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before the chapter starts I would just like to say thank you to everyone that has made it possible for me to hit 10k reads! you have no freaking idea how much it means to me. Also, shoutout to the regular readers that always comment on the new chapter, Rebekah_232stilessoulmatenew0s_Shiz_27and last but not least jamesieslilyflower. You guys mean the world to me!!


I look at Isaac and grab my hand back from his and he looks at me with a look of almost pity. I shake my head at him. 

"No. No, we're not doing this! Get out." I say and I gesture to the door and Isaac doesn't move. "Isaac Camden Lahey, I swear to god if you do not get out of my car I will call the fucking cops on you. Get out!" 

Isaac still doesn't budge and I reach for my phone which I had left in the cup holder but Isaac holds it up with a small grin. I glare at him and his smile fades. "Look I just want to talk to you." He says quietly. 

"And I don't want to fucking hear it," I say and cross my arms over my front. "I could throw you through the window if I wanted to." I snap and Isaac smirks at me. 

"No you couldn't, you're too tired," Isaac says and he pauses, "I know I've been a jerk. But please, you have to listen, you owe me that much." 

I roll my eyes and turn to him. "Five minutes," I say and I hold up five fingers to emphasise my point. "Then I will go inside your mind and force you to give me back my phone and I'll call the cops on you, and I don't owe you shit."

Isaac rolls his eyes at me but he purses his lips then as I look down at my fingers and examine my nails. "As you probably know I've been in the hospital. For a while, and while I was there I found something out." 

I look up from my fingernails to Isaac with shock. "You were in the hospital? Was it bad?" I ask startled. 

Isaac looks at me a little surprised. "I was in a coma. You didn't know?" He asks slowly. 

I shake my head slowly. "No one told me," I say simply. 

Isaac looks taken aback and maybe a little sad. "Would you've come to visit me?" He asks quietly. 

I look away from him and stare out the window. "I think we both know the answer to that." 

It was a lie, plain and simple. If Isaac had been in hospital I would've driven down as soon as I found out and visited him, regardless of the fact he was with Allison.

I turn back to him and he's nodding slowly. He sees me looking and swallows heavily but shakes his head as if to dismiss the thought. "Anyway, I just walked out of the hospital a few hours ago-" he starts but I interrupt him. 

"Hold up, you walked out of the hospital? Did you even tell anyone you were leaving?" I ask fighting an amused smile. 

Isaac smiles at me. "I think we both know the answer to that." He says quoting me and I laugh. The first laugh that has felt effortless since...well for a while. 

I shake my head smiling at him. "You really haven't changed at all," I say and look at him as he winks. 

 I missed this, I missed us, I missed him. But I'd die before I admitted that. 

I changed my face back to glaring at Isaac noticing the change and straightened. "Get on with it then. It's been 3 minutes." I say sarcastically as I look at him.

"You always had a tongue for sarcasm huh?" He asks amused and I narrow my eyes at him. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask and Isaac smiles at me. 

"Just that sometimes I'm a little amused at the fact you and Stiles never got together," Isaac says and I sit up straight as I look at him in disgust. 

"Huh, funny. Because I used to think you and Allison would make a cute couple. Looks like I was wrong though." I snap back at him and Isaac doesn't even flinch. 

In fact, he reaches forward and tucks a stray hair behind my ear and I bat his hand away. "What's gotten into you?" I hiss at him and Isaac stays smiling. "We broke up you freak. If you wanted to play the 'loving boyfriend' act maybe you shouldn't have cheated on me, especially after, what was it 3 months you were making out with Allison whilst with me?" I ask intending the question to be rhetorical. 

"4 and a half." Isaac corrects his smile growing. 

I gape at him. "Jee, thanks for the fucking clarification," I mutter. 

I look back at Isaac and there's a weird glint in his eyes that makes me want to slap him. 

While I'm observing his eyes they change colour. And not too yellow or blue, they go completely black. I startle back from him and if it was possible, his smile grows even more. "Isaac," I whisper a little concerned. I reach for his face and cup it in between my hands as I look at his eyes. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly.

Isaac reaches up and grabs my hand and rubs a thumb over it as he continues to look at me with eyes that are as black as coal. I try to pull my hands back but he holds them in place with surprising strength and he shakes his head slowly.

I try to pull back again but Isaac keeps my hands in place. "Isaac, you're scaring me," I whisper. "Please Isaac, what's wrong?" I pull back on my hands to try and remove them from his face again but his grip tightens, and eventually, it begins to hurt. "Isaac!" I hiss trying to snap him out of it, but he keeps squeezing on my arms. "Fuck Isaac, that hurts! Just let go of my arms!" I say.

Then Isaac removes my hands from his face but pulls my body forwards. and he changes his grip on my hands so he's holding them both with one hand and reaches the other hand out to caress my face. I pull at my arms but he ignores my attempts at struggle. 

I give up and decide to use my last resort. I summon all the effort in me and try to reach my power. I feel the familiar tug in my stomach that signals the beginning of my power but as I open my eyes and see that they have turned purple in the rearview mirror when I try to use the power itself I can't use my hands. I try to use my powers with them being held together but Isaac just tightens his grip even more, any tighter and the bones in my writs would break. 

So, I do the only thing left I know how to do. I scream. 

— — — —


I think over the flies that I had released when I'd used the knife to cut my torso and release them, there should've been enough to possess all the werewolves. If none of them was caught before they reached their targets. 

I lay down on the couch as I heard Isabella upstairs having a nap. Maybe I could just rest my eyes for a little as I planned how I would murder her. 

Whilst I'm lying down I hear a scream so loud it hurts my ears. I sit up and look around the room trying to find the source of it. But the voice is familiar, it's Malena. 

I run out the front door without even bothering to lock it and sprint to Stiles jeep and reverse out of the driveway much faster than the old car should go and follow the sound. The scream had been going for a good 10 seconds but had stopped now. I raced in the direction of Malena and swore to myself if anyone was hurting her I'd fucking kill them. 

— — — —

so that's chapter 40! 

I hope you all liked it, I promise there will be a malena x void interaction soon !

thoughts on the chapter? — — — —>

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