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I looked down at her tied to the chair. She was a mess, she had lost a lot of weight but still had life and colour in her cheeks but her eyes looked dead. There was dry blood on her forehead and cheeks. She looked like a zombie. I could tell she didn't recognise me at first, must've thought I was the captive coming to finish her off. I punched the guard on the door with so much force it knocked him out immediately, the other guard scarred toward Malena but I didn't give him the chance to get there. 

"Malena?" I call out. I she moves her head a bit signalling she can hear me. "Oh my god. Malena! Thank fucking god!" I rush forward and wrap my arms around her tightly. I feel her sniff at something then stiffen. 

"Stiles." She says weakly. I pull back and look at her. 

"Not Stiles." I say, I try to grin but I can feel my insides twist at her calling me the wrong name. "Void" 

As I say this she passes out in my arms. I curse slightly but break the shackles from her arms and legs and wrap her up in Stiles checkered shirt. I pick her up and carry her bridal style and go right through the front door. When I come across the guy who looks in charge that I shot earlier and I place Malena on the ground gently and turn back to him. 

"Who the fuck are you." I hiss out. The guy looks at me and laughs, even though I shot him in the leg earlier he's still able to prop himself up. 

"Thats a good question mate. Better question though is what are you?"  The guys chuckles. I kick him in them stomach, hard. He grunts in pain. "Im not going to tell you son, just ask your slut when she wakes up." 

I smile down at the guy. "Okay, we're doing this the hard way." 


After a good 20 minutes the guy gave me the name. Gerrard Argent. Of fucking course it was the Argents. It always was. I left the guy on the floor in a state close to death and picked Malena back up and walked out. I walked to Stile's jeep and placed Malena in the passenger seat and hope in the driver seat. 

Once I have started the drive back from the warehouse they'd been keep Malena. I don't know how I found her, something was pulling at me and I just got in the car and drove. Drove till I got there and for some reason I knew. I look over to Malena who is slumped in her seat. All this effort and for what? It's not like I meant anything to her anyways. I was just a thing who had possessed her best friend and had been there when she needed comfort, and she kissed me because she felt lonely. She didn't mean anything to me either, I just felt like I had to protect her from everything I could, from myself, even if that meant pushing her away. 


I have been knocked out so frequently these past few days I wouldn't be surprised if I honestly got brain damage. I open my eyes groggily to find myself in a hospital with Melissa standing beside me holding my hand. 

"Hiya sweetheart," She says quietly smiling down at me. "You were out for a while. How do you feel?"

I go to open my mouth but my tongue is as dry as a sheet of sandpaper. I make a motion of drinking water and Melissa passes me a cup of water and I take some. 

"I feel really dizzy and tired." I say my voice husky and scratchy with sleep. 

"That'll be the meds love, they'll wear off in a few days." She raises an eyebrow at me. "How are you really  feeling? After everything that has happened."

I look at her face as she studies mine. She definitely knew what had happened, but how much was the question. 

"I feel okay, I cant remember anything of the past week and a half though," I say lying through my teeth. 

Mellissa looks at me and I can tell she knows I'm lying but she doesn't press me. "You'll be moving in with me and Scott as of tomorrow. I cannot allow this to happen again." I freeze, if I did move in with Scott and Mellissa that meant-

"Malena!" A voice calls."Oh thank god you're okay."


I stiffen and feel my face distort in pain and hatred. Mellissa watches my reaction carefully and turns to him. 

"I think you should go Isaac." She says quietly, but angrily. Isaac tries to look around Mellissa to me but I feel myself hide behind her like a small child. 

This was his fault. It was his fault I had been put through what I had gone through, he hadn't bothered to tell me, or anyone else. That was unforgivable on its own but plus our rocky history I don't think I ever would forgive him. Not that I wanted to anyways, he was a dick.

"But is she okay-" Isaac starts, but he's cut off by a voice. 

"I don't think thats your concern anymore," Scott says leaning against the door-frame. "Stiles told us what happened Isaac, I think it's time for you to move out." 

"But I have nowhere else to go." Isaac says quietly. He looks to Mellissa then to Scott. 

"Well, that no longer my concern." Scott says coldly. 

Isaac turns to the bed and flicks his gaze to me with something like pleading in his eyes. I turn my head away from him and he gets the hint. We were well all far past 'forgive and forget.'

He turns to go but something inside me pulls and I sigh. 

"Isaac?" I say to his retreating back. He pauses and turns around. "You can stay at my house if you need to." I cringe at my words, I would surely regret this later. 

He smiles at me. "Thanks love-"

"Malena. Just Malena you cheated on me remember? Or did you conveniently forget." I snap cutting him off, sure I was doing something kind but it didn't mean anything. "Don't even think about sleeping in my room, use the couch and don't invite her over."  I say coldly. Even though I don't mention a name it's obvious who I'm talking about. "I would rather not come home to your guys orgasms staining my sheets." I hear Scott stiffle a snort in front of me. Isaac stands in front of me clearly surprised. 

"Still a slut though right?" I say smirking. I grab my keys from the table beside me and throw them at his chest with all the effort I can muster and the after effect makes me woozy. I feel Mellissa put her hand on my shoulder in a comforting gesture.

He turns to leave and I sit there very happy with myself before the drugs pull me under again. 


So that was 15. Kinda feeling meh about it. What do yall think? 

Thoughts >>>>

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now