7.5|Rich Hearts: Contentment|

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Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favour fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

{Fire and Ice by Robert Frost}


Diva closed the poetry book she was reading as she felt a wave of distress hit her. Something was bothering her, actually everything was bothering.

Amyra's hazel green eyes were bothering her. She resembled Advay a lot and anyone could easily guess that she is Advay's daughter, and it's true.

However, Abeer's contentment was also bothering her. Since high school she knew Abeer had some kind of psychological problem. But she never pointed it out because somewhere deep she knew that she was the reason of it.

He was obsessed with her. What he felt for her wasn't love, but obsession. He was addicted to her.

And now she regretted ignoring his mental health. She thought if they will be together, if she always stayed by his side, then he will be okay. But it only worsen his condition.

Over the top, her affair with Advay. It just ruined everything for her, but still she will never regret it. How pathetic!

And Abeer hated Advay. But how is he so happy raising Advay's biological daughter as his own child? It was also bothering her.

Abeer was never a selfless person. He was kind, generous, but not selfless.

Is it because of her? He is afraid if he didn't accept Amyra she will leave him.

Of course, she will.

But no, it doesn't seem so.

It seems as if he is getting obsessed with Amyra too. Not because she is Diva's daughter, but because she is his daughter on the legal papers.

Nothing was making sense to her.

Abeer was more than the Abeer she loved. He had a dual personality. One Abeer was whom Diva loved and the world appraised. Second Abeer was the one who kept his presence hidden, and who never trust anyone.

"You are still awake?" Abeer's voice disturbed her thoughts.

She looked at the wall clock which showed it was midnight now.

"I was reading Robert Frost." She showed him the book she was holding.

"Come to bed." He said with a mischievously stern voice and pulled her cheek, making her smile.

"I am coming with your dinner." Saying so she headed to the kitchen.

Abeer was working really hard. Previously, he worked hard only to compete with Advay in the business world. But now he worked hard for his family. And his rivalry with Advay had ended a year ago, when Diva chose him even when she was bearing Advay's child in her womb.

He entered the bedroom and removed his coat and tie. A smile bestowed upon his face as he saw Amyra sleeping in the middle of the bed. He silently sat beside her tiny sleeping frame and leaned to look at her angelic face.

Even if she resembled Advay, he couldn't deny that she was the most beautiful baby he had seen. Actually she was the only baby he had seen so closely. The only baby he will have. His only child.

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