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"Jimin, I can walk," I said, as he lifted me into his arms like a bride

"No. You've just got out of the hospital. I will do the walking for you" Jimin said, patting my bum and my face went bright red.

"Please. People are staring" I mumbled into his neck.

"Let them stare baby" Jimin chuckled "I don't want you to walk when you are still in pain"

"Everyone is taking pictures!"

"Then let them. This is a good picture for them. It shows that this marriage...don't be embarrassed. You need to get used to it" Jimin said "Next week is the award ceremony and you are going to be there next to me"

I sighed "Jimin, has my sister said anything to you?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, and slowly put me to the floor before he opened the car door for me "In you get"

I gingerly got in the car and Jimin slammed the door and ran around to the driver's seat. He started the car and pulled away from the press who were still after a photo.

"Has Eujin said something?"

Jimin shook his head "Nope"

"That's a damn lie" I snapped "What has she done? Because while I was in the hospital, none of my family came to visit me. I mean, I wasn't exactly shocked but you have been saying things about our marriage and-"

"She went to the press," Jimin said through gritted teeth "Your family went to the press about how the marriage was forced upon us and I was meant to marry Eujin originally"

"What-what are we going to do?" I whispered.

"I don't know, but you don't need to worry about it" Jimin smiled at me "You've just got out of the hospital and have yourself to think about. Let me deal with this and whatever happens, I love you. Ok?"

I just nodded and the rest of the ride home was silent. I had nothing to say because if I spoke, I'd probably cry and I had cried enough.

Jimin helped me from the car and quickly lifted me into his arms again.

"Put me down Jimin," I said, "I'm heavy and can walk by myself"

"Again, no. You aren't heavy at all. In fact, you could do with putting on some weight"

"No," I said, "Let me walk"

Jimin groaned "You aren't going to give up are you?"

"Nope!" I smiled "I can be stubborn if I need to be"

Jimin sighed and put me on the floor, but his arm went around my waist, pulling me in close to him. He snatched my bag and put it over his shoulder, and led the way to the lift. He kept asking if I was in any pain and I would just respond with just a little bit.

When Jimin opened the door to our apartment I smiled. I was home and I could sleep in a comfy bed and not have to worry about waking up to people taking my vitals. I sat down on the sofa and Jimin took my shoes off and ran to put them away. He came back and next to me, kissing my cheek.

"I-I kept the place tidy for you," Jimin said "I didn't want you to come home to a messy place and then complain about it. Even the bedroom is tidy and I even changed the bedsheets for you. So, after I run you a bath or shower, it will be better for you when you-"

"Thank you," I said, heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Ah, and I recorded some programmes for you so if you get bored with watching normal TV you can just turn that on," Jimin said, grabbing the TV remote "I recorded your friend's programmes and the new BTS ones, so you can watch them whenever you want. Oh, and tonight I will make us dinner. But don't worry I can cook much better now. Jin has taught me a few things so at least you won't get a raw egg or burnt toast anymore"

I smiled and held his hand "Thank you Jimin"

"Don't thank me" Jimin hugged me "I'm doing what I should do. I'm your husband and I need to treat you like a queen"

"I wouldn't go that far" I muttered.

"Hana, I'm sorry for how I was when we first got married," Jimin said, pressing a kiss to my forehead "I'm glad that you knocked some sense into me and that I fell in love with you. It makes life so much easier knowing that I found someone who is a decent girl and...well...thank you"

"Thank you? Don't thank me" I said, "I'm just glad that I...I didn't die in that crash"

"Your family said you tried to kill yourself"

My heart jumped into my throat "They would say that...but I didn't. I swear to you"

"What happened?"

I sighed "I got into a fight with my family and Eujin scratched her arm, then blamed me. I was kicked out and I was crying. A lot...well, when I stopped wiping my eyes a car...I didn't have...I didn't see it coming"

"Shh, baby" Jimin hugged me as tears fell "Don't worry. You're safe with me. I won't let you come to harm and I promise I will protect you from your family"

"Jimin" I sniffed "Did you stop them from seeing me?"



Jimin sighed "They were using you to get their faces in the press. When I came to see you, they didn't care that you almost died or were in a coma, they handed me divorce papers and told me to sign it" Jimin cupped my face in his hands "Hana if you are angry about me stopping them from seeing you, I understand. But I don't regret my decision. You don't need them as a family anymore. You have me. You have my friends"

"I had a feeling they wouldn't cry or care"

"Your sister used your accident as a way to get me back" Jimin frowned "She was wrong because there is nothing that will take you from me. Nothing"

I smiled softly "Eujin isn't going to give up"

"I don't care" Jimin snapped "You are my wife and I love you"

I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now