4.3|Ishqa • Stalk me|

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Your boyfriend is coming to meet your family.

Your brother is already impressed by him.

Your cousins can't stop praising his chivalry.

There are 99.99% chances of him being your future husband.

You are eagerly waiting for him to arrive.

You are unable to contain your excitement.

And suddenly the doorbell rings.

You went running to open the door with a hope that it's him.

But when you open the door, it turns out to be the guy who once tried to flirt with your cousin.

This is what Qainaat was feeling.


The man standing in front of her was the same guy who, according to her, tried to flirt with Zahra in the university.

"Qaran Bhai! Qaran Bhai!"

The poor guy was confused at what happened to this lady. He doesn't even remember meeting her and she is fuming like he stole her puppy.

Hearing Qainaat's ear-deafening voice, Qaran, Zahra, Zania, and Qainaat and Qaran's parents came there.

"Bhai, Dad, this guy is stalking Zahra. Call the police right now."

"Stalking? Hello, miss, I am not stalking anyone."

"Oh really, then what are you doing here?" Qainaat asked in a sarcastic tone resting her hands on her hips.

"I am here to meet someone."

"Stop lying. Qaran Bhai, call the police."

Zahra was standing at a side, confused. But her numb senses took an action hearing the name of the police.

"Qaran Bhai, he wasn't flirting with me. He saved me from falling. Qainaat and Zania came at the wrong time and misunderstood the whole situation."

"Zahra, you are innocent. You don't know their cheap tricks."

"Qainaat-" Zahra's words were cut short.

"What's happening here?" Ahsan's voice grabbed everyone's attention. He stood on the doorsteps, besides that so-called stalker guy.

"Ahsan, he is-" But Ahsan enthusiastically cut her off.

"My brother Aram Ali Khan."


Qainaat was...


Mouth agape.

The shock was written on her face.

She insulted her future brother in law!

"Your brother?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah." Ahsan smiled.

"What if he is your brother's duplicate? Or his long lost twin brother?" Qainaat, at that moment, hoped that all that duplicate-thing she saw in those Indian Soaps is a true phenomenon, if not then she is literally dead.

"Qaina, I think you have lost your senses in the excitement of us being together."

"Are you sure he is your brother?"

"Yes. Why are you behaving like this? And why others are also looking surprised?"

"Because your Qaina thought that I was stalking her cousin."

Someone, please give two spoons of poison to Qainaat, she really needs it right now.

"I am so sorry. I misunderstood the whole situation." Qainaat apologized.

"And were about to get me arrested." Aram was openly showing that Qainaat has ruined her impression in his eyes by doing this blunder.

"I think it's better if we meet some other day. I am afraid if my temper messed up the situation even more." Saying this Aram left.

Qainaat's face fell. But Ahsan smiled.

"Qaina, don't worry. Bhai is just a little angry. In our next meeting, his mood will be alright."

She nodded with a tiny half-hearted smile.

Zania tried to uplift her cousin's mood, "Qainaat, everything happens for a reason. You should be happy that you did this blunder. Or else they would have eaten your cooked food. After which Ahsan's brother would have rejected you for sure." Well, Zania again had a point.


And this followed a series of wars in the Raazdani house. Pillow war, Slipper war, and most important Qaran war, in which Zania would hide behind Qaran and Qainaat's slipper would hit him instead of Zania. But he won't complain at all. Oh, this damn love!


The war ended but Zania was still laughing like a maniac.

"Zania, stop laughing. That day you had also bad-mouthed about him." Qainaat was getting angrier hearing Zania's peal of laughter.

"But he is not going to become my brother in law. So no regrets."

Qainaat pouts, but it didn't affect Zania. Both of them just need a chance to trouble each other.

"Zania, please make a cup of coffee for me." Qaran requests, while settling on a couch.

"Qaran Bhai, why don't you eat the food I cooked. It's going to be wasted so you eat it."

"Qainaat, I don't want to die bachelor."

"You are so mean! You know what, you and Zania are the same. Made for each other. I'll pray that you both get married and make each other's life hell." Letting out her frustration, Qainaat left.

But her words just made the situation awkward for Qaran and Zania. Both of them were praying that Qainaat's words turn into the truth. However, they didn't dare to look at each other.

"Umm... I'll bring coffee for you." Zania ran away from there getting shy all of a sudden.

While Qaran just smiled, mentally thanking his sister for her wish.


Aram was sitting in his room. He was recalling what happened at the Raazdani house.


He wasn't angry with her anymore. It was her protective behaviour towards Zahra which made her do that. If he was at her place he would have done worse than what she did.

Moreover, Qainaat was a perfect match for Ahsan. Ahsan was one of those people who would never raise their voices for their rights thinking that they don't deserve it. Qainaat was the polar opposite of him. She was a rebel, who knows what she deserves. Aram was sure that Qainaat will never let anyone hurt Ahsan.

And Zahra.

He was delighted. Now through Ahsan and Qainaat, he will get more chances to meet her, to know her and to understand her.

There is no point that she remembers him. Maybe she is unaware of who she exactly is. Neither Aram wants her to know it. It's better to keep her away from the truth as long as possible.

However, he can't understand why she is living with the Raazdani family. And Zania is her sister? That's not possible. As much as he remembers her mother, Asifa, could not conceive after her birth. Where is her mother?


He looked familiar. The tiny mole on his face reminds him of a blurred memory. A memory of him playing with a kid who had a mole exactly same like Qaran.

"Bhai..." Ahsan's voice broke his train of thoughts.


"Qainaat's father wants to meet you."

Aram smirked.

Maybe he will get the answers to all his questions from Qainaat's father, Zaid Raazdani. That man surely knows everything, which nobody knows. It was time to revisit the past.


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