♬ 7 ♬

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I woke up with Riki hugging me, just like when we were kids, the only difference was that he's way taller than me now.
"Riki, wake up, you have schedules today" I said shaking his shoulder calmly.
"5 more minutes!"
"Nishimura Riki, get up. I need to get up too!"

He then released me from the hug and I got up from his bed and I saw Heeseung and Jay still in their beds.

How cute.

"Riki, I'll get ready and if you're still in bed when I get back-"
"Ok fine, I'm up" he said sitting up.
"Good. Now I'll get ready and make you breakfast"

"Yay!" He said still half asleep before falling back on the bed.
"Morning, Nimi!"
"Morning, Won"
"Are Jay hyung and Heeseung hyung awake?"
"Nope, don't worry I'll wake them up. You can get ready for school"
"Nah I'll wake up only Jay hyung cuz he has school too"
"Ah right" with that I went to the bathroom and got changed for the day while Jungwon woke up Jay.

"Woah! Good morning Nimi!" Jake said.
"What are you cooking?" Sunoo asked already in his school uniform.
"Oh just some simple hotcakes for everyone"
"Woah! Thanks Nimi!" Sunghoon said.
"I wanna pay you guys back somehow for letting me stay here for a week"

"Ah about that, when are you starting and moving into the trainees' dorm?" Jungwon asked after waking up Jay who's now in the makeup room getting ready.
"They said I'll start next Monday and I'm moving in on Sunday evening. I should go wake up Heeseung and Riki again"
"Good luck with Heeseung hyung, he's kinda clingy after waking up" Sunghoon said.

I went back into the bedroom and saw that my brother wasn't there anymore.
"Perfect, this is gonna be so awkward" I went to Riki's bed and cleaned it before I turned to face the older boy's bed.
"Uhm... Heeseung? It's time to wake up. You guys have practice and you need to get ready. The three already left for school" No answer so I decided to shake his shoulder lightly.

"Heeseung, it's getting late you should wake up"
He groaned and turned to face the light.
"Alright but can you help me get up? This light is making me blind" he said getting up and making me turn just to hug me by the shoulders.

Man, this dude is like a giant baby. More whiny and clingy than Riki after we force him to stop practicing.

"Fine, but only for this time. You're lucky cuz I'm kinda as tall as Jungwon or else you'd have a backache"
Yes, I'm actually taller than the national average, I'm around 174cm tall and height is one of our 'family traits'. So yeah, I walked the semi-blind Heeseung to the bathroom and went back to the kitchen to the others.
"Thanks for the breakfast, Nimi" Jake said.

"You're welcome! It's the least I can do to repay you guys"
"Stop saying that" Heeseung said walking into the kitchen "There's no need to thank us"
"Right, Ocean! There's no need!" Riki said munching furiously on his hotcake "Ocean?"
"Hm? What is it, Riki?"
"Jungwon hyung and Sunoo hyung said that their sister will come over so they can take you around the city so get ready"

"Ah right!"
"Huh? Soyeon and Yewon will come here?" Sunghoon asked.
"Yeah, Sunoo hyung suggested them this idea" Jungwon said.
"I'll better get ready then and you guys too, I saw the van already waiting outside so hurry up"

A/n: Let's pretend those are their names lmao

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