I Think We Should

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Jimin and I sat cuddled up on the sofa watching a film. He was running his finger up and down my upper arm and I had my arm around his waist, holding him tightly.

After the pancake wars, Jin and Jimin had scrubbed the kitchen for nearly 4 hours. There was egg and flour everywhere. I had no idea how it got on the ceiling, but they were made to clean it. I had to supervise them because they had started to fight again, throwing the lumpy flour at each other. I had back up with me, so they had no chance.

Jungkook had stood on one side of me and Yoongi on the other. Every time they had tried to fight again, Jungkook rolled his sleeves up and they quickly stopped. I don't know why that scared them. Then when Jungkook wasn't there, all Yoongi had to say was 'I'm tired' and they stopped.

"Baby" Jimin said quietly "Are you watching the film?"

"Not really," I said, "I spaced out"

"So did I" Jimin sighed and pulled me onto his lap, facing him "I was thinking"

"That can't be good," I said and he pinched my cheeks "Well, last time you started thinking, you ruined the kitchen and now we have to repaint it"

Jimin just smiled at me "It's about time I add some colour to this house. It's so plain"

I shrugged "It isn't bad. It suits you"

"It needs to suit us both" Jimin said, and slipped his hands to my lower back "I also think that the glass staircase should go. It's not really safe but when I moved in here I couldn't be bothered to get rid of it"


"And maybe change the unused bedroom into something else," He said "The spare bedroom can still be used as a spare bedroom because of the boys like staying here. Oh, and we can even knock the smaller bedroom into the other smaller one. They are just being used for storage right now. I bet you didn't even know I had more bedrooms"

"I didn't," I said slowly "Jimin, what are you planning?"

"I want to make my place more friendly and welcoming," He said, "Maybe add some photos. Oh! Why don't we have a couple shoot? I think we need a wedding picture of us so we need to have another wedding. This time, you will be smiling naturally and I will look natural"

I frowned "Jimin, are you feeling ok?"

"I'm great. I just think that our place isn't us" Jimin smiled at me "Don't you want our photos everywhere?"

"I wouldn't mind but what brought this on?

"I want your face all over my house," He said "Some with me cause I'm hot as fuck, but I want our place to feel like a family lives here"

"Family? You mean a married couple"

"That too," Jimin said, "Hana, I heard you talking with the boys...about having a family"

My eyes went wide "How much did you hear?"

"The important parts"

"You weren't mean to hear that," I said, "It was a private conversation and it was only a thought for the future!"

Jimin smiled softly "Hana, I love you. So, after I heard what you were talking about with Jin and Jungkook, I went to talk to Yoongi. I told him what you said and I then told him how I felt about it"

I bit into my bottom lip "It's too soon, I know. But, I didn't say that-"

"I want to," He said.


"Children," Jimin said, and his cheeks were bright red, "I-I think we should do it. Have children that is"

"R-really?" I said quietly "You really want children with me?"

Jimin nodded "I told you that I would be happy to have a family with you. I love you and I know I'm ready to have them"


"Yes. Stop saying really" Jimin said "Yoongi made me realise that I am. I didn't think that someone who resembles a grandad could be so...I don't know. He really helped me out. I'm glad I overheard your conversation"

I bit into my lip again and looked at him "I don't want you to say that if you don't mean it. It feels like we just admitted to loving each other and children is a big step. What if you don't like them? What if having children ruins your career? Oh my god. What if you lose fans!"

"Like I give a shit," Jimin said "If my fans can't accept that I love my wife and want to have kids, then they aren't real fans"


"And my career won't be ruined. I don't see how children will ruin my career in the first place"

"I know, but it will be even more stressful for you"

"The stress would be worth it" Jimin kissed me "If I get to see little Hana's and Jimin's running around, then I don't care about the stress"

I smiled "Is this really going to happen?"

"Of course it fucking is" Jimin pulled my cheeks again "And do you know the best bit about it?"

I rolled my eyes "I have a feeling what you are going to say"

"The sex won't be the best bit although that is going to be pretty fucking awesome" Jimin grinned widely "The best bit is going to see you glowing and smiling. I get to come home to see you and a baby or babies. I'd get to come home after work to see my family"

Jimin pulled me towards him and kissed me, his hands holding my face tightly. I kissed back and slid my arms around his neck.

"I love you Hana" He whispered against my lips "And I will love you till the end of time"

"Ew," I giggled "Who taught you that line?"

"Shut up Hana" He grinned "I'm just telling you the truth"

I kissed him and squeezed his cheeks "I love you too"

"Great!" He said, standing him up with me in his arms "Let's go"

"Go where?" I frowned.

Jimin looked at me like I was an idiot "To make babies. Where else?"

I laughed and held onto him tightly. Jimin stomped up the stairs like he was on a mission and my heart felt like it was about to explode. I was so happy. I still laughed as he dropped me onto the bed and yanked his t-shirt over his head, then struggled with the buckle to his belt. He cursed and hopped around trying to get his skinny jeans off.

Jimin looked at me laughing and smiling with me. Once he yanked his clothes off he came to me, and almost tore mine away from me. He grinned when I was naked, and he locked lips with mine. I held him against me and thought about the first time I entered his apartment. I never knew that he could change so much and change me into a more confident person.

Park Jimin was the love of my life and I was going to do my best to be the best wife and mother I could possibly be.


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