9.4|Aaira • Afraid|

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"Mr. Mittal, your wife is suffering from a mental disorder called Schizophrenia." The lady psychiatrist told him, and her utterance said a lot about the gravity of Aaira's condition.

"What's this disorder?" It was the first time he had heard this word and he had no inkling about what exactly it meant.

"Mr. Anay, the one suffering from Schizophrenia has a very odd reality than us. Because the nerves which sends information to their brain aren't working appropriately, which means their brain receives inappropriate information. And that inappropriate information is the reason of their unrealistic realities. The common symptoms are hallucinations, delusions, disorganised speech and behaviour. And Aaira is displaying all these symptoms."

"How this disorder can be cured?"

"Maybe you don't know but some psychological disorders can't be cured, and Schizophrenia is one of them. It lasts for years or lifelong. But yes, through treatments, medications and therapies, patient's condition can be improved to some extent. Moreover, I want to ask, do you have kids?"

"No. But why?" He couldn't understand why she asked this question.

"Because, genetics can also cause Schizophrenia. Which means your future kid also has chances of acquiring Schizophrenia."

Anay could feel his heart thumping loudly, his hands were sweating, and his whole body was numb.

It was his wish to become father after the age of 35. Because he wanted to solely focus on his business. But now he regretted it. But sadly, he could do nothing to rectify this.

He regretted avoiding Aaira's pregnancy. Maybe his ignorance was the reason she developed this disorder. And maybe giving into her wishes could have avoided this disaster.

"I hope your wife will accept this. And be careful, being a Schizophrenic's spouse you are also prone to develop this disorder. Keep your mental health in check. Moreover, we need to start her weekly psychiatric sessions. Make sure she visits regularly."

"Thank you, doctor." Saying so, he left.

Preparing himself to face his wife with this newfound disaster of their life.


He entered their apartment, to find her sitting in the lounge. Waiting for him. Waiting for her reports.

"Anay, what did the doctor said?" She stood up and ended the distance between them.

He looked at her, and the way he looked, she knew something is terribly wrong.

"Let's sit and talk." He held her arm and made her sit on his lap as he seated on the couch.

"Anay, don't scare me." His actions screamed that he is getting emotional. And he rarely gets emotional.

He snaked his arms around her waist, putting his head on her chest. Her hands reached to caress his hair.

"You know, every person has a very different point of view towards reality. In your case, your whole reality is different than others. When God was making you. He focused more on giving you a beautiful heart and in all this he did a little mistake. He did a little mishap in your nervous system. And that's why your nerves send improper information to your brain, which makes your view towards reality unique."

"You mean, my reality is not your reality?"

He nodded.

"This condition is called Schizophrenia. All those times you were hallucinating. Your brain was tricking you."

"Is it serious?"

"Its not that severe in your case. But you need to visit the psychiatrist for weekly sessions. And... Can we please not start family planning until you don't recover? Doctor said it can effect our future kid as well."

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