Sister Sister

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My jaw had become sore from how hard I was gritting my teeth. My nails were dug into the palm of my hands and I was sure that I was scowling and looking like a demon. But I didn't care.

Not when my sister was near me.

Her fake laugh made me think of nails being scraped on a chalkboard and I turned my head, not wanting to look at her. I knew I was making my parents angry, but I didn't care. My sister was a witch and no one could see how manipulative and fake she was. 

Kim Eujin was perfect in the eyes of my parents. But I knew better. I had physical and mental scars to prove it. Of course, my parents were too blind to see how nasty she had been with me growing up. All the scratch marks were my doing to get attention and how could my perfect older sister ever lay a hand on me? 

I wanted to leave. I wanted to run home and into the arms of Jimin but I knew I couldn't. Because my sister would follow me and I would have to take her with me because my parents would tell me to do so. There was no escaping this painful mean with my family and I had to agree to it so they would leave me alone.

"Hana, stop with that disgusting face and eat your food" Mum hissed at me.

I turned to look at her "I'm not hungry"

"She is on a diet mum" Eujin smirked at me "Can you not see that she has gotten fatter?"

Mum looked me up and down "Now you mention it she has put in some weight around her stomach and chin. Hana, you should take better care of yourself. Look at Eujin and take some notes"

My nails dug deeper into my palms.

"Maybe you should eat a salad" Eujin giggled "Or maybe you should just drink some water. If you order a salad you would order some grease. Jimin doesn't like fat girls, so maybe you should sign those papers"

"I'm not signing anything" I snapped.

"Mind your manners," Dad said, "Sign the papers. Eujin is back and can marry Jimin now. You were never meant to marry him in the first place"

"So?" I said, "Things have changed. Jimin doesn't want to get a divorce anymore"

"You really think that he loves you?" Eujin sighed, "You are so dumb. He's only saying those things because he feels sorry for you. It's all for the cameras remember?"

I looked down at my hands when they felt wet. Shit. I made them bleed. I grabbed the tissues and held them against the claw marks. Eujin sniggered and carried on talking to my parents about some job she has lined up.

I stood up and left the table, and no one noticed. They had their heads stuck so far up Eujin's ass I wasn't sure they knew what day it was. I locked myself in the bathroom and rinsed my hands. It stung but I was too angry and upset to care.

Eujin should have just stayed away. I didn't know what she had planned, but I wouldn't be surprised if my parents would be involved. When it came to my sister, they always took her side and helped her out. Even when she was in the wrong.

When she turned 16, she hot-wired a car and got arrested. They picked her up from the police station and she was in tears saying that it was me that made her do it. According to her, I had threatened her with a knife saying that if she didn't do it, I was going to stab her. I got into so much trouble for something I didn't do. My parents even slapped my face. I could still remember that smile she wore as she watched me get torn apart.

I opened the bathroom door just to be shoved to the floor. Eujin closed the door behind her and squatted down in front of me.

"How disgusting," She said looking at me "If dieting doesn't work, why not make yourself throw up?"

"Stay away from me," I said quietly.

"Not going to happen when you are still married to my man" Eujin jabbed her finger into my chest "Sign those papers or else"

I slapped her hand away from me "No. I'm not going to sign anything"

Eujin smirked and got to her feet "You left me with no choice"

My eyes went wide as she dragged her nails down her arm, leaving deep, red nail marks. She smirked at me then screamed out. The bathroom door was yanked open and she fell into my mum's arms, crying.

"Darling!" Mum said, "What happened?"

"Hana!" Eujin cried "She suddenly attacked me!"

My parents glared at me.

"I didn't do anything!" I exclaimed, "She did that to herself!"

"Do you really think that we would believe that?" My dad hissed "How could you? Eujin is your sister!"

"I didn't do anything!" I argued but there was no point. They weren't going to listen to me. Eujin was never a liar. She was always right. Always perfect.

"I'm going to ask you to leave once," Dad said, "And if you don't I will get you removed from my property"

I got to my feet and glared at him "Don't worry dad. You don't have to bother calling someone. I'm leaving and I won't be back"

"You will once you sign those divorce papers" Mum hissed at me "You are disgusting attacking your own sister"

I ignored her and went to get my things. Tears fell down my cheeks but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Especially my sister. Even though I was still scared of her, I would fight her till the very end. I wasn't going to sign any papers even if they were forced in front of me.

Jimin was my husband and I loved him. Eujin didn't deserve someone like Jimin. Eujin didn't deserve anyone. I hated her. I hated my stupid parents. I finally thought I had found some sort of peace but my family always seemed to ruin it.

I climbed into my car and raced off. I knew that speeding was a bad idea but I was so upset. I needed to get home and see Jimin. He would be at home and he would hold me as I cried. He would tell me that everything would be alright.

Jimin would tell me that he loved him.

I swiped away my tears that were blocking my vision and when I moved my hand, I didn't have enough time to swerve the car driving on the wrong side of the road to overtake a lorry.

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