9.1|Aaira • Abnormal|

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"Good morning." She heard him whisper in her ear and felt him lightly bite her earlobe.

Her sleepiness vanished at his touch. She opened her eyes, and saw him standing with a food trolley at a side.

"When did you came from the office?" She asked.

"Just a while ago. And I thought why don't I surprise my wife with her favourite breakfast." He smiled and sat beside her.

His hands moved to caress her disheveled hair which resembles a bird's nest, yet she looked pretty to him.

Aaira held his hand in her palms, and looked into his eyes lovingly.

"Anay, I miss you a lot."

"Aaira, we live together in the same house, sleep on the same bed, how do you miss me then?"

"But we hardly get time for each other."

"Hmm, but we got this moment, right?"

She smiled at his words and moved closer to him, to kiss him. But he put a finger on her lips.

"First go and brush. Then we will eat breakfast and we'll have rest of the day for our kissing sessions."

"Alright." She nodded and stood up, not before kissing him on his cheek.


She giggled and headed to the ensuite bathroom. But before she entered, she heard him again.


But his tone wasn't mischievous one like before, it was tired. She turned around to find why he sounded tired.

And what she saw was...

Anay entering the bedroom in his office clothes, his laptop bag and coat in his right hand. He looked really tired, as if he didn't slept whole night and worked in the office.

But how it can be possible?

Just a few moments ago he was talking to her romantically sitting on the bed, and now...

"Anay, how did you change so fast?" She asked, a minute ago he was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants but now he was wearing a white shirt and black pants.

How he changed so fast?

"Aaira, I am not in the mood to answer your riddles. I am very tired." He slumped on the bed and covered himself with duvet. His coat and laptop bag lying carelessly on the edge of the bed and he didn't even bother to remove his shoes.

"But you had prepared breakfast for me. And told me to brush before we kiss. You forgot?" Aaira looked towards her bed, to her shock that food trolley was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, so you want a kiss. Aaira, just kiss me then, I am your husband, not someone else's husband."

"Anay, I am not joking!" Why he never believe her words?

"Alright, I believe you. I made breakfast for you and told you to brush before we kiss. Now, can I sleep?" He never believe her imaginery stories, because it never happened between them.

He never danced with her in the middle of the night.

He never bathed with her in the shower.

He never talked about having a baby with her.

He thinks it's her way to convey her wishes to him. He gets agitated sometimes, but he was sensible enough to not let this strain their relationship.

Aaira's eyes filled up with tears of frustration. Why he never believe her? Or he is playing with her? Or she is getting mad?

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