Chapter forty one

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It had been two days since they family had become acquainted with Ansel and they have actually being getting along with him great

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It had been two days since they family had become acquainted with Ansel and they have actually being getting along with him great. It was obvious that since Hayley's arrival with the family, they slowly began to let people into their hearts easier which is why it was easier for Ansel to genuinely get to know all of them.

The past two days had been spent relaxing, bonding and simply enjoying one another's presence. For the Mikaelson family it had been extremely relaxed and none of them would say that they were complaining.

Finn and Camille went on another date together and have finally started dating - but as the gentleman he is they are taking it at a pace Camille is comfortable with instead of rushing into anything.

Because of their new relationship status, Camille had to properly meet the Mikealson family. Of course she'd both seen and heated of them from various people but she had never actually had a conversation with any of them. The blonde bartender was well aware of the supernatural, her uncle - Father Kieran - had eventually decided to tell her as a safety precaution and she had adapted to the world with the supernatural rather quickly. Even developing close and personal relationships with some supernaturals, namely Finn Mikealson.

The Mikealsons had all instantly clicked with the blonde, much to Finn's and her own relief, it wasn't as though they'd break the pair up if they didn't like her but his family's approval and acceptance mattered to Finn.

Rebekah suggested that they all go to a safe house which the Mikealsons had used back in the day, as Christmas was coming around - a safe house which Hayley knew to be used in season two, episode nine of the originals. She knew that immediately because she was one of the people guilty of rewatching OG Hayley and Elijah's sex scene - anyway..

Everyone agreed to Rebekah's idea, liking the sound of a small trip away from New Orleans for Christmas - of course Hayley was aware their content moods would plummet as soon as they came back to New Orleans because of a certain Mikealson witch, one which they had not murdered - unfortunately, but she wanted everyone to be happy while it lasted.

"How much stuff do you need, woman?" Kol huffed out dramatically as everyone got out of the cars which they'd drove to the safe house.

"You never know what could happen." Davina defended herself as she grabbed the rest of her bags and loaded them into Kol's arms.

"What is in here?" Kol quizzed incredulously as he moved the stack of full basically over flowing bags further up in his arms so they wouldn't fall onto the grassy ground - lord knows how pissed Davina would get.

"I may have brought scooters for the girls." Davina shrugged as she smiled angelically at her boyfriend who looked at her completely bewildered.

"Why?!" Kol exclaimed in exhaustion, usually he was the immature one but it appeared his beloved also had an immature side to her. My god is this how it was dealing with him when he was childish? he suddenly felt sorry for her.

"Why not." Davina shrugged, skipping ahead of her boyfriend in through the double doors, leaving him to stumble and catch up with her - trying desperately to not drop her bags.

"Here let me help." Ansel offered to Hayley who held Hope in her arms while trying to get out the bags from the trunk of the car.

"Thank you." Hayley breathed out gratefully as she handed her daughter over to the older man who gladly, happily took a hold of her.

"No, thank you." Ansel retorted gently, his words having a deeper meaning than Hayley's had.

"For what?"

"For giving me a chance at having a proper family, getting to know my son and being able to hold my adorable granddaughter." Ansel spoke with so much gratitude. He was truly more happy than he had been in a long time and it all appeared to be thanks to the emerald eyed beauty.

"You deserved it, Ansel, your a good man, a good father and a great grandfather." Hayley smiled softly, throwing one duffle bag over her shoulder while she wheeled two suitcases with her hands.

"Are you guys coming?" The Original Hybrid grinned broadly as he leant against the doorframe of the main entrance. He was really glad that he allowed his father into his life, the older man already having such a positive impact on his life even though they'd only known him for a few days, but he finally felt fully connected with his werewolf side - Ansel had told him many stories about his own upbringing and more about accepting the werewolf part of himself, seeing it as a gift instead of a curse and he'd forever be grateful of both his father and the she-wolf who managed to get him to open up with his father.

"We are." Hayley nodded, beaming brightly when she looked over and saw Ansel throwing her daughter in the air playfully while Hope giggled and clapped her hands. Them two together were undeniably adorable.

"Come on then." Klaus chuckled lightly to himself when his daughter giggled and clapped. He'd never grow tired of simply watching over her.

Hayley smiled at Klaus as she made her way up toward the entrance, the older hybrid immediately taking her luggage even when she protested and said she was fine with carrying it.

Their time here was going to be fun, they could just tell.

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