Chapter forty

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"Shit." Hayley cursed lightly, staring at the father of the original hybrid in recognition and surprise, "Umm, Nik meet your dad.."

"Excuse me?!" The hybrid asked sharply, not wanting to snap at the gorgeous she-wolf but knowing that his temper was incredibly short, especially today with the interaction with his mother.

Ansel stared at the emerald eyed beauty in bewilderment, not knowing how she would have known how he was Niklaus's father. From the look in his sons eyes, he could already see it : how in love he was with the oblivious female, but he wisely kept his mouth clamped shut about that fact.

"Vision?" Freya questioned shortly, not wanting to give the man she and her family obviously didn't trust yet any information about them or the werewolf mother they'd all grown fond and protective over, she was their family now as well.

"Visions." Hayley nodded, never getting tired of the fact that the Mikaelsons never questioned her and that they truly, genuinely trusted her. It was rather heartwarming.

"Well what should we do?" Freya quizzed rather awkwardly and quietly. She wasn't opposed to letting the man into their lives, gradually of course, but she knew her half-brother would probably oppose it out of sheer fear.

"It's up to Nik." Hayley gave a one shoulder shrug, looking over at the oddly still Original Hybrid. She wasn't about to be the one to make the decision about what happened with his biological father. The decision was entirely up to him.

"He can come with us." Klaus eventually decided, swallowing down his emotions. He didn't truly know if he wanted to give his biological a father a chance at being an actual father or give him a chance to hear his side of the story - but, honestly, the hybrid didn't believe he currently had it within himself to kill his biological father. So maybe with time, he'd let him in. We'll see.

"So.." Davina trailed off awkwardly looking toward the man - Ansel - who now stood in the compound, looking around curiously. Davina had stayed behind when everyone else has left, someone needed to stay with Hope and she was more than happy to do that. "Your Klaus's father."

"I am." Ansel immediately nodded, a proud look on his face at the thought of his immortal son.

"Esther brought you back didn't she?" Hayley quizzed as she walked downstairs with a mug of tea in her hands, she'd gone upstairs to check on Hope immediately but she wanted to hear more about Ansel and get to know him a bit. She did hope Klaus gave the man a chance but nobody was forcing him.

Hayley didn't really appreciate how the show had Klaus kill Ansel. He already had enough traumatic daddy issues and that was certainly not what he needed. And sure she understood it was for Hope, but it wasn't as if Ansel was going to harm Hope - no if anything he wanted to protect her. Hayley wondered what it would be like if Ansel had lived, maybe he would have been a excellent and caring grandfather and father. But, who knows.

"She did indeed." Ansel nodded, his gaze shifting to the stairs which he knew his granddaughters room to be up : he wasn't about to barge into the room but he was rather, noticeably eager to see her, but he wanted to get to know his son first and foremost.

"Why?" Klaus basically whispered out, he was consumed in his own thoughts - he wasn't positive if he wished to give the older man a chance at being a father or not. He didn't like showing his feelings to anyone and it was getting increasingly hard as the list of people he cared for continued to grow - something he hadn't initially intended to happen and didn't know how to feel about it. He hated weakness.

"I'm not sure." Ansel replied honestly, gazing at his son with a familial softness and fondness, even though he had only known and spoken to him for not even a hour, Ansel already felt that parental love and he found himself despising Esther more for that fact she kept him away from his only son.

"Perhaps she planned on using you as leverage." Elijah mused, referring to Ansel. He too wanted his little brother to give his father a chance because he had a gut feeling that the outcome would be great. But he also knew his brother well enough to know he was on the fence about the decision as he severely hated any type of weakness. Emotional or Psychical.

"I would agree with that." Hayley nodded, before looking between the father, son duo and the clear tension which lingered in the air. "Would you like to meet your granddaughter?"

Klaus's head whipped toward Hayley faster than anyone could even comprehend and Ansel's eyes lit up at the prospect of meeting his granddaughter for the first time.

"I would love to."

Hayley met Klaus's eyes and sent him a reassuring smile mixed with a look that was clearly challenging him to disobey her. So Klaus sighed and walked silently with his father to his little girls room.

"Awww." Hayley silently awed as she snapped multiple pictures of the cute scene for the photo album. In Ansel's arms was a curios Hope who looked up at her grandfather with her big blue eyes and next to them was Klaus who looked down at his daughter with pure adoration, the scene was adorable in Hayley's opinion. "In the photo album this goes."

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