| Baano • ʘ‿ʘ |

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Baano leaned into the warmth that engulfed her in it's embrace. It felt good sleeping in someone's arms after a long time.

She hates him for leaving her.

When she needed him the most.

His love for her was fake.

He never loved her.

If he loved her then he wouldn't have left her when she was carrying his child.

She hates Armaan.

And she felt a kiss on her forehead.

“Baano, why are you crying?” A voice boomed in her sleepy mind that was floating somewhere in the universe of sleep.

She again felt warm lips on her forehead and a hand caressing her babybump.

“Baano, tell me, baby. Why are you crying?” A hand caressed her wet cheek.

A sense of familiarity with this touch rebelled against the slavery of slumber. And her eyes jolted open as she recognised the touch. The touch that belonged to her husband.

She saw him smiling softly at her. He cupped her cheeks and asked lovingly,

“Why were you crying in your sleep?”

“I am missing Armaan.”

“Oh. Well, I miss him too. Life without him must be boring, right? He was such a comic character. And look at me, who has no time for his wife.” He sighed.

“Yes, he was better than you. I miss his silly, innocent words.”

“And I miss being the Armaan I was once. Even my beard doesn't feel like mine. Like all of a sudden Amrish Puri replaced Amitabh Bachchan!”

You thought Baano married someone else!? 😜😜😜

If Armaan got to know about this, do you know, what he will say?

I'll add it in my next project. 🤣🤣🤣

“But Amrish Puri didn't had beard.” Baano pointed out. Side effects of marrying The Armaan Gill.

“Baano, focus on my emotions instead of beard.” Armaan being Armaan can't stop being Bollywood-ish. After all, he is a filmmaker in Bollywood now.

“I can't focus on anything. Do you know how much I missed you in the last three weeks?”

She spent five hundred and four restless hours without her husband, when they were expecting their first child.

“I know, but I couldn't change schedule of the film shoot, Baano. But I promise, I will take a break of two years from filmmaking to enjoy our parenthood.” He smiled hopefully. Even thinking about becoming a father sent waves of happiness flooding his heart.

“Promise?” She pouted while asking.

“Promise.” He sincerely smiled.

“Okay. You must be tired. Let me cook something for you.” She was about to get up but Armaan's arms tightened around her.

“No, no, let my baby sleep. Don't disturb her slumber. I'll myself make instant noodles.”

Just say, Armaan, you don't want to eat Baano's cooked food. Her cooking skills are still the same. Non-existent.

“Then make some for me as well.”

“No, you can eat healthy noodles in the morning, but no instant noodles. You should eat healthy food only. I don't want my daughter to be a fragile like you. She will be daddy's strong girl.”

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