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I had curled up into a ball in the corner of the cold stone hallway. I let out a soft whimper as the voice got louder. 

'they're all going to die. They're all coming for you, to rescue you! It's all your fault!'

"Shut up!" I screamed and the voices just got more and more persistent.

'if they come for you, it's your fault. Your friends will die for you. Is that what you want?'

I let out a scream of agony and pain as the words of the dead tore at my heart and the very fabric of my already jeopardised reality. I covered my ears and tried to squeeze the voices out of my mind. 

I shook my head repeatedly to try and ignore it. 

"Malena." A voice whispered. I shook my head again and squeezed my eyes shut even harder. "Malena, it's me." 

I recognised that voice. I looked up and it was Void. I almost started to cry out of relief. His eyes look tired and he looks in pain. 

"Void. Oh, thank fuck. Can we go? Can I go?" I ask desperately. Another whisper circles around my head and tickles my left ear. 

Void frowns at me, "I'm not Void Malena. I'm Stiles."

I look up at him and gasp, mustering all my strength, which wasn't much I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. I felt Stiles's reluctance to hug me too but eventually, he hugs me back.

Then I hear another whisper and I push him back from me. "Why are you here?" I ask hurriedly. 

From behind Stiles, I see Scott and I shake my head quickly. "No, no! You're not supposed to be here! Fuck! You have to leave!" I say and I begin to step back from them.

"Malena we're here for you-" Stiles starts but I shake my head rapidly. 

"No! Who else is with you?" I ask hurriedly as the voice snickers in the background. Scott and Stiles look at me a little confused. "Who else is with you?" I demand. 

"Everyone is," Scott says quietly, from behind him Lydia bursts through the hall and runs up to me and wraps her arms around me. 

"Oh thank god." She murmurs, "you can hear them too, can't you?" She whispers in my ear as she pulls back from me. 

I nod slowly and she looks terrified. "We have to go. Now. Everyone, we all have to leave." Lydia says turning to Scott and Stiles. 

"What are you talking about?" Scott asks her confused, but as he's speaking I feel my stomach drop. 

"Who else is here?" I ask again. 

"As Scott said, everyone," Stiles says looking at me perplexed. 

I push past them both and begin to take off down the hall, ignoring their shouts of protest behind me. I can hear Scott beginning to run after me as well. I don't look back at him as I run through the winding corridors. Once we get to the end of the maze of tunnels that I was trapped in there was a gate, but Scott had already broken through it because there were claw marks ripped across the gate. I pushed it open just in time to reach the area where the main fight was going on. 

The oni, who had somehow changed from a partnership with Kira's mom to Void was now slicing everyone up.  

The scene that greeted me was not one that we were winning. I let out a gasp as I watched Kira with her sword being surrounded by a circle of oni and Isaac who was being sliced up like a piece of turkey on thanksgiving.

I went to open the gate just as I can see Scott sprinting towards me at the end of the hall. I glanced at him for a second before throwing the gate open and running forwards. As I run I try to summon my power but after all the torture of the screaming, I couldn't do it. I look at Isaac desperately and then at Void who is watching me with something like pity in his eyes. 

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now