Stop Messing Up

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It had only been 2 days since Hana walked out, but it felt longer than that. It was weird waking up, knowing I wouldn't see her puffy face or cute pyjama's. But it was my fault. I had been acting selfishly and didn't once think about how she felt.

Just like everyone else who knew her. They didn't care about her feelings and it had started to eat away at me,

"Jimin!" My name was called and I looked up from my phone "Time for practice"

"Yeah" I sighed and pulled myself to my feet.

"Cheer up," My choreographer said "You need to be happy to dance this song"


The members were sitting to the side talking to themselves when my solo song started. I took a deep breath and danced. I wasn't feeling it, but it was only a practice. By the time the award ceremony came up, I'd be more into it. I danced as well as I could have, but I was miserable. I still felt bad for what I had done and said to Hana.

"Jimin" The choreographer sighed at me when I finished "Stop messing up. The ceremony is a week away and you still aren't in the mood. Serendipity needs in the dance moves. You have none. You are just dancing"

"Yeah" I sighed "I know. It will be fine by the ceremony"

"It better be Jimin," He said, "Your manager won't let you perform if you have no passion"

I just nodded and walked back to my place. I checked my phone. I knew Hana wasn't going to respond but for some reason I kept hopeful. I sighed and rested my head on the wall.

"Jimin, has she replied?" Jungkook asked, sitting next to me.

I shook my head "No. Not that I blame her. I was a complete dick"

"Why did you act like that around her?" Taehyung asked, "I never thought you were the type to be so mean to a girl. You always act too nice and cute around fans"

"I was angry" I muttered "Her sister left me at the altar and I was made to marry Hana. How would you feel? The women I loved ran off with another man and then I was made to marry her younger sister"

"Not as pretty younger sister?"

"Shut up" I hissed, "There is nothing wrong with Hana. In fact, I think that Hana is better than Eujin. In every way possible"

"Didn't think I would hear that" Jungkook said, "You always said that-"

"I know what I said!" I snapped "I messed up. I don't make girls cry because I'm mean. I make them cry because they are excited to meet me"

Jin snorted "Then why were you so mean to Hana?"

"He was angry," Taehyung said, rolling his eyes.

"That's no excuse!" Jin said, kicking me in the leg "You are her husband. You are meant to make her feel like a princess and even though this wedding wasn't what you both wanted, you should have made her feel comfortable and not scared"

"I agree," Namjoon said, "You only thought about how you felt about the wedding. Never once did you stop to ask how she felt about it"

I chewed my lip "I thought she was happy with it. I'm an idol"

"And she is not" Namjoon shrugged "Hana has been put through a lot. Her sister is a bitch, her parents, the press, the fans and anti-fans and then you"

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I didn't need to say anything because I knew they were just telling the truth. I had been so caught up in marrying Eujin that I didn't think about how Hana felt about all of this. I was an idiot and I was feeling guilty.

"How am I meant to make it up to her?" I mumbled and Jin chuckled "I'm being serious"

"Take her out for dinner or clothes shopping. That normally would work" Jungkook said and he tilted his head "But don't ask me cause none of you will let me go on a date"

"You're too young"

"I'm the same age as Hana!"

When I got home, my apartment was quiet and lonely. I had got used to seeing Hana look up from the stove to glare at me and then glare at me some more when I left my things on the floor.

I sat on the sofa and turned the TV on hoping something would cheer me up.

"What the" I said leaning forward "That is who she is with?!"

Even though her face was covered, I knew that was Hana. Just the way she walked and how her eyes smiled told me straight away. Minhyuk...that must be the friend she was texting. I didn't think Hana wanted to be friends with idols...not after meeting me anyway.

"Who is the mysterious woman with this idol group? Is she just friends? Is she just a makeup artist. Or is she more?"

I jumped to my feet shoving my wallet in my pocket and ran out of my apartment and straight to my car.

Hana wasn't going to stay with my male rival group. Ok, so we friends with the band but I felt like they were my rivals because they were the ones looking after Hana.

I thought she was going to stay with girls but now I had found out they were guys, I had to bring her home.

Men were all the same when they found a pretty girl. They'd try and get inside her. I wasn't about to let my wife be taken by other men.

I found myself frowning. Why could I not say that to her? If anything, I should have been building her confidence up rather than making her feel like shit.

Hana was my...she was still my wife and I didn't want her to be the bad guy. At the end of the marriage, I was meant to be the one who ruined it. Me. Not her. I wasn't going to let her ruin her name. Not for the likes of me.

I could handle the bad press because any press for an idol is still good press. Hana wouldn't be able to handle that. She was a sweet girl and knowing she cried over me made me want to protect her name even more.

Hana needed to protected from the press and fans. Even from me.

I was going to make sure that Hana was going to be looked after and I was going to be the best husband she could ever get, even though the marriage was forced on her.

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