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As I walked back to my friends I pulled out my phone, if I was going to do this I had to do it right. I went into my contacts and pulled up Isaac's contact. I hover over the block number button but in the end, I press it. Then I go to Allison's and do the same. Progress, this was progress. I had to start somewhere. I had cried too much over the two of them in the past 5 days and it stopped now. 

I force a smile at Scott, Lydia and Stiles. "Someone had to do it right?" I say shrugging my shoulders. 

"I'm proud of you, even if I would've gone over and thrown a punch or two at Isaac, I'm still proud of you," Lydia says looping her arm through mine. 

"To be honest, I think punching him would hurt my knuckles more than him," I say jokingly. This makes Lydia laughs. 

"Malena?" Void says smiling from behind me. I turn to him. "That was hot." He says quietly in my ear. I laugh and feel myself blush. 

"I never would've expected them together," Scott says frowning slightly. "But I don't know... somehow they work?" He shrugs. "Not as good as you and him though, but I'm sure they'll break up sooner rather than later."  Scott turns to the hall as Kira walks in and he smiles and gives her a hug. 

"To homeroom?" I say, linking my arm through Lydia's and then through Voids. 

"To homeroom," Lydia says smiling. "Good to have you back Malena." She says.

"Good to be back," I say quietly in response. 


The last period today is French. Normally I love French because I get to talk to my friends in a language I love, but now I have French with just Allison it probably won't be the best thing ever for me or for her. 

I sigh dramatically as I slump down at my desk in the back which I normally share with someone, but no one comes to sit with me today. I cross my arms and put them on my desk with my chin resting on them. It was going to be a long lesson. I look around the room for Allison and see she hasn't arrived yet, for some reason this makes me snort with laughter. Of course, I was avoiding her and now she was avoiding me. I reach into my bag and pull out my book and earplugs and sit up slightly so I can read my book. I place the earplugs into my ears and let the music take me away as I press play on my playlist. The song that plays is Rolling In The Deep by Adele. I almost laugh at the irony. Quietly I hum along to the lyrics as I read my book. 

The scars of your love, remind me of us.

They keep me thinking that we almost had it all.

The scars of your love, they keep me breathless.

I can't help feeling that we could've had it all.

You're gonna wish you, never had met me.

Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep.

You had my heart inside your hands, and you played it, you played it to the beat.  

I sigh and pull the earphones out, this was not how I planned to cheer myself up. I put my head on the desk and slowly bang it against it. 

"Stupid Isaac, stupid Allison, stupid me," I murmur quietly as I keep banging my head down. 

"Well, that's not going to do any good, love." I hear a voice say. I look up to see the smirking face of Isaac Lahey looking down at me. I blink several times unsure of what to do. 

"Isaac?" I ask. He nods and takes the empty seat next to me to sit in. "I was saving that for someone," I say coldly, composing myself. What the fuck was he doing here. The mixed signals coming from this asshole. 

"Sure you were." Isaac turns to me, as though he wants to engage in a conversation. I don't respond to the gesture in any way except for moving my seat further away from him. "I want to apologise." He says quietly. I still ignore him. "I never meant to cheat on you. I hope you know that." 

I turn to him in astonishment. "Do we really need to have this conversation, Isaac?" I say. "Just go spread another rumour about me or something. I don't care anymore." I turn my attention back to my book and he tries to grab my hand. I turn to him with malice in my chest. 

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." I spit, my voice full of venom. 

Isaac laughs at my expression, apparently finding it funny. 

"Fuck you, Isaac," I say.

 He opens his mouth to probably return with some witty comeback but I'm done with it. 

"No seriously. Piss off. I can't be fucked to deal with your shit anymore. Go crawl back to the hole you came from or Allison or something, I'm done. Seriously." I say. 

I'm about to go back to my book and ignore him when I suddenly remember the necklace that is swaying under my shirt. The one he gave me, the one that held nothing but a broken promise. I unclasp the necklace while Isaac is trying to figure out what I'm doing. I slam it down onto the table and pick my book up again. 

I see Isaac flinch slightly from the corner of my eye when he realises what it is. "Take it, I don't want it," I say, without taking my eyes off the pages in front of me. 

He sighs sadly, as if he wants to say something but just gets up and leaves. 

Once he leaves I'm free to return to my book and just mesmerise myself in the life of Jean Valjean and the 19th century whilst trying to forget myself. 


At the end of the day I go back to my car and sit down and just band my head against the steering wheel, when was this going to end? I was sick and tired of this shit. I drive home in silence, not even bothering to turn on the stereo. When I pull up to my driveway I see that the front door was open. It surprised me because I could almost definitely remember shutting it and locking it behind me. I frown slightly as I get out of the car but go inside anyways. When I walk in the whole place looks as if it has been ransacked. There's stuff all over the floor and books have been stripped off the shelf. It looks as though someone has broken in and I realise that they most likely have. 

I groan at the mess I have to clean up. I grab my phone from inside my bag and dial Stile's home phone number, I have to tell the sheriff right? Stiles answers on the third ring. 

"Hello?" His voice asks.

"Hey, it's Malena. I think...I think someone might've robbed my house but I'm not sure."I say into the phone looking around the room from outside the door. 

"Is anyone still there?" Stiles asks, I can hear noise in the background which I can only assume is him going to talk to Noah. 

"I'm not sure, hold up and let me check," I say. I'm about to walk into the house when Void's voice stops me. 

"Be careful, alright?" He says quietly.

"Yup," I say, my lips popping at the p. I walk further into the house and I think I see a shoe. "Hey I think I found something-" I start, but something behind me creaks and I turn just in time to see a figure in a mask swing a bat around. "Stiles help me-!" I shout into the phone just as the bat makes contact with my face and I drift into unconsciousness. 


Thats 11! Hope you enjoyed it! I love writing for you guys. Please vote and comment any suggestions you have! x <3 

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