4.5|Ishqa • Broke me|

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Your brother for the first time in his whole existence has given you a gift. A cute little puppy.

But the same brother lost it somewhere.

How will you feel?

Because that's exactly what Qainaat was feeling.

Zaid Raazdani, for the fifth time in the last three hours, is putting drops in his ears. Because Qainaat's loud wailing has caused him pain in the ears.

While Afifa Raazdani has simply put cotton in her ears. Because she has experienced this torture many times in the last twenty-one years.

Zahra and Zania are trying to console Qainaat. But Qainaat's pitch was increasing with every passing minute.

"Qainaat, calm down. Qaran has gone to find Silky." Zania said.

"How on this earth he will find my baby in this vast city?"

"Silky's collar had a tracking device. Qaran had specially inserted it for such situations. So don't worry. He will trace Silky and bring him back."

"Qainaat, have some more ice cream." Zahra offered.

"I have lost my appetite. I won't eat anything till the time my baby don't come back." Qainaat said, grabbing a giant bowl of ice cream from Zahra. She began eating it, taking big scoops. She ate a total number of four ice cream bowls while crying and saying "I won't eat anything."


"Oh, my baby." Qainaat was sitting in the garden with Silky in her arms.

"Qaran Bhai, where did you find him?" Zahra asked.

"In a lorry carrying dog food."

"Kids, I have good news for you all." Zaid Raazdani said in a cheerful tone while entering the garden.

"Oh! Are we getting a new addition to our family? Well done, Dad. I am proud of you." Qainaat being Qainaat said whatever came into her mind.

"Shut up, you, big mouth. I am talking about your engagement with Ahsan. That will happen the day after tomorrow. It will be a simple family affair, nothing extravagant." Well, Zaid Raazdani was scandalised at his daughter's words.

After listening to this good news, Qainaat was doing her happy dance in her mind.


Raazdani house was filled with the aroma of delicious South-Asian delicacies. It was quite hard to resist those tasty aromas.

Qainaat was twinkling like a star in a white Sharara with golden embroidery. She was looking simple yet elegant.

Zahra and Zania also wore white to twin with Qainaat. Zahra's dress was a frock suit while Zania's dress was a Garara.

Following this white theme, Qaran opted for a shimmery white Kurta.

While Qainaat's parents were wearing colour coordinating yellow outfits looking like an adorable couple.

It was around ten in the morning when Ahsan and Aram arrived. And both the brothers were wearing blue Kurtas, looking no less than Princes which they were.

Ahsan sat beside Qainaat on the couch. He smiled but that smile could not reach his eyes. He looked disturbed.

"Ahsan, is something wrong?" Qainaat asked. She could see distress in his eyes, like he was bearing some burden on his soul.

"No... Everything is alright."

"Are you sure?"

Ahsan looked at her, into her eyes. He was unsure. He knew he is hiding a big secret from her, but he didn't dare to tell her the truth. What if she left him? He can't lose her.

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