I'll Cook For You

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I had my face covered so no one recognised me as I stepped into the building. I had got here without any trouble, so I was hoping no one out snap a photo of me going into this bands block of apartments.

The door opened and my friend smiled at me. He then saw the suitcase and he hugged me as I burst into tears.

"Hana!" Minhyuk said, "Why are you crying? Come in. Quickly"

He walked me to the living room where the other bandmates were and they stopped smiling.

"What's wrong?" Minhyuk said, sitting me down "Did Jimin do anything?"

"He's just an idiot!" I cried into his shoulder and he patted my head "I was so stupid. I should have run away just like my sister"

Minhyuk sighed "Just throw divorce papers at him"

I sniffed "I can't. Not until 6 months are up"

Shownu tutted "You should have run away"

"I'll get the spare bed ready" Kihyun said, "I'll make something to eat. Alright?"

In the evening, we were watching a horror film. I was sat next to Minhyuk and Jooheon was hiding behind a cushion beside me. I never knew why he agreed to watch the film, but it might have been because he wanted to stay with us all instead of going to bed early.

"Our manager says that you can stay as long as you need to" Minhyuk said, "No one will know you are here apart from us. Does Jimin know you are here?"

"No" I muttered "I don't want him to know"

"What if someone finds out you are staying at another mans apartment? One full of 7 men that is" Wonho said, "Wouldn't that cause more problems than necessary?"

"We only have to act like husband and wife in front of the cameras" I said, "The only reason why you know about this is because you were at the wedding, and saw me get dragged into the bridal suite. No one else knows"

"Hana, why did your sister run away?" Hyungwon asked.

"Jimin is an asshole," I said, "Just like her. But, she said she was in love with another man and that Jimin was just someone to get her fame. I didn't see who she ran away with"

"I never understood her" Minhyuk said, "When I met you in school, I thought she was pretty but she was a witch. Always thought she was god's gift to men. I always thought you were better than her"

"One of the few guys who did" I muttered.

"Don't put yourself down!" Changkyun said, "Anyone can see you're better"

I snorted "What do you want? With all these sudden compliments, I keep thinking that you all want something"

"Well..." He grinned "Can you cook for us? It's been a few months since we've seen you"

I sighed "Alright...I suppose I should say thank you for letting me stay here"

"I'll help," Kihyun said, "This film is boring me"

"Boring?!" Jooheon said, "It's fucking horrible!"

I giggled "It's not scary. More...boring actually"

"There is something wrong with the lot of you" Jooheon got to his feet "I'm going to bed. This film sucks"

 I got to my feet and stretched my arms "I'll cook for you guys. Anything in particular?"

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