Breakfast In Bed

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I groaned in protest as someone poked my cheek. I slapped the hands away still groaning but whoever it was carried on poking me. A whinge escapes my mouth as my cover was yanked from me, leaving me cold.

"Go away" I mumbled, blindly trying to find the cover. Instead, I met something else. I opened my eyes and realised I was just feeling up Jimin's bare chest "Oh! I'm sorry!"

He grinned "Good morning"

"Why did you wake me up?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes "I didn't sleep well"

"Well," Jimin said, rubbing his neck, "I thought I'd make you breakfast in bed"


Jimin stood up and dragged a table over to me and I stared down at the breakfast on the tray. He had a big grin.

"Um...thank you," I said looking back at the food. It was pancakes, toast and boiled eggs. I think. 

The pancakes looked rock solid, the toast was burnt and when I opened the egg, it was still raw.

It was a nice thought and he looked proud of himself.

"It's rubbish isn't it" Jimin said looking down at the food "Shit. I'm not a great cook. I just thought it would be nice to-"

"I'll eat the pancakes" I said, "But the egg and toast, maybe not. Thank you Jimin"

"No problem wife" Jimin grinned and climbed onto the bed, crossed his legs and stared at me still wearing his grin "Well, tuck in"

"With you watching me?"

"I want to watch my wife eat,"

"Have you been drinking?" I asked poking the pancakes. I gingerly put a bit in my mouth and covered up my disgust with a cough.

"Here! Have some coffee," Jimin said and I sipped the coffee "It's shit. Isn't it"

"I didn't want to be mean" I said quietly, "But how do you burn the toast?"

"Get dressed. I'll take you for breakfast" Jimin sighed and took the tray and rushed to the door almost tripping over "Hana, wear the red dress I bought for you. I think you would look really pretty in it"

"Ok. If I have to,"

"Good! Meet me in the kitchen"

I dragged myself out of bed and realised I had a smile. Oh god Hana. Is that what breakfast in bed does for you? I sighed and quickly sorted myself out and went downstairs.

"Jimin!" I exclaimed, "What have you done to the kitchen?"

"Ignore the mess" He grinned "I'll clean when we get back. I swear,"

"You cleaning?"

Jimin chuckled "Come on wife. I know a great place that does pancakes"

I sat opposite Jimin in a small restaurant eating proper pancakes. Jimin had a big pile and was going through more plates than I could handle.

"Jimin" I said and I laughed when he looked up at me, mouth full of food and step down his chin. I handed him a napkin and he went red as he cleared his face up.

"Yes, wife?"

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

Jimin sat back in his chair "I should have been nice to you to begin with. You were right. I was selfish and didn't take your feelings into consideration" He shrugged "I was so used to being selfish in relationships that...look Hana. For what I said to you and for what I've done, I truly am sorry"

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