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I stay on my knees as I try to block out the whispers. They were all cautioning me that there was going to be death, but I just wanted them gone. If this was what Lydia had to deal with 24/7 then I finally understand why she thought she was going crazy. My eardrums felt like they were bleeding.

I let out another scream of agony and try not to think of Void who was sitting in front of me, still, observing me with a grimace. This was his fault, and I swear when I get the chance I will strangle him.

I'm still leaning forward with my face pretty much pressed against the cold stone floor when the voice finally, finally, stops.

I look up at Void, who almost seemed relieved that the voices had stopped. I glare at him with all the hatred and rage I can. "Why are you doing this?" I ask trying not to sound out of breath.

Void smiles at me. "For many reasons, I suppose but, mainly because it's for your own good." 

I gape at him. "You're torturing me for my own good? Fuck you." I hiss at him and then almost as if the voice heard it the screaming started again and I no longer care about anything but getting the voices to stop.

— — — —


I look down at Malena and something tugs at my stomach. I want to run out of here with her, make the pain she's facing stop but I can't.

This is for her own good, even if she doesn't believe me. I look at her and wince as she lets out another ear-splitting scream. I really was beginning to regret not grabbing Lydia instead, Malena didn't deserve this shit.

I watch as a single tear rolls down her face and the stab of guilt that pierces my heart hurts more than anything else I could ever imagine.

When she begins to stop screaming but stays on the floor I try to say something when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn so fast I almost fall off the step.

It's Isabella. 

She looks at me, clearly pissed. "We need to talk." She says and she looks over my shoulder at Malena and I see a small smirk play on her lips as she sees her in pain.

It takes everything in me to not strangle her. "Not now," I say before turning back to Malena but Isabella grabs my arm impatiently.

"Yes, now," Isabella says forcefully and the authority behind it doesn't go unnoticed, she was trying to compel me.

I shrug her arm off. "What?" I snap quickly.

"Why did you leave me for her?" She queries her voice full of disgust as though mentioning Malena pains her. 

"You were asleep," I say rolling my eyes.

Isabella narrows her eyes and glares at me. "We're leaving." The remark is clearly not a question and I feel the force behind it.

I feel sick to my fucking stomach as I realise the number of times she's probably compelled me into sleeping with her. "No. You're leaving, I'm staying." I say, trying to keep my voice even but being able to barely contain my rage. 

Her eyebrows furrow and she looks at Malena and then back at me and connects the dots to the fact that Malena told me. "We're. Leaving." She says, this time more forcefully. 

I'm about to slap her right across her smug face when she lets out a gasp as she's looking over her shoulder and I see Malena standing up. 

She smiles at Isabella with a fake wide smile and waves three fingers at her. Isabella steps back and when Malena pretends to step forward Isabella turns on her heel and runs away faster than I've ever seen anyone run before, almost losing a shoe on the way. 

Malena smirks at me as though she's about to say something but then she begins to fall to the ground, I catch her but she's already unconscious.

— — — —


I hate passing out, there's not really a sentence that can really sum it up aside from feeling like dead weight. You're aware of your body, your mind but you can't move a muscle. It's like being frozen in time but still being able to think. 

When I manage to sit up I see Void is holding me. I start back from him and move to the wall so I can rest against it.

I look at Void and try to stop the tears that threaten to fall as I look at him. "Why are you torturing me? And don't give me some bullshit answer. I want the truth." I say coldly.

Void looks at me with a small smile as he crouches down in front of me and he studies my face.  

I look at his eyes, Stiles's eyes and see a look of almost longing. 

He leans down slightly before closing the distance between us and connecting our lips.

I barely have time to process what the hell is happening before he pulls back from me with a big smirk and studies my face again, he moves his lips to my cheekbone. "That answer your question enough sweetheart?" He murmurs his breath hot against my skin.

I feel my face flush as he pulls back from me slightly. I look at him and bite my lip before muttering "fuck it," and pulling his face down to mine.

The kiss is passionate and full of longing. But it's refreshing and sends shrives all the way through my body to my stomach in a way that Isaac had never made me feel. I can feel Void's smirk against my lip as he pulls back from the kiss to look at me. 

Void bent down a fraction, his lips against my cheek, brushing it lightly so I can feel his breath against my cheek, and still, that light touch sent shivers through my nerves, shivers that made my whole body tremble. "If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered. When I still said nothing, Void brushed his mouth against the hollow of my temple. "Or now." He traced the line of my cheekbone, teasing me lightly. "Or now." His lips were against mine.


But I had reached up, sick of his bull shit teasing, and pulled him down to me again, and the rest of his words were lost against my mouth. Void kissed me gently, carefully, but it wasn't gentleness I wanted, not now, not after all this time, and I knotted my fists in his shirt, pulling him harder against me. He groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms circled me, gathering my body against him. 

I pull back from Void, out of breath and he smirks the biggest smirk I have ever seen. 

He pulls his hand out from behind me and used his thumb to wipe over his lip and winks at me. "Strawberry chapstick?" He asks with a light chuckle.

I smirk as I wink back at him. "Cherry actually, but close." 

Void lets out a laugh as he loosens his arms and sits back on the step. He surveys me with curious eyes and I smile widely at him. 

"I wish..." He starts but he trails off as I look up quickly. The whispers had started again. 

'Don't let anyone come to save you. They'll die, they're all going to die!' The voice hissed at me. I shook my head rapidly. 

"No, no!" I yelled out and the voices just laughed at me before the screaming started. But this time the screaming was different, there was more of it. Void sits up straight and looks behind him, not even noticing that I'm in pain. 

He whips his head back to me and winces slightly but stands up quickly. "I have to go." And he stands up and begins to sprint down the hallway. 

"I'll be here." I whisper quietly as the screams get louder.

— — — —


okay, so I'm kind of proud of the kiss scene, ngl.

ya'll  i have planned out the ending for the book FINALLY. you guys will never see it coming. jk, it might be very predictable idk. 

thoughts on the chapter— — — —>

(also sorry if there are any spelling eras i speed wrote this one, sorry if its bad!)

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now