I Missed You

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I didn't want to be here without Hana supporting me but I had no choice. I had to make a public appearance and have this interview.

I ran my hand through my hair "Namjoon, if they ask me about Hana I'm walking off"

"It's not live," He said "Our manager has spoken to her about the questions so don't worry. If she asks about Hana's condition the interview is over"

"I hope she doesn't," I said "I should be with Hana. They want to wake her up today"

"We can go straight to the hospital after the interview," Jin said "Heck, I'll even drive you there"

I smiled and nodded. My name was called and I went to get my hair and makeup done. No one said anything. The room was tense and I blamed myself for that. I didn't want to be here and my mind was elsewhere. I wanted to be there when Hana woke up. It's where I should have been.

"Alright guys," Our manager said "Let's get ready and head to the interview"

We all nodded and followed him to the set of chairs. The girl smiled at us and shook our hands.

"Jimin, before the cameras start rolling I just want to say that I hope your wife is in a good condition," She said "And no questions will relate to her accident in any way"

I swallowed the painful lump in my throat and just nodded.

"Alright, guys. Get comfortable"

I let my head drop when the interview was over. It had gone on for too long and I wanted to get away from everyone.

"Jimin, are you ready to go?" Jin asked and I followed him out of the building. There was press trying to get through security and I sighed as their cameras went off and they started yelling.

"Jimin!" One called "Is it true that your marriage to Hana was fake?"

"Is it true that you were meant to marry her older sister?

"What made you choose Hana over Eujin? What makes her better than a model?"

I gritted my teeth and climbed into the car. I had to keep calm.

"That bitch" Jungkook said "Her sister is in hospital and that's all she cares about"

"PDnim will sort this out," Namjoon said "Eujin is not going to get away with this"

I couldn't trust my voice. I felt sick. Eujin was spiteful and she was disgusting. To think I loved her at one point. Was I that blinded by her?

"Let's just go to the hospital" I muttered "Eujin better not be there"

The drive to the hospital was quiet and long. I sighed when I saw the press looking for a story.

"Are you sure you don't want to go the back way?" Hoseok said.

"I'm sure" I pulled my hood up "I just want to see Hana. Alright?"

I jumped out of the car and the security fought the press away. We all headed up to the 3rd floor where Hana was and I froze when I heard her parents shouting at the nurse behind the desk.

"What do you mean we can't see our daughter?

"We have every right to see her!"

"I'm sorry!" The nurse said, "But we were given strict instructions on who to let in. I'm sorry that I can't let you in"

"Is there a problem?" I asked walking over to them. Hana's turned to face me "Well?"

"Yes, there is a damn problem!" Her dad hissed "Why can't we see our daughter?"

"Because you don't care about her," I said, "You are only using her for fame. I'm not stupid. I know your game and I won't let you play with her. Not anymore"

"You have no say in my daughters care" Her mum shouted at me "That girl is still my daughter"

"She doesn't need  parents like you" I snapped "I heard what you have done to her and I have seen it first hand"

"How dare you"

"I'm Hana's husband whether you like or not" I shrugged ""I love her, you do not. I will do everything I possibly can to look after that girl and I will not compare her to anyone else"

Her mum smirked "You think you love her, but you don't. That girl is good at making people feel sorry for her"

"Eujin is the girl for you" Her dad said.

"No. Hana is the girl for me," I said, glaring at him "I can see the divorce papers sticking out your bag and I suggest you burn them. I won't sign a thing. Hana is my wife and she will remain my wife"

"You will regret marrying that poor excuse of a daughter"

"Strike one," I said, "Carry on because I can have you banned from this hospital. You are lucky you came up this far"

"The world will know that this marriage is a fake"

"Strike two!" I said with more annoyance "If anything gets to the press, I know where to come. None of the stories you will spread are going to be believed"

"Watch yourself"

"And strike three" I smiled at them "I hope you enjoyed your fame. Now, I'm going to see my wife and you won't be seeing her"

I walked by them and I could still hear them yelling at me when I reached Hana's room. I shook my head and opened the door. My mouth almost dropped open and I ran forward pulling Hana into my arms.

"Baby!" I said almost crying "You're awake!"

"Ow" She croaked and I quickly let her go "Wow"

"I know," I said wiping my eyes "You missed my handsome face"

"Yes but...I was going to say that you look like shit"

I laughed and kissed her gently "I've just had an interview. I can't look like shit"

Hana coughed slightly and shook her head "No. I know when makeup is trying to hide something and you look like shit"

I smiled and held her face in my hands "I missed you so much"

"I m-m-missed you too," She said just above a whisper. I kissed her again and the guys cleared their throats "I missed you guys too!"

I sat back in the chair and sighed, like the weight of the world was lifted. My wife was back. Hana came back to me.

I just had to deal with the stories in the press.

Hana wasn't going to come to harm.

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