujin...I guess that's what love does to you"

"Yeah," I said, "It makes you fucking stupid"

We sat in silence for a while and Jimin broke it.

"I'm sorry you were forced to marry me," Jimin said quietly "I'll do my best to leave you alone and when the 6 months are up and our faces are on the news, I'll make it look like I was the bad guy. I'm always in the press, so publicity won't affect me"

I shook my head, "It doesn't matter if you make yourself be the bad guy. I'll still be attacked. It doesn't matter. You're an idol and I'm just the ugly younger sister"

Jimin went to say something, but I cut him off.

"Don't. Please, just go back to your friends" I said, "Right now, I just want to be left alone"

Jimin stood up and walked over to the bedroom door "You know something?"

"What?" I muttered.

"You aren't as ugly as you think or people say," He said, "I've never told you that you were ugly. I called you the ugly duckling when I first met you, but do you remember that story at all?"

Jimin closed the door and I sighed. Even if I didn't think I was ugly, I would still be compared to my sister. was nice that Jimin had said that to me.

I still wasn't going to fall for his words though...I'd have to fight those feelings away because I knew that it wouldn't get me anywhere. We were going to get divorced. It was what we both wanted.

I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now