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Stiles was still lying on the floor and I see...our school counsellor going to help him? 

"Ms Morell?" I asked carefully. 

She looks up at me and tilts her head to the side. "I didn't see that coming." I heard her murmur. Ms Morell helps Stiles stand up and they walk over to me. 

"Both of you. With me. Now." She says forcefully.

"But-" I start to protest. She cuts me off with a stern look. 

"Now Malena." Ms Morell says. 

I look to Stiles who shrugs his shoulders. He has no clue what's going on either. We follow her out of the room as she sat us down in a circle with a bunch of other people.

"Now, behave and be quiet." She mutters to us. She moves to sit a the top of the circle as me and Stiles sit down opposite Malia and Oliver. Malia proceeds to give Stiles the dirtiest look I've ever seen, and I went to an all-girls Elementary school.

"I want to go back to the topic of guilt today. It might surprise you to hear me say that guilt is a good thing, it's a rather mature emotion." Ms Morell starts. She looks around the group and I realise what this is. Counselling. "Malia," she says turning to the brooding girl,  "you said something about guilt the other day. You said it came with a visceral reaction."

Malia doesn't take her eyes of Stiles as she answers. "I said it made me feel sick to my stomach..." She murmurs clearly pissed to be put in the spotlight. 

Ms Morell nods. "Guilt often becomes physical. You feel it in your gut. It's not just psychological." She looks over to Stiles who is fidgeting next to me. "How does guilt make you feel, Stiles?" 

Stiles looks startled as he answers. "I'm sorry, what?" He asks politely. 

"Guilt, what does it make you feel?" She asked again.

"Nervous..." He said trailing off as his gaze fell to Malia. 

Ms Morell nods again. "Like a sense of urgency? You feel an urgent need to make up for something you've done. To apologize."

"And you Malena?" She asks looking at me now. 

"Like I'm being eaten alive," I murmured under my breath. 

She nods thoughtfully. "These are healthy responses. Does anyone know what we call someone who doesn't experience guilt?"

Oliver raises a timid hand. "Sociopath?" He asked.

"That's right Oliver." Mrs Morell says smiling at him. She looks around the group and her eyes widen when she sees Stiles rubbing his shoulder. She slams her book shut. "I'm sorry everyone but we need to take a break. Come with me Stiles, I'd like to talk to you for a minute."

He stood up and looked at me and I rolled my eyes. Here we go again. 


"It's called a Lichtenberg figure-- they appear on lightning strike victims. The fact that they're appearing on you after a shot of wolf-lichen is both significant and strange." Ms Morell says as she runs her fingers over the scar on Stile's back.

Stiles pulls his shirt back down to cover the scar. "By "significant and strange," do you mean "hopeful and optimistic?" He asks sarcastically.

I nudge him, she might be able to help us, we don't need sarcasm right now. 

Ms Morell smiles grimly. "When the marks fade, the Nogitsune's grip will return." I see Stiles freeze up and my breath stops. Void. 

Ms Morell walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a little container of pills and hands them to Stiles.

"What are these? Sleeping pills?" He asks as he examines the label, quickly remembering he cant as he shoves them in his pocket. 

Ms Morell shakes her head grimly. "Amphetamines. Sleeping is exactly what you don't want to do. You're vulnerable when you're asleep."

"So, all he has to do is stay awake?" I asked. 

"For now," Ms Morell says nodding. "If your friends haven't figured out something by the time those marks are gone, I'll come find you."

"To tell me what to do?" Stiles asked quietly. 

"No... To give you an injection." Ms Morell grabs a needle and holds it up to show Stiles and me. "Pancuronium bromide. It causes respiratory paralysis."

The name clicked something in my mind. "That sounds a lot like..." I said trailing off.

"Death." Stiles finished. 

"It's used for lethal injection, yes." Ms Morell said. 

I looked over to Stiles in shock. 

"So, when the Nogitsune takes over, you're gonna kill me?" Stiles asked shocked. 

"I'm going to do what I've always done, maintain the balance." Ms Morell said cryptically. 

"Okay, then. I've missed our talks. Thanks for the illicit drugs." Stiles said sarcastically standing up.

"Rude ass," I mutter under my breath as we go to walk out. 

"Stiles...?" Ms Morell starts, he turns back to face her as I do too. "Stay awake."

When we walk out of the room and I hear Stiles snort.

"That was a lot," I muttered. Stiles nodded. 

"She's freaking crazy." He said. I turn to him eyebrows furrowed. 

"Hey, Stiles. Genuinely are you okay?" I asked as nicely as I could. 

"I never am. But, I'm better now that you're here." Stiles said smiling at me. I feel guilt take over me as I feel my insides turning out. Stiles turns to Oliver with a smile. "Come on Oliver, let's go find out what's in the basement."


Me and Malia go back to our room just to talk really. Even though she's been a coyote for more than half her life she's actually really nice. But she is quite blunt and says what she's thinking, no matter what. She's even more unfiltered than Lydia.

"I fucking hate it here." Malia groaned into her pillow. 

"I second that statement," I grunt back. 

"Can't wait to get out of this hell hole." She says sitting up. "It was boring till you showed up." 

I can't help but smile. "Thanks for making Eichen house more interesting Malia."

She snorted at my response and smiled. "Right back at ya."


Ew, i hate my writing sm. Enjoy this short thing. 

Malia and Malena <3

Thoughts? ------>>>

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