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I continue to scream as loud as I can and Isaac drops my hands to cover his ears. I use that opportunity to try and grab my phone but since I stopped screaming Isaac reaches forward and grabs my face with the same dead look in his eyes. "You really shouldn't have done that." He whispers and I let out a faint whimper as he picks up my phone and slams it against my forehead, causing me to slowly lose consciousness.

As everything fades to black I can't help but think to myself that at this point, I have been knocked out so many times I'm surprised I don't have brain damage. Just before I lose all sense of vision I feel a faint press of lips feather-light to my nose that confuses me, but then I have the being knocked out to worry about, so maybe I was dreaming. 

— — — —


I drive up to the post office and see Malena's car parked out the front with one of the side doors open and nobody else in sight. 

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath as I rush to the car and see Malena passed out in her seat, her body on a weird tilt. I rush to the car door on her side and rip it open and try to see if she's alright. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I yell. I gently move her into a sitting position and try to find her pulse, I swear to god if she was dead I would fucking lose it.

I find a faint pulse and let out a breath of relief. Gently as I can I move her over so I can pick her up and bring her to Stiles jeep. As I pick her up she lets out a soft groan and I look down at her as she's sleeping. She seemed so peaceful. 

I go to Stiles's jeep and place her in the front seat and go back to her car and shut the doors and grab her phone from the passenger seat and her car keys and lock the car. It could stay here for a little while, hell, for all I cared it could be stolen but Malena probably wouldn't like that. I go back to the jeep, open the driver's door, and climb in and with one last glance at Malena, I begin to drive away from the post office. 

Whoever did this would fucking regret it. 

— — — —


I open my eyes slowly and try to ignore the pounding headache that seemed to be plaguing my mind. I let out a soft groan as I take in my surroundings. I look out at the growing darkness surrounding me, blink a few times, and realise that I'm in a car. I sit up a little straighter and close my eyes again as I try to remember what had happened, I had been driving to the post office to post a letter to mom and dad. I had posted it. Then when I had gone back to my car- "Isaac!" I let out a gasp as I open my eyes and turn to the person in the driver's seat. 

Where I expect Isaac to be I see Void sitting there with a small smile on his face as he keeps his attention on the road and doesn't look towards me. "See, I feel like we should go over our names again. Because every time you end up in shit and I have to rescue you, you always call me a different name." He says and I can hear him holding back a laugh. 

"What happened?" I asked and let out a small yawn.

Void turns his head to smile at me. "You could answer that better than I could." He says like a smart ass.

I turn to him and roll my eyes. "I was trying to mail a letter to my parents, which I did but when I came back to my car Isaac was sitting there. He said he wanted to talk to me. So I said he had five minutes after arguing for a bit and then we were talking and his went black, like fully black with no iris or white area behind that-" and I swear when I said that Void straightened up and his hands gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went white, "and I put my hands on his face to try and see what was wrong and he took my hands away and held my wrists so tight they almost broke and then I screamed, which made him drop his hands and covers his ears so I clearly did something right. Then once I was done screaming I tried to reach for my phone and he..." I pause and furrow my eyebrows. "I can't remember," I murmur under my breath. 

And I physically couldn't. Anything past that point wasn't memorable. 

Void doesn't look at me he keeps his eyes on the road with a steely expression. "I think I can figure it out." He hisses his voice full of rage.

I look out the window as we get closer to Scott's house and Void lets out a sigh and curses under his breath. I look at him and he's shaking his head. "So, you figured out your banshee shit then." He says awkwardly and I smile at his attempt to change the subject.

"I suppose," I say and I look back to the window fighting a laugh and Void chuckles quietly. 

"You didn't need my help after all," He says and I look back at him with a grin. 

"I don't need anyone's help. I can protect myself." I say and Void looks at me with a smirk. 

"Without me, you'd be passed out in the driver's seat of your car with the doors unlocked and opened and be 5 miles away from Scott's house. You would most likely be robbed and kidnapped, regardless of your powers." He says and maintains eye contact with me for a good 5 seconds before turning back to the road.

"Technicalities," I mutter under my breath and Void starts to laugh. 

"Whatever you say, sweetheart." Void says as he rolls his eyes. 

I poke my tongue out at him but he doesn't notice as he turns to the final corner towards Scott's and I let out a sigh as I look up to Scott's window and see the light out, signifying either they had stopped hooking up or had decided to spice things up. I really, really hoped it was the first option. 

Void parks the car and looks at me with a small smile. "Well, see you tomorrow then." 

I look at him quizzically. "Tomorrow's Sunday. Why would I see you then?" I ask and he smiles at me. 

"Goodnight Malena." Void says and I climb out of Stiles's jeep and wave goodbye to him as he leaves the street.

I blink hard and make my way up the steps and into the house and go straight to the spare room and collapse on the bed. Sleep had never came to me so easily in my life. 

— — — —

"Malena!" Somes hisses and I feel the same person shaking my shoulder to try and wake me up. I blink my eyes fast to try and adjust to the light. 

"Wha-" I start but I realise it's Melissa and she has a worried look on her face.

"We need you downstairs." She says as she sits down next to me on the bed. I sit up and look at her confused. 

"What happened?" I ask slowly. 

"It's the Nogitsune. He's been stabbed..."She says and trials of. I feel a cold unsettling wave of fear roll over me. "...and he's healing, really fast." 

I kick my feet out of the bed and push past her, ignoring her protests as I run down the stairs and see Deaton, Scott, Aiden and a passed out Void on the couch. 

I let out a gasp. "Void," I murmur just as he opens his eyes and looks up at me. 

— — — —

ooo spooky,

anyways we're back on track with the epsidoes and we're almost done with the book/season 😮

i honestly still haven't planned the ending. i'm so sorry. 

also happy late birthday to my favourite twins, fred and george weasley <3

 thoughts on the chapter?— — — —> 

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