You Disgust Me

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Something shook me gently, and I mumbled telling them to leave me alone. I heard a group of chuckles and my eyes shot open to see Jimin squatting in front of me.

"H-h-hello," I said, quietly.

"Baby" Jimin said, forcing a smile "Baby, I thought I told you my members were coming around for dinner,"

"Yeah," I said, "You did"

"Then why are you not dressed?"

I slowly glanced down at my body and felt myself burn with embarrassment. The top I was wearing had shifted up during my sleep, revealing my stomach. The boxers had lowered showing the small V line towards my crotch. My ass cheek was on show. 

Oh shit.

I jumped to my feet and yanked the shirt down to cover myself up. I stared embarrassed at the 6 new faces watching me. They were probably disgusted. My body was horrible.

"I-I-I'll go get dressed!" I said and rushed off. I closed my bedroom door and jumped onto my bed, screaming into the pillow. I wish a black hole could swallow me up.

The door was kicked open and I looked up to see an angry Jimin.

"Hana!" He hissed, "How could you do that to me?"

"I'm sorry!" I yelped "I didn't mean to fall asleep"

"Why weren't you wearing trousers, and who said you could wear my boxers?"

I narrowed my eyes "I don't have any clothes here Jimin. What else am I meant to wear? The underwear from the wedding would be deemed highly inappropriate. Your trousers were too big for me. The boxers were the only thing that fit"

"You should have called me" Jimin narrowed his eyes back "I would have brought you back clothes. No one wanted to see you sprawled out half-naked"

I fought back tears "I'm sorry that I disgust you Jimin. I won't ever do it again"

"Disgust?" Jimin scoffed "Whatever. Stay here until I get you something to wear on your lower half. I won't have you expose yourself to my friends again. Do you hear me?"

"Perfectly well" I hissed "I won't expose myself to you either, since I just disgust you in every way"

"That's because you aren't Eujin," Jimin said, and I choked back tears "You can't compare to her and you never will"

I gritted my teeth and looked away from him as a few tears fell. Again, I was being compared to my perfect sister. I should have tried to run instead of marrying this ass hole.

"Stop crying," Jimin said, "All you do is cry"

"What else am I meant to do?" I screamed, "I wasn't supposed to be the girl you married!"

"Stop it" Jimin shook his head "You are feeling sorry for yourself. Freshen yourself up and I'll give you a pair of trousers. Eujin might have left something here"

"I won't wear her clothes," I said, "Get out. I won't leave the room"

"You should be acting like my wife"

"I'm not going to act like anyone" I hissed "Get out. Don't worry. I'll keep my disgusting self in this room and I won't bother you again"

"Hana" Jimin warned, "You will come downstairs and you will-"

"Fuck. Off" I said, through gritted teeth and his eyes went wide with surprise, "Go away and leave me alone. I won't be paraded around in front of your members as a plaything. The only time I will act like a wife, is when we are in public. But even then, you should count yourself lucky I even want to be seen with you"

"Lucky to be seen with you?" Jimin turned his back and paused at the door "'re right. You do disgust me"

I grabbed a pillow and launched it at him "Get out!"

Jimin was shocked when I pushed him out of the room and when he caught me crying...once again. I slammed the door in his face before he could say anything else, and I fell to my knees crying. I heard him curse and walk away.

I wanted to go home. 

My parents wouldn't let me go back to them, but I had colleagues I could stay with. They would look after me, and not tell anyone I was there. They were better than the so-called friends I had in school. They were all fans of BTS and they would let it slip that I was away from him. I'd be mauled by the press and I'd make myself look like a fool.

I did, however, have a group of close friends that I could call but they were really busy and probably had no time to rescue me,

I climbed into my bed, hugging my teddy close to my chest. It was the only thing I could grab from my hotel room before Jimin came bursting in and dragged me out of the hotel. He didn't bother to let me pack some clothes and I was stuck in a wedding dress I didn't want to wear and the teddy that went with me everywhere.

I wasn't sure how long I cried for, but when I looked out the window, the sun had long set. The moon shone brightly in the sky, and stars flickered. I sniffed and wiped my eyes. I was hungry but I didn't want to move from my room.

Not when Jimin was downstairs with his friends.

My hunger grew stronger and I couldn't keep it from being fed. I went into my bathroom and splashed my face with cold water, hoping it would make me look a little bit more presentable. I didn't want to look like a complete idiot. I already did that well by exposing my body.

I opened my door slowly and saw a pile of clothes with a note.

Wear these. Please. You need to feel comfortable.

I scoffed but pulled on the pair of tracksuit bottoms, that fit me perfectly. These weren't my sisters. She didn't own a pair of those. She always opted for little skirts, jeans or leggings. I pulled the oversized jumper on and walked towards the stairs. 

Jimin and his friends were sitting on the sofa, laughing with each other. Jimin looked up as I started to walk down the stairs and he stood up. I walked straight past him and into the kitchen, raiding the cupboards for food to take back to my room.

"Hana," He said quietly behind me. I ignored him "Please don't ignore me, Hana"

I turned around "What?"

He sighed and ran his hands through his orange hair "I'm sorry"

"Sorry?" I said, almost hissing "Is that...forget it. Whatever, thanks"

"Wait" Jimin grabbed my wrist "You may not like it, but you are still my wife and I needed to say sorry"

I still glared at him "I'm sorry to...that I was made to marry you"


"No," I said quietly, pulling myself free from him "I'm not Eujin and I never will be. Jimin, when these 6 months are over, you won't ever get to see me again. You'll be free from the disgusting embarrassment I am" I stepped away from him "When we are around your friends and in public, I'll pretend to be the perfect wife, but don't expect anything else from me because you won't get it"

Jimin sighed "Hana, thank you"

"Just stay away from me," I said, walking away.

"Thank you for cleaning my apartment!" He called after me and I stopped on the stairs "Our apartment"

I turned to face him with a big forced smile "What else is a wife meant to do for her husband?"

Jimin looked crushed but I ignored the look and walked back upstairs, locking myself in my room with junk food and fizzy drink.

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