Who Does She Think She Is?

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"Are you a bitch like her too?"

As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it. I had never answered back someone and now I was going to pay for it. I answered my sister back once and ended up getting beaten up by her.

"I think you should go away," Jimin said "Oh and for future reference, if you ever compare my wife to that bitch of a sister, I will ruin you and that stupid band you are in. Are we clear?"

Sulli gasped and shot a look at me before running away.

"I'm so sorry!" I said to Jimin "I didn't mean to sound so rude! I shouldn't have said anything"

"Actually" Jimin said, "I'm glad you did and I'm kinda proud of you"

"I feel so stupid" I said, covering my face "I am trying to be seen as the perfect wife and-"

"Enough" Jimin laughed "I'm sure she has heard worse"

"I don't want to cause you any trouble" I said quietly "Your image is-"

"Nothing when it comes to you" Jimin muttered so only I could hear it. My heart skipped a beat and my mouth went dry "Don't worry about my image. I'm here to protect you as your husband. So if anything bad comes out about you all I have to do is click my finger and the press will turn on her"

I sighed "I'm still sorry"

A microphone squeaked and the MC spoke into it letting everyone know that the ceremony was about to start. Jimin winked at me and I had to look away from him or he would see how red my face was.

Bands were going up and down to the stage collecting awards, including BTS. There were loud screams when they went up on stage and when the last category came up, I had a feeling that the other bands didn't stand a chance when they were up against BTS.

When their name was called out, I couldn't help but grin. I jumped to my feet and into Jimin's arms hugging him tightly.

"Congratulations!" I said in his ear and he hugged me back "Oh! Sorry, you better get you award"

"I don't mind letting them wait"

"Come on lover boy" Yoongi said, smacking his ass "Don't make out on camera"

I giggled and hugged the other boys before they made their way to the stage. I sat down watching them collect the award and then listened to their speech. I could hear other girl bands muttering about me and I tried to ignore them but it wasn't working. They were doing this on purpose.

I kept my smile on as I saw people take pictures but when they ran around to take pictures of others, I felt it drop. Why did people have to be so mean to me? For once, I actually felt good about myself and they just had to put me down. This was why I didn't trust people.

My guy 'friends' either used me to get closer to my sister or my girl friend's had me as a friend because it made them feel better. Not to mention, get closer to my ever so popular beautiful older sister.

"Hana" Jungkook said, making me jump "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I forced a smile "My cheeks hurt from smiling so much"

"It's good to see you smile," Namjoon said sitting down "Here. Do you want to hold it?"

"I'm ok" I said.

Jimin insisted I held it and I sighed "See, it's not that bad"

"Can you just take it back?"

"Nope!" He grinned "You can hold it wife"

I groaned "Take it back. I have to go to the bathroom"

Jimin took it back and I excused myself and went in search of the bathroom. I held my head low as I walked by girl bands that were just giving me evil stares. Shit. I should have held it high, but my confidence had dropped.

I did my business but as I was going to come out of the cubicle, a bunch of girls came into the bathroom bitching...about me.

"Who does she think she is?" One hissed.

"She suddenly turns up out of nowhere and marries Jimin?"

"This bitch is really pissing me off"

"I prefer Eujin. This girl is nothing compared to her older sister" I knew that voice. It was Sulli "I can't believe that he stood up for her, and not me!"

"She is his wife"

"This is fucking bullshit" Sulli hissed "Just you wait. I will fucking ruin that girl. I'll make her wish that she never met Jimin. He was supposed to get with me. Eujin told me that she was running away and that I had a chance. But no. That fat ugly bitch married him"

"Did she really think that she looked good in that dress?" A girl laughed "She looked awful and Jimin must be too nice to tell her she looked disgusting"

"Fuck this" Sulli said, "I'm going back and I am going to flirt with the guy. That bitch won't say shit and he won't do shit"

I waited until the coast was clear to come out and I didn't want to go back to the table. I wanted to go home and cry.




The 3 words I was used to hearing. I blinked back tears and stared at myself in the mirror. Maybe I was putting on some weight. Maybe the makeup was too much. Maybe the dress was a little too revealing.

I sighed trying to pull myself together. Think of something happy. Think of Jimin.

No. Not even that was working.

Hana. You need to go back out there. You need to forget what they said. Jimin said you were beautiful so you were... a shame I didn't feel it.

My phone buzzed and I checked it. It was from Jimin.

Jimin: Have you got lost? <3

I smiled at the heart at the end "Alright Hana. You can do this"

People were staring at me as I walked through the place, heading towards my table. I saw my friends and they waved me over. I smiled as I approached them.

"Well done on your award" I said.

"Thanks Hana" Jooheon sighed "I was scared we weren't going to win"

I shook my head "The others didn't stand a chance. I'll message you later Minhyuk alright? I need to talk to you"

"Um" He said, looking worried "Ok"

I said my goodbyes, and headed towards the table. I spotted Sulli and my heart dropped to my stomach. Don't let her beat you.

She is just jealous.

I Ain't Your Mama [[PJM]]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now