5.1|Tamas • Smoke N Roses|

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A moment earlier Qaina was waiting for her cousin Uroosa to return. She was feeling suffocated and nervous standing in the middle of a crowded shopping mall. People roaming around and there she was standing like a statue. She couldn't risk moving from her place. It was s terrible idea.

Sharp high-pitched yelling of old women, wailing of kids, laughing of teenagers, a couple arguing and so on. She observed all the noises around her. It felt lively yet scary. Her life was filled with darkness and silence, this liveliness was foreign to her.

But shockingly everything went silent. She couldn't hear yelling or wailing or laughing. Only Silence. She wondered what would have happened.

She heard footsteps. A man was running. His steps seemed tired and scared. He was scared of something. He was running to save himself. The sound of his shoes grew louder, he was running into her direction.

But suddenly, a gunshot echoed in the empty complex and she heard a thud sound. That man fell on the marble floor lifelessly.

Again the silence lingered onto the atmosphere. At that moment Qaina realised how much frightened she felt. A murder happened around here.

Would running be a good decision?


She could smell a faint scent of smoke and roses in the air. Someone else was present around her. Maybe the murderer.

She went stiff. Her breathing turned irregular, she struggled to breath properly. Beads of sweat formed on her frowned forehead. Even if she was blind, her eyes were still wide open in anticipation.

Will the murderer kill her as well?


She didn't dare to speak. Maybe the murderer leave her alive thinking that she is blind and is no threat to him.

However, she was proven wrong when she heard a voice.

"Shah Sahab, should we kill this girl?" A rough voice asked, maybe to his boss.

There were more than one man present there. Now she could smell the scent of cigarette, petrol, ashes as well.

"Shah Sahab, just give order and she will be dead the very next second." Another voice spoke.

Their words were causing her chest to tighten in fear. She wanted to cry but crying seemed a tough task when she was a second away from her death.

"She is harmless. She can't see. Let's leave." A voice spoke, which unknowingly seemed soothing to her ears. Maybe because he told his men to leave her alive.

"What if she is faking blindness?" Someone else asked.

But no reply came from their boss.

The atmosphere that was filled with death turned into deadly silence. Soon enough she felt a breath closer to her hair. The same scent of smoke and roses filled her nostrils and she understood that their boss, Shah Sahab, was checking if she is blind or not.

A wave of light air kissed her face, like something flew away closer from it. He was moving his hand in front of her eyes. As expected she didn't react to it.

"She is blind. Don't worry."

Sound of loud footsteps was heard next which lowered down every passing second. And after a minute or two Qaina was sure that they left. They left her alive. He left her alive.

But someone else became victim of their cruelty. They killed a man in her presence.

A sob escaped her mouth, which followed her cries. Her fragile frame fell on the floor and cried until the police came to the crime scene.

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