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"Before we end the live, let's sing Happy birthday to Sumi one last time!" Nayeon said.
Since our last profile was revealed this morning, we held a live on Instagram to celebrate my birthday as well. We weren't revealed in an age order, first it was the group shots, then Sehyeol, Minah, Nayeon, Skye, Bella and lastly, me. All the profiles were posted at 11am KST and we all had solo lives on our Instagram accounts at 8pm KST.

"Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me dear An- FANS!" I said smiling in panic and ending the live immediately.
"We have to be careful!"
"Our fandom name will be revealed in May" Minah, Eunwoo and Sehyeol said.
"I'm sorry girls! They told us to call them like that in our new videos is hard! I'm getting used to it!" I explained.

"True, it's hard to not say it in our lives!" Haneul said.
"So, what now?" Nayeon asked.
"Your profiles are all out and you had your first group live. I guess you can have the day off tomorrow" Yeona said.
She's been supervising our journey up close even if she's the CEO, she said that because we're getting introduced this early from our debut and we've been filming since last October/November, we can take things at a nice pace, giving us the right time to rest.

"Got anything from your partners? To those who have" Yeona asked smirking.
Yes, I'm not the only one in a relationship. Nayeon has a boyfriend who isn't in the industry and is just an ordinary university student. While Sehyeol, you won't believe it, or maybe yes? She's dating Cherrie!
Apparently they've been dating since a year after Sehyeol joined the company.

"Hm, nope but I guess he's gonna pick me up. Thank you for the day off, unnie" Nayeon said in a cute tone.
"I don't think she sent something this time because she has upcoming exams this March, but I'm planning to send her a bouquet through her mom" Sehyeol explained.
"I'm going to the boys' dorm and celebrate my birthday with them as well"

"Now that I think of it, a year has passed since you told us the truth" Minah said.
"And a year since you had your first date" Eunwoo said trying to tease me.
"It wasn't my first date. It was my first with him" I said rolling my eyes jokingly.

"Ocean! Happy birthday!" Riki said when he came to our artist lounge.
"Thank you, my mini Jackson" I hugged him.
"Let's go, the others are waiting in the parking lot"
"Hmkay. Bye, girls. See you tomorrow night"
I took my things and left with Riki.
I'm just gonna change at the dorms instead.

We arrived at the parking lot and I got inside the only van there.
I guess the others already left.
"Nimi!" Jungwon said.
"Or should we say, Sumi?" Sunghoon said.
"Nice surprise, right?"
"You have no idea how Jay hyung screamed this morning. He put an alarm at 10.30 to wake up and he actually woke up. Never happened before!" my brother said.

"You should have content coming out every morning, Nimi, so that hyung will get up on his own" Jungwon said laughing.
"He couldn't stop saying how pretty you were"
"Hyung just wouldn't shut up! Even on our way to the company!"
"Stop talking about him for a minute guys. I'm kinda pissed! He hasn't greeted me yet!"
"Ay Someone's sulking"

"Obviously I am Won! My birthday is almost over and it's also Valentine's Day. It's like he couldn't care less and just cared about my introduction video"
"Oh trust me, Ocean. Hyung hasn't forgot at all" and the other two just nodded in agreement.
"I won't stay long though, Nimi. Sorry, I've got boyfriend duties"
"It's understandable Sunghoon, Jinhee told me she's excited to give you your gift"

"We're home!" Jungwon announced as we arrived at the dorm.
I heard my boyfriend shout and he ran towards me to hug but I didn't hug him back.

It's my birthday, let me be petty for once.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked releasing me from his hug.

"Good luck with her, hyung. Told you to not ignore her today" my brother said patting his shoulder before getting into the living room.
"Are you mad at me, babe?" He asked and I just went to his room and got my spare clothes there and got changed.
"Baby, I'm sorry! It was part of the surprise I've been preparing for later" I didn't reply again.
I just went back to the living room and sat between Jake and Riki.

"Told you, bro. I guess you're gonna sleep outside tonight" Jake said making fun of him.
"Let's just blow the candles" Heeseung said.
"Yeah, so Sunghoon can go to Jinhee for his boyfriend duties" I added, emphasizing the last two words before rolling my eyes.
They all sang the birthday song to me and I made a wish before blowing the candles.

To many more years with them, with him.

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