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I woke up the next morning to Isabella turning over and her arm draped over me. I tensed as I tried not to move. Why did I always say yes to things that led me to stupid situations? Slowly so as to not wake her and deal with all her stupid fucking questions I got out of the bed and moved downstairs to make myself something to eat. 

I sit down at the bench and run a hand through my hair as I remember the events from the night before. 

"So, do you have a crush or anything?" Isabella had asked her voice high with fake interest.

She was wearing one of the shirts I had with me as a Pyjama top brushing her teeth. 

I looked at her and she was smiling. "No," I had replied shortly. She clearly misread my answer because she rinsed out the toothpaste from her mouth and came to sit down next to me on the bed. 

Her hand had trailed down my shirt to the hem. I looked over at her and she had just smiled encouragingly. "C'mon." She had whispered in my ear. 

I looked at her and I wanted to say no, honestly, I did. But something stopped me again and I didn't know how to deny her. All that I wanted to do was please her. 

I pulled her to me and lay her on the bed as I began to trail kisses down her throat. 

"Fuck." I murmured under my breath. "Fuck!" I said a little louder this time. I kicked the cabinet in front of me. This is not at all how I had intended Isabella's stay to go.

I sat back down and sighed. This was karma I suppose. 

"Void?" A voice asks softly from the stairway. I turn and it's Isabella. She looks concerned as she eyes me up and down. "Are you all right?" She asks. 

I look away and nod. "Yes, yes I'm fine," I say. I look out the window to Stiles's jeep outside. "Are you going to come to school?" I ask her as I turn back toward her. 

Isabella sighs and she walks down the stairs and sits down on the seat next to me. "I probably should, shouldn't I?" She asks absentmindedly.

I nod, "probably." She looks at me and smiles and I offer a small smile back. "We can enrol you as an exchange student or something if you want," I say still looking at her. 

Isabella nods. "Sounds good." She yawns and turns to me, "so, what's for breakfast?" She asks smiling. 

I smile back at her, she was growing on me. I have to admit. I stand up and move to her, "Breakfast later." I murmur as I lean down to kiss her. 

"Breakfast later." She says agreeing as she moves out of her seat without disconnecting our lips and she wraps her arms and her legs around me. 



I roll to my side on the mattress laid out on the floor. Malia lay next to me and had stolen the majority of the blanket at some point in the night. I yawn and Malia turns to me and smiles at me.

"I'm cold." She says simply and I laugh.

"Really?" I ask leaning up on my elbows so that I'm facing her, "the 20 blankets you stole weren't enough for you to stay warm?"

Malia smiles at me again, "no."

I nudge her head and get up to go make breakfast because everyone else is still asleep. As I go to the stove I look out the window and yawn. Last night was really fun, and I was actually really excited to go to school tomorrow.

As I'm making the pancakes Kira comes down the stairs yawning. "Hey." She says smiling.

I smile back, "do you want chocolate chips?" I ask as I gesture to the batter.

Kira races forward and dips her finger in, she pulls a sour face. "Ergh, they always taste better with chocolate chips. Yes please!"

I laugh as I move to Lydias's cabinet and search the shelves for chocolate chips. I pull them down and I pour about two cups in. I turn back to Kira, "hey I need to go home and get some more books for English. We have to read Romeo and Juliet and, of course, it's the only one I left behind." I say as I mix in the batter.

Kira nods slowly, "will Isaac be there?" She asks quietly. I startle a little.

"No, no I don't think so. He moved in with the um...Argents." I say turning away from her.

"Oh well," Kira says and she sighs, "at least we all had a go at them yesterday."

I almost laugh at the memory. "Yea if you look past me sobbing my eyes out."

Kira laughs, "must've missed that." She says teasingly.

I poke my tongue out at her as I pour the pancakes into the pan.

Malia walks down the stairs wrapped in a blanket and she takes a long sniff. "Pancakes." She says her voice almost sounding as though she's in a trance.

"Yup!" I say smiling at her over my shoulder.

She sits down at the bench next to Kira and moves her empty plate so it's further towards me and I laugh.

"First in first served." I tease as I put the first pancake on Kira's plate and Malia pokes her tongue out at me.

"Here, I'm not that hungry just yet," Kira says as she gives the plate to Malia whose eyes light up.

"Thanks!" She says as she stuffs it into her mouth. I start snorting as Malia eats it all in one bite.

"Jesus, what's all the noise from?" Lydia asks as she walks down the stairs yawning.

"Pancakes.," Malia says her mouth full of food. Kira looks at me and we burst into laughter. Even Lydia starts to laugh.

"As long as I get coffee I'll be happy," Lydia says smiling still as she moves to the coffee machine. I smile at her as I take out the second pancake from the stove.

"There should be at least 10 more pancakes, if you guys eat them all I will never forgive you," I say as I place the pancake batter down and go to get my keys.

Lydia looks at me confused. "Where are you going?" She asks.

"Back to my house, have to get a book from my shelf that I left behind.," I call over my shoulder. "Don't burn the pancakes!" I yell as I shut the door behind me.

I move to my car smiling and jump in and blast the heaters. I was quite excited to go home and Isaac is not there. I pull out of Lydia's driveway and begin the drive to my house.


As I turn the corner onto my street I see Stiles jeep parked out front. That confuses me as I thought he was still out of town. I pull up my driveway and get out of my car.

I walk up to the door and think about knocking but decide to just use my key. I open the door and there are two pairs of shoes at the front door. I recognise a pair of Nikes which I realise are Stiles and a pair of air forces that I've never seen before. I continue out to the kitchen hallway and I hear voices.

"Hello?" I call out and suddenly the voices stall. "Void?" I ask a bit louder.

There's a bunch of whispering and I walk out of the hallway and see another girl sitting at my kitchen counter. She looks up at me as I enter and smiles.

"Hi, I'm Isabella." She says and I look across from her and Void is leaning back against the counter. He gives me a small wave.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." I say as I look between the two.

"Busted," Isabella whispers to Void. He grimaces. 


first isabella x void x malena interaction and I dont think it could've been more awkward. 

lmk what you thought !

Also we hit 7k reads?? Wtf!?!?! You all mean so much to me thank you so much!

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now