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We took a taxi that drove us in front of a park a bit outside the city, near the graveyard.
"Won't you be too tired if you're also going to cook for us, Babe?" I asked Jay as we were placing the picnic mat on the ground.
"Don't worry, babe. You know I'm the strongest" he said flashing me a smile while pointing at his arm muscles.

"And I've always wanted to cook for your family. I've learnt this new recipe. They're gonna love it for sure"
"I have no doubts"
We ate the food that my mom prepared us for this picnic and enjoyed the time alone.
The park was pretty big and the area we found is a bit hidden, so we had the chance to relax without getting noticed by anyone.

"Here, babe. I know these are your favorites. Fish bread filled with strawberry jam" He said passing me a small box.
"Thanks, Baby. Here, for you. I asked mom to make you a bento box with her recipe, since I haven't mastered it yet"
"Another reason to add to why I wanna cook for your family"
We enjoyed calmly our lunch at the park before collecting our things and heading to the graveyard.

"Ready, Dae?"
"I'm nervous but I know it'll be fine since you're with me" I said clinging onto his arm sweetly.
We walked for a while till we reached two black marble stones with four photo frames, few candles and some old flowers.
I read the names on the gravestones.
"Sugawara Ryota and Miyazaki Koda"

"Look babe, it's you in that picture, I think" Jay said pointing at the frame in the middle of the two joint gravestones.
It was a silvery frame with a picture of a couple and a baby in front of a house.
"Was that our home? And is it truly them in here?"
"You really look like your mom" Jay said as he was staring at another frame.

"Woah... She was beautiful..." I said taking the frame.
"And this... My papa?"
"You got his smile, babe" Jay said putting his arm around my shoulders to comfort me.
I put back those three frames and took the last one. It was a picture of my parents in London.
"Hey mama and papa... It's me, Umi, your only daughter. I'm sorry it took me this long to visit"

"It's nice to meet you. I'm sure you've seen my journey so far, right? Mom told me that you both were also in the music industry.
She'd tell me about how you two met or how mama would write songs and then papa would make the base for it. And papa, I hope you won't get mad but I'm here with the person I love the most beside my family"

"Mama, papa... I'm here with my boyfriend, Jay. He's in the same group as Riki and he takes really good care of me, so don't worry about me"
"Hello sir and ma'am. I'm Jay Jongseong Park, your daughter's boyfriend and here in front of your gravestones, I promise you that I'll always make sure to treat Umi the best I can and beyond"

We stayed there for a bit more with me talking to my parents and telling them some stories from my childhood and just venting, till it was almost time for dinner.
"Let's go babe, it's getting late"
"Okay Baby. Mama, papa, I'll have to go now... It was nice finally seeing you and even if we didn't get much time together, I love you two. I'll try to visit again before coming back to Korea. Bye bye"

We went back home and got greeted by Konon hugging me and my dad talking to Jay immediately.
"I missed you, Mimi!"
"I missed you too, Konon!"
Jay went to cook with the help of my mom as I just stayed with my sisters as we caught up with each other. Soon the dinner was ready and my boyfriend called us to the table. We all sat and enjoyed his cooking before he had to leave to get his flight later this night.

"Thank you for visiting them with me"
"I'd do anything for you and you know it well"
"Be careful on your way back in Korea. Love you so much and thank you again" I said hugging him one last time.
"See you back at work" he kissed me then went inside the van as I watched the vehicle start the engine.
Before going back inside I stared at the sky full of stars already and took a deep breath.
"Thank you mama and papa for sending me someone like him"

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