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For the past three months I've been ignoring everything that had to do with Jay as much as I could. If it wasn't for the tour and the love from our Anemones, it would probably have been more hard to live so far... I felt betrayed, stupid, ridicule and furious all at once. A fool.
Today we were finally coming back to Korea and we were given a 4 days break from the tour, totally schedule free.

"Girls, once we land, please follow your bodyguards, hmkay? We decided to divide you in more vans this time to see if it's safer from the mobbing" our manager told us.
"Yeah unnie, they told us yesterday night as well" Minah said.
"Oh sorry, I was really tired, I didn't catch that well"

Once landed, we followed the instructions given to us. I followed my bodyguards who brought me to another direction from the rest of the girls and we didn't get much mobbed. Finally, we reached a van and they helped me get inside quickly.
"Thanks guys" I told them, sitting on the middle row seats.
"Uhm oppa? Where are the other girls?"
"In the other vans and sorry for this" he said.

He locked the van's doors and I noticed a figure behind me getting up and sitting next to me.
"Daeyang, please. Let's talk properly. Listen to me, I'm begging" he said.
"What's there to talk about, Jongseong? I know what I saw" I said looking away from him to the window but he used his hand to make me face him once again.

"Sugawara Nishimura Umi, I have never cheated on you and I'd never get myself to do that. I've only loved you. You're the one I love, Dae. The girl on set that day? That was my cousin, Marlene. She grew up in France and that's how they greet people. She was greeting me since she just arrived on set. She visited the set cuz I told her you'd arrive, she wanted to meet you" he said.

"Please Daeyang believe me, I love you so much and I've missed you"
I took a deep breath to take it all in and process what was happening.
"T-that was your cousin?"
"Yes, Umi. Yes"
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"
"Maybe because you blocked me everywhere and you're too stubborn and hardheaded to listen to our friends?" He said chuckling.
"I hate you"
"You don't" he said smiling.

"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be. It's my fault, I should've told you that she would come by on that day"
"No, Jjong, I'm sorry. For real. I'm sorry for not listening to our friends and for not even bothering to listen to your explanations. You know... I've missed you so much, these past months were so hard to go through..."
"I've missed you too, Dae. So... Can we go back together?"
"Yes, I'm sorry, Jay. I was a fool for this"


"I'm still sorry for not listening to you back then" I said laying my head on his shoulder.
"At least we got to clear it up and get together again. And what matters most is that we're still here together, after all these years"
"You should answer your phone, you know?"
"Let them be, I know it's my friends shocked from the news" he said laughing as he resumed the show we were watching in his room.

"After this, let's go rest since tomorrow we have practice for our special stage, hmkay?"
"Yes, but are you sure about the song choice and also the outfits? They gave us full liberty but won't it be too cold, Babe?"
"The performance will be in a month, we can always change fit and what about the song?" I asked confused since we've been practicing for weeks already.

"Nothing, it's just that it's definitely what Anemones and Pearls won't expect from you"
"Exactly. I want to surprise them with a new version of me since I now got the change to become a soloist as well. I'll be giving them just a little sneak peek"
"I'm sure they'll enjoy it a lot, Dae"

"I hope so. I'm almost done choosing the songs for the album and adjusting the title track"
"Look at us. Finally reaching things we've dreamt about together in the past. You and your solo career and me with my own brand"
"I'm so proud of us. Love you so much, Jjong"
"Love you so much too, Dae"

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