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Void had been at Eichen house for 12 hours and I missed him terribly. It took all I had no to barge into the stupid place itself and demand that he left with me and never return to that wretched place. It was nothing but bad news that had come from that place, Barrow who had a freaking tumour or flies in him had escaped from the asylum and now Stiles was sitting in a cell willingly.

I groaned frustrated as I kicked the chair leg of the chair in my room. 

"Can you see why he did it, Malena?" Lydia asks quietly. 

I turn to her in a huff as I sit down on my bed. "No," I mutter under my breath. 

Lydia raises an eyebrow at me.

I sigh. "Maybe? I don't even know why it bothers me so much. I just don't want him there."

Lydia nods thoughtfully. "Is there...is there something going on between you two?" She asks looking at me. 

"No, no I don't think so. We're just friends. Same as always." I say almost wistfully. 

"You know he's not the same Stiles as before, he's not Stiles at all. He's the Nogitsune, and he's probably using you." She says without even hesitating. I can't help but feel a pang of disappointment hit my heart. I feel a weird need to defend him. 

"That's not true Lydia." I snap. 

Again she looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "You don't like him either, right?" Lydia questions slowly. 

"No," I assure her quickly. She turns back away from me still hesitant that I was lying.

The truth is I had no fucking clue how I felt. My feelings felt like they were jumbled up and thrown around and I can't tell what's good or bad. But we had more important issues to deal with, well Lydia did. 

"So what are you guys doing with um Allison?" I asked quietly. I knew that something bad had happened and they were trying to steal evidence from the sheriff with Allison, Scott, Ethan and Aiden.  They were trying to get some guys finger for helping Stiles with the Nogistune. Though I still didn't get how that would help unpossess him.

"We're trying to stop the van of Katashi's stuff being taken somewhere else for some stupid scroll. We have a plan to stall the van and get the finger slash scroll thingy. It's way too complicated and most likely to fail like every other fucking plan we've ever had." Lydia says muttering into her palms holding her temples.

"It doesn't sound very fool-proof. Are you and Alison...all goods again?" I ask cautiously. 

She looks up at me. "Would it be okay if we were? I mean I'll never forgive her for what she did but can I still be her friend?" 

I look at her then back to my hands. "Yeah, yeah that's okay I guess. You know I never expected you to not forgive her. Like I never wanted us all to not be friends, just things started getting complicated and awkward and I didn't know what to do you know and-" I say starting to ramble on. 

"Malena, stop okay. I get it. I know what you mean." Lydia says reassuring me. She stands up from her chair placing an arm on my shoulder. "Allison wants to sort it out with you and apologise for everything if you're open to that."

I'm shaking my head before I can answer her question. "What and next Isaac is gonna come up to me and ask the same thing? God no. I need time." I scoff. I look to the clock as I say this. "Speaking of time, can we go check me into Eichen house now?" 

Lydia groans "I was hoping you'd have forgotten about that. It's a stupid idea, stupid ideas have stupid outcomes." 

"I'm going whether you like it or not," I say defiantly as I make for the door. 

a void in the heart - void stiles¹Where stories live. Discover now