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Coach Finstock is currently standing over my tired excuse for a boyfriend who is (against my heavy suggestion) sleeping through our last study class before our Econ exams. I shake my head as Isaac lets out a faint snore. It's not like Isaac would study for a test he thought he'd fail anyway.

After Coach seems to realise that Isaac is indeed asleep and isn't taking the piss, he leans down close to his ear. "Lahey!" He shouts and Isaac starts.

His head bolts upwards and it narrowly misses Coach's head. "Answers 3b." He says as he yawns.

I close my eyes as scattered laughs and chuckles come from my classmates. I shake my head as I open them again and see Isaac giving me a big grin as he winks and then turns back to Coach with a smug look on his face. He was honestly going to be the death of me. Coach, who by this point looks ready to start yelling, is still glaring at Isaac.

He claps once sarcastically. "Wow, Lahey. Real comedian, we got here. Too bad, this is Economics and not stand-up comedy." Isaac smiles even wider and Coach's nostrils flare. "Why weren't you paying attention, huh?"

"Well," Isaac said and then paused to yawn, "sir, I haven't been sleeping well lately, I've had, ah certain things keeping me awake." I hear Scott let out a snort and Stiles stifles a laugh as Isaac turns to me so his message is clear.

I feel my cheeks heat up as I look anywhere but Isaac.

"Frankly, I find that horrendously disgusting." Coach says, shaking his head, "I really do." I look away from the conversation that makes me want to jump out the window and turn to the clock that is hanging on the wall.

There is one minute, one fucking minute till I can leave the classroom.

Coach shakes his head as he holds up a hand as though he's thinking over what he's going to say. "I think the problem, Lahey, is that you and the rest of your classmates seem to know startlingly little about Economics after I've been teaching you all for years-" And we're all saved by the bell of the rant Coach was going on. His rants consisted of about 3 topics, how he only wanted to be a coach but the faculty wouldn't let him, how we were all stupid and didn't know anything about Econ and him telling Greenberg to be more like another student (usually Lydia).

It's always the same.

I pack up my stuff as quickly as possible to get away from Coach and walk out the door, a smug Isaac trailing along behind me. I turn to him with a huff and he smiles weakly at me. I raise an eyebrow and his smile widens.

"Hi." He says with a cheeky tone.

"Hello," I said back shortly.

"I hope you aren't too mad at me, my love," Isaac says with a smile as he wraps an arm over my shoulder as he wraps me in a hug.

I try to maintain the façade of being mad but it doesn't seem to work well because in less than a second I break out into a grin as well. I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to Isaac.

"At least promise me next time you try to take on coach do try not to disclose your sex life to the whole class, especially if you plan to drag me into it. Please." I say as he leans down to kiss my cheek.

"Yes ma'am." He says with a sort of fake British accent. I grab his hand and pull it off my shoulder, intertwining our fingers  as we continue to walk down the halls to my locker. Stiles and Scott pass us and Stiles fakes a gag as he looks at us both and I flip him off. He slaps my hand away and continues down the hall with Scott who gives me a small smile that almost seems to be an apology.

Isaac's jaw clenches a bit as they walk past us and I shake my head. He still had certain disapproval of them, even now after they'd saved his life multiple times.

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now