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I had to know what I was. It was killing me not being able to help the pack because I didn't know what I was and they didn't want me to risk getting hurt incase I wasn't supernatural and I couldn't heal and it had been for nothing. I'd gotten so desperate I'd resorted to googling supernatural creatures, which was honestly a waste of time. I couldn't help but laugh at the extremely inaccurate werewolf description. I had already ruled out a few obvious options though, definitely not a werewolf or a ghost. 

I sat with Lydia at Scott's house talking about the options for what I might be. 

"Ooh maybe you're a vampire!" Lydia said excitedly. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"I'll drink your blood." I said in a weird accent which made her roll her eyes. 

"I'm just trying to help Malena. You could at least be real and try and help me out." She scolded. I  resisted the urge to roll my eyes, yet again.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" I said sighing. 

"Not be so cocky for a start," she mumbled. I raised an eyebrow at her but Lydia ignored me and kept going. "Whats been going on? Have you had any claws grow out of your nails, eyes that change colour, been bloodthirsty, heard voices in your head, cast any spells, turn yourself invisible. Anything like that?" She asked listing them off on her fingers. 

I ran over the past few weeks in my head. "I had a dream where I was hearing voices and when I woke up they were still talking." I explained. "Erm no glowing eyes, that I know of. No bloodthirsty urges or killings. I haven't cast any spells but It'd be cool if I could." I said wistfully.

"So you heard voices in your head?" Lydia asked carefully. 

"Well, yeah. But I could've been going crazy." I said hearing the worry in her tone. 

"Have you heard anything else? Like maybe  fly or wings when nothing was there?" She asked her voice tight with restraint. 

"I heard a moth in my room a while back for something like three days but nothing was there that I could see and nothing came of it. Why?" I asked slowly. 

"Shit. Oh shit. Theres not just one of us." Lydia said mumbling as she pinched her temples. 

"What?" I demanded. 

She looked at me after a long pause. "Malena, the same thing happened to me before I forged out I was a banshee." 

Banshee. I was a Banshee. 



I was going to do it. I was going to check myself into Eichen house and make sure I'd never get out. It was to much of a battle with the Nogitsune at this point. Everyone knew I was possessed but the only person who didn't care was Malena. I wasn't sure why but she'd tried kissing Void so many times now. I couldn't tell if she loved me as Stiles or the Nogistune as Void. It made my head hurt more when I tried to think about it. But I  had a strong feeing it was Void she liked more.  

"Mr Stilinski?" A nurse said from around the corner I sat up in the seat I was slumped in and looked at my dad who was anxiously fiddling with his keys. "This way please."

We sat down in a small office as she talked us through everything. "First 72 hours there's no phone calls, no emails, no visits. We will be taking you from here to a brief physical. In the morning you'll be assessed by a staff psychologist, speak to a social work and attend group therapy." 

My dad sat next to me quietly. "I feel like we're forgetting something."

The nurse mentioned for me to change my shoes and empty my pockets as my dad muttered something about my pillow.

I sighed as I turned to him. "Dad it's okay, don't worry about it."

"No your going to need it. God, I cant believe I forgot it. It's always the first thing you pack whenever we stay at a hotel or go anywhere." He rambles on before I can stop him.

"Dad it's okay. You can bring it tomorrow. It's alright." I say comfortingly. 

My dad looks overwhelmed with everything thats going on as he says. "Stop. Enough Stiles! Im not checking you in here if you're not going to set one good nights sleep!" He says raising his voice slightly.

I put a hand on his arm in a comforting manner. "Dad, I haven't had a good night sleep in weeks."



"He checked himself into where?!" I yelled at Scott. 

"Eichen house." He muttered quietly. 

"The asylum? You sent him to a mental hospital?" I was pissed that no one had told me. "Why didn't you tell me? Or, better yet, stop him?"

"He wanted to go there. To protect us and himself." He mumbled in reply. 

"Void isn't even a bad person." I snapped. Everyone turns to me in surprise. "Okay maybe his but whatever." I stutter, trying to cover myself. 

"I'm going after him." I say in angst.

"No your not."  Lydia growls.

"Yes I am. I'll check myself into that stupid fucking place if I have to." I say sitting down on a seat next to them both. 

"No you wont Malena. You hardly know how to use your supernatural abilities, in fact you don't know how to use them because you just found out what you are. You have nothing to fight him with." Lydia hisses at me. 

"Wait you found out?" Scott asked curiously. 

"Not now Scott." We both snap at him. 

He shrinks back into his seat as I turn to Lydia.

"I will go after him." I say forcefully. 

"Just wait a few days or something okay?" Lydia says sighing as she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Wait 24 hours. We can visit him then and check you in."

"What-?" Scott stammers in protest, but I interrupt him. 

"Deal." I say smiling. "One day then I'm checking in wether you like it or not." 

"What are you though?" Scott asks and I look at Lydia and we laugh. 

"A banshee." I reply.

"Ooh so there's you and Lydia now." He says laughing too. 

"Yup." Lydia says nodding. 

"Huh. Didn't see that one coming." Scott says smiling. 

"I kinda wish I was something else though, like a vampire or even a ghost. That'd be so cool because then I would be one of a kind like you guys." I say smiling.

"No it wouldn't." Scott said scoffing. 

"Im not the only Banshee any more though, I got some competition." Lydia says smugly nudging me in my stomach. 

I laugh. "I would never believe we're arguing over something like this. It seems so weird."

"We are weird, deal with it." Scott says smiling too.


Okay so that was 18. My writing sucks, but its longer!

Did you guys see the all to well short film?!??!?! It was so awesome! 

Thoughts? >>>>

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now