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sorry loves, not what you were expecting im sure, but there'll be a proper chapter up soon i promise xx


I felt myself lean into Lydia who was crying quietly beside me. I turned to Scott and he was shaking his head, I could tell we were all thinking the same thing: how could she?

-around about 15 minutes prior-

I stumbled out of the room that held my worst nightmare and was enclosing my friends. I turned to Malena and Scott and they were both smiling in disbelief. We were back out in the all recognisable school hallways that we had walked down countless times. I let out a small breath of relief and I hear Malena let out a smothered laugh. 

"We're okay!" Scott says with a smile as he looks at me. "We're ok-" He's cut off and hits the floor with an urgent thump. 

I turn to see none other than myself standing behind him with a smirk. He then turns to Kira and does the same. I try to let out a shout of protest but it goes unnoticed.

Malena stumbles back into Lydia and myself and her jaw is dropped so low it's nearly on the floor. Lydia moves to support her but can't manage both me and Malena at once. 

He turns to look at Malena and smiles at her with a lazy grin I had seen on my face too many times. "Hello, love." He says in a tone that suggests the pet name wasn't a new thing.

I turn to look at Malena with a clenched jaw and glower at her. "Love?" I ask, my tone sounding rageful, even to myself. 

Lydia tightened her grip on my arm and I ignored her. 

Malena looks at me frantically and shakes her head as she takes a step back around Lydia and me. He turns to Malena with a cocked eyebrow and a smile as he chuckles softly. "Oh Malena, you haven't told them yet have you."

I feel my insides fill with dread and even more pain as I look at my best friend who is getting paler by the second. She swallows nervously and Lydia looks at her warily. She shakes her head again and takes yet another step back and she squeezes her eyes shut. 

I can already tell she's planning a not so elaborate lie. 

I feel my gaze turn cool and I stand up straighter. 

"Tell us what?" I hear from over his shoulder and I see that Scott has gotten up from when he was knocked down and is staring at Malena with such intensity that I could cut the tension with a knife. I can tell he can hear her heartbeat, and judging from the look on his face it's not so steady.

Malena averts our eyes and keeps them trained on the floor as she swallows again. "I-um." She stammers and I look at Lydia who's shaking her head and gazing at Malena with a horrified expression. 

"Malena..." She whispers and even I can hear the disappointment in her tone. 

I shut my eyes as I realise what is happening, where this conversation is going. 

"Malena. You reek of anxiety." Scott says his tone rock hard and I can hear his shoes clip against the tiles of the hallway as he takes a step closer to us. 

I open my eyes and see she is looking at him with a pleading expression and I want nothing more than to punch him square in the throat, this was all my fucking fault. 

I look at Malena and my heart breaks for her. How could she not see that he didn't give a flying fuck about her? She belonged here, with Scott, Lydia, Kira and myself. 

"I-" Her words flatter and she shakes her head. "Fuck it. I kissed Void, no I hooked up with him! No, screw that I fucking love him! And you know what? I don't give a single fuck what you guys think!" She lets out a strangled cry and my soul breaks. "Because I am happy! Fuck, this is the happiest I've been in a long fucking time! So don't give me that fucking look Stiles because I don't fucking care what you think! As far as I'm fucking concerned you can all fuck yourselves if you're not happy for me! Because I'm happy!" 

I look at her and suddenly I can't breathe, the sadness that is building in my heart is so painful it feels like a rusty knife has been thrust into my side and someone is removing it and stabbing it back down, directly into my heart again and again. I let out a small gasp and shake my head to try and shake the last few minutes from my mind and tuck the memories of them so far away into my head that the drawers in which they are stored are locked so tight no key could open them. 

Malena suddenly is holding my gaze with an apologetic look and I glare at her and try to put all of my emotion into it. 

She turns to Scott and then Kira and she's looking down at her feet. 

I can't help myself as I step forward. "Malena," I say my voice tight and cold. "You are a monster, do you know that?" I feel the bitter taste of heartbreak on my tongue as I say the words and a tear rolls down Malena's cheek. "You have no fucking clue, no fucking idea how hard it was to live with that piece of shit in my head. You think you have it hard because we're all going to hate you for sleeping with him but did you ever stop to think about the consequences of his actions? To think about all the death he's caused and how now some of it will be on your hands? All that blood and all that death, innocent death. This isn't who you are Malena, this isn't the same girl I've known since preschool, the same girl I've been in love with since elementary school. He's turned you into a monster, as far as I'm concerned you don't exist to me anymore. And I won't ever forgive you for this, ever."

As I feel the words leave my mouth I can see the effect they have on her, the way she is surprised and overcome with emotion at the same time. I hadn't meant to tell her about the whole crush thing, at least not now anyway but I didn't care. Maybe if I had hurt her enough she would see sense. 

A tear rolls down her cheek and she doesn't say anything or even acknowledge what I just said. Malena lifts her head and wipes the tears off of her face and swallows loudly. "Fuck you," She says and her voice shakes as she looks at me.

I clench my jaw and fists and behind me, Lydia lets out a small gasp. I see Scott take a step forward toward the three of us and he's closely followed by Kira. 

"Fuck you," She says again and I glare at her. "Fuck you Stiles Stilinski! I fucking hate you!" She yells and then he's behind her restraining her arms and comforting her. 

Scott takes another hurried step toward us and Void leans down to her ear and whispers something softly and my entire body shakes with rage. 

She nods gently and he smiles and he leans back and kisses her ear and his eyes shut and his face contours with concentration.

Malena looks at me and the tears are gone and replaced with a look of heated rage, directed at not only me but also Scott, Lydia and Kira. 

She glowered at me and mouthed something 'your fault'. 

And then she was gone, completely disappeared. Scott reached the spot where Malena had been seconds ago and swore as he punched the locker closet to him.

"Fuck!" He yelled and then Isaac broke through the doors to the school holding the box that had been made from the nemeton wood and he had a massive smile on his face. 

"Guys! I have it-" He cuts off when he sees our faces. "What happened?" He asked his tone frantic. 

"Malena left with Void," Scott says his tone cold. 

Isaac looks at us in disbelief. "No-she wouldn't. Come off it, we're talking about Malena for goodness sake." Isaac says and then when he sees our faces and how we're not joking he falls to the floor and is shaking his head. "She can't. I can't lose her too..." He whispers his voice cracking. 

I felt myself lean into Lydia who was crying quietly beside me. I turned to Scott and he was shaking his head, I could tell we were all thinking the same thing: how could she?

— — — —

so thats chapter 53! hope you all enjoyed 52 from Stiles pov.

im sorry if you found it boring but i felt like it was crucial for the telling of the plot to see how stiles felt. 

thoughts on the chapter? — — — —>

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