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I was still in shock as Jimin carried on kissing me. I was expecting him to have alcohol in his breath but all I could taste was something sweet. What was it?

No. This was not the time to be thinking of what he has eaten.

I almost groaned into his mouth and he pressed his hand to the bottom of my back, urging me to get closer to him. I didn't resist and I held onto the front of his shirt tightly.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and I had to pull away.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked, in a husky voice.

"N-n-nothing" I whispered.

"Then don't stop kissing me, please," Jimin went to kiss me again but I stopped him "Hana. What's the problem?"

"Are-are you doing this because-"

"I feel sorry for you?" Jimin interrupted me and I nodded "No. why the fuck would I do that?"

"I'm sorry!" I panicked "It's just the last time you kissed me you thought I was my sister"

Jimin smiled at me "I know and I'm kissing you because you aren't your sister. Will you stop covering up?"

"I have a horrible body" I whispered and Jimin sighed. I yelped loudly as Jimin pulled me to the floor with him, pressing me on my back.

"You don't," Jimin said placing a quick kiss on my neck "I like this part and I like this part"

I held my breath as he kissed along my neck and across my collar bone. My breath hitched as he worked his way down to the top of my breast.

"I especially like this part" He whispered and nibbled at my skin.

I gasped at the weird sensation "Jimin!"

"It's alright, baby," Jimin said against my skin and he kissed it again "Let me take care of you"

I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting this feeling to go. His mouth kissed lower on my body and I could hear him whisper how much he enjoyed doing it. I surprised myself when I groaned under his touch.

My hands flew over my mouth and Jimin looked up at me with a small smile.

"Are we enjoying this? Cause I certainly am"

"Where are your hands going?!" I squealed and sat up straight.

"Hana, do you trust me?"

"Yes but-"

"I know you're a virgin. I won't do anything if you don't want me too"

I chewed my lip "Ok"

Jimin grinned and kissed me hard "Then lay back and relax. This will feel good. I promise"

As his hands trailed down my body his kisses followed. I bit into my lip to stop myself from moaning and my breath caught as his hands slipped into the front of my underwear.

My body was on fire within a few seconds and I was wriggling around under his grip. Jimin places gentle kisses around my face and caught my lips with his.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer to me and he just giggled against my mouth. His fingers seemed to work magic and a sudden burning pleasure took over my body. I gasped loudly and buried my face into his neck, trying to mute my sounds.

Jimin took his hand from my underwear and tried to peel my arms away from him. But I refused to move.

"Hana" He laughed "Let me see your face"

"No!" I mumbled.

"Baby please" Jimin managed to pull my face away from his neck "Don't be embarrassed"

"I can't help it" I mumbled.

"Was that your first?"

"My first what?"

Jimin laughed "Yeah. That was your first orgasm"

"Jimin!" I yelped and hid my face again. All he did was laugh "Stop laughing! I know I'm strange"

"Actually, I respect you for it. Girls these days are willing to lose their virginity just to fit in. Well, not all girls so don't take that as a misogynistic thing to say. Hana, don't be embarrassed by it cause I will...well I hope, that I can give you more than that. In fact, I'd be honoured,"

I felt like dying. I was so embarrassed! What would Minhyuk say about this? Shit. He would probably laugh at me and call me cute. That was it. I wouldn't tell him.

"Hana," Jimin said and he pushed me into my back pinning my wrists to the floor "Stop hiding from me. It's a natural thing and to be honest, I'm glad it was me that gave you your first orgasm"

I looked away from him "Me too" I mumbled under my breath.

"Really or are you just saying that to build my ego?"

I found myself smiling "I haven't lied to you since we got married"

Jimin kissed me "Good"

I cleared my throat "Are you going to get off me now?"

"No," Jimin said brushing his lips against mine, "I think I want to kiss you again. Is that ok with you?"

"O-okay" I whispered.

Jimin kissed me softer and gentle this time. I became lost in his kiss from the moment his lips touched mine. He had let go of my hands and placed one on my thigh, stroking my skin with his thumb, and the other was hooked around my neck, keeping me still.

When he kissed me like this it felt like he returned my feelings and I didn't want to sign the divorce papers. I didn't want to let him go.

I wanted him for myself. I didn't care if I was being selfish but at this moment, I wanted him to tell me he loved me and that we could spend the rest of our lives together.

It broke my heart that it wouldn't happen.

"Hana," Jimin said between kisses "I want to take this further"


"Bedroom. I want to-"

"This wasn't what I expected to walk in on Jimin," A new voice made us pause in our kiss.

"F-f-fuck" I shoved Jimin off me and jumped to my feet to see his band members standing there wearing small smiles.

"H-h-hey guys," Jimin said getting to his feet, "Give me the fucking house key!"

I finally realised that I wasn't dressed. I cursed loudly and ran away, up the stairs and I slammed my bedroom door shut.


I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat