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There was so much going on in my life I didn't know what to do, I was still trying to figure out what creature I was whilst Scott tried to figure out how to un-possess Stiles, if that was even a possibility. I was back to a somewhat normal return to my schedule and it was a nice feeling to have some kind of normality back. I hated change, I always had. As I walked into school I felt slightly less scared than 2 weeks ago, at least no one knew what had happened. I straightened my back and lifted my chin as I walked into the school.

No one noticed my entrance as I waked to my locker that still had SLUT written on it. Nothing had changed, yet at the same time, everything had. I looked around for my friends, but as per usual, they were gone. Probably off solving another mystery.

I got the books I needed from my locker and sighed as I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Stiles asking where he was. I slam the door shut behind me as I put my phone away. Much to my surprise there was someone waiting behind the door. Allison was leaning on the locker next to mine. I jumped in sock but turned away from her.

"Malena-" She starts and I sigh again.

"Every single time. I cant catch a fucking break." I mutter. I turn to her and raise an eyebrow in response. "What Allison." I say coldly.

"Here." She passes something into my hands and stands back. "Suits you much more than it'll ever suit me." Then she turns around and is gone down the hall, lost in the sea of the students and teachers.

I look at the foreign object in my hands and realise its Isaac's dark blue hoodie. The one I had thrown at her and Isaacs weeks ago.

I stand in shock with the hoodie in my arms and I lift my head to see if Allison turns dback but she's long gone. Why would she give it back after everything that had happened. I rip my locker open and shove the hoodie onto the shelf with increased haste.

This time when I slam my locker shut there is no one waiting to ambush me behind the door and I walked to my first period class. Preparing for the day ahead.



I was running out of time. Now that everyone knew who I was, what I was I didn't have long left. I had to work quickly so as to accomplish what I needed.

My plants had changed entirely, I no longer cared if I won or lost just that the people who needed to would pay. Especially the Argents.


While I was sitting in Stile's jeep getting ready to go to school while it was lunch I saw I had an unread text from Malena.

Hey why aren't you at school??
I'm here on my own atm.

I smile as I respond, 4 hours later.

took a sickie this morning

Her response is immediate, as if she was waiting for me to text her back.

We'll hurry tf up and get here
Now before I murder you.


I chuck my phone onto the seat next to me, laughing, and start driving to school whilst coming up with an excuse for not being at school that morning to tell the teachers and Stiles dad.



I sat outside on the grass with my lunch tray. I had chosen to avoid the over crowded cafeteria, especially since I had no one to sit with. On warm days it was much easier to sit outside on the field. I was lying down, soaking up the sun whilst reading my book when I felt someone nudge my side. I lowered the book and saw a smiling Stiles looking down at me.

"You look really pretty with your hair down." Stiles said still smiling, well not Stiles, Void.

"Thanks. I don't wear it down often because it annoys me and gets in the way." I sat up as he sat down on the ground next to me.

"Well, still." Void says. "What are you reading now?" He asks, the ghost of a smile still etched on his lips.

I hold up the book with a wave in a lazy action. "Romeo and Juliet." I smile proudly.

It'd taken me ages to find an original version of the book. Lots of copies had been made since with the language moderated but I liked reading the original version of the script. It was so much more romantic.

"Isn't that a movie?" He asks bewildered. I look at him mouth open.

"You did not just say that." I say scoffing.

"But it is right? With Leonadro De-something a rather." He says clearly baffled.

I slapped his head. "It was a book first you nitwit. God thats embarrassing for you." I say shaking my head in disbelief.

"Jeez sorry. No need to go all pyscho mode on me." Void rubs his head. "That hurt by the way."

"Good, maybe I slapped some sense into that thick skull of yours." I snap sarcastically and for a moment I forget the Void was the bad guy as he smiles at me, a real smile too.

Teeth visible, cheeks tight and something in his eyes that made me want to smile to.

I offer him a smile back. We dont really talk much after that. Just sit in the sun and I read whilst he fiddles absentmindedly with the grass.


okay ew that was so short im so sorry lovelies. Im experiencing severe writers block so I'll try my hardest to write another chapter for you all later on this week, ill probably update on Thursday at the latest. 

thoughts? ----->

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now