Not Again

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My music was playing loudly as I unpacked the shopping. Jimin was with his members practicing for another award ceremony and PDnim had told them they were to practice until they dropped. Something about them becoming lazy and it wasn't good enough for his standards.

That was this morning, but I felt he had gone out for a meal and drink after. They were celebrating a birthday...I think, but I wasn't sure because Jimin had told me when I was half asleep, and it was 4 in the morning when he told me. It was now after 9 at night, so he probably would come home drunk.

When I had woken up, I had so many messages from Minhyuk and his band members, in the group chat I was in with them, then I had loads from Mamamoo and then to put the cherry on the top of the cake, my parents asking me to come home one night for dinner. They thought it would be a good idea to get everyone together like we used to do. Of course, my lovely sister would be there. I turned it down saying I was busy but I knew I would have to go at some point.

Ever since Eujin had shown up at Big Hit, she was messaging me non-stop. So far, there were no stories about me in the papers but I had a horrible feeling that one would show up sooner or later. Eujin would do anything to ruin my life and do anything to get back with Jimin. Even tell the world that the marriage was forced onto us because she ran away. I never did get to see the man she ran off with so it made me wonder where he went.

After unpacking everything, I quickly made some noodles, and I went to watch a movie. A rom-com starring Ryan Reynolds. My celebrity crush other than my husband. I giggled the whole way through and when the credits started to roll, the front door opened and in came BTS drunk as hell.

Not again.

"Where is my wife?" Jimin slurred his words "Hana! Where are you?"

The others told him to be quiet, thinking that I was in bed. I sighed and walked over to them. They all screamed when they saw me, then started laughing.

"Fuck" Hoseok laughed "I almost pissed myself!"

"I think I did" Taehyung snorted and then laughed even harder.

Jimin stumbled over to me. He grinned widely before kissing me, not caring that his friends were watching. He moaned into my mouth and I quickly pulled away before I stopped breathing.

"Hello wife," He said burying his face into my neck "Ah, I missed you so much"

"How gross" Yoongi said, "Well, we are off"

"No" Jimin said, nipping at my neck "Wife, baby, beautiful, my love...can they stay over?"

"Yes!" Jungkook said and then he burped "'cuse me. Sleepover!"

"Hell yeah," Namjoon laughed "Make way. I'm taking the spare room"

The boys half ran, half stumbled after him. They obviously wanted the room.

"Fuck this" Yoongi said, "I'm sleeping on the sofa"

Jin sighed "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let them drink this much. I thought that Namjoon was going to control them more"

I smiled and Jimin held me tighter "It's ok. At least I have food for breakfast this time"

"Mmm," Jimin said, "You smell sooooo good, baby. Do you taste as good as you smell?"

"Ah!" I gasped as he started nibbling and sucking on my skin "Jimin! Stop!"

Jin chuckled "Shit. Do you need me to help you get him to bed?"

"Yes please," I said, struggling to get him away from me "Jimin, let go"

"No" He moaned "Call me your handsome, sexy husband and I'll let go"

"Why are you so clingy?" I complained "Jimin"

"I  missed you" He said quietly "I won't let anyone take you from me. You're mine, Hana. Mine, mine, mine"

"Can you please let me s-s-sexy husband?"

Jimin let me go and pecked my nose "Ok! Night baby!"

When Jin came back, I was sitting with Yoongi. We sat in silence for a while until Yoongi spoke.

"We didn't mean to let him get that drunk," He said "It's just...well...we had a company birthday and everyone was there"

My stomach dropped "Eujin was there"

"She was," Jin said, "Don't worry. We made sure to keep her away from him. You can trust Jimin anyway"

I rubbed my face "I trust Jimin. I don't trust my sister"

"We'll look after him," Yoongi said, "She won't try anything"

I shrugged "She'll do anything to ruin my life. Anyway...I should probably get to bed. Jimin is calling for me anyway"

They both smiled at me and said goodnight. I made my way up to the room and Jimin was spread eagle on the bed singing my name. A burp cut him off and he laughed. I smiled slightly and closed the door behind me. Jimin patted his chest and I sighed as I climbed into the bed.

I rested my head against him and he hugged me.

"Do you love me?" He mumbled and ran his finger up and down my arm "Do you want to be my wife forever?"

I laughed "Yes...I do"

"Is that your answer to both?" He sighed.


Jimin laughed "Wifey for lifey"

I rolled my eyes and nodded "Only if you want me to be...and if you love me as well"

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Jimin said and made me look up at him. I ignored the pain in my neck "I don't want anything else in this world...other than you"

"That is so cheesy" I mumbled.

"It's true" Jimin smiled at me "If anything happened to you, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. If I had married Eujin, I wouldn't have been this happy. I'm glad that she ran off and I married you"

I looked away from him "I know"

"Don't ever leave me," Jimin said, but he sounded like he was begging me "Don't leave me...please"

I hugged him tightly "I won't leave you. I promise you"

Jimin hugged me back and kissed the top of my head "I love you...I love you so much Hana"

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