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"Girls, great news before we go back to Korea!" Our head manager said after gathering us in the living room, moments before leaving the house.
"Your debut date has been finalized and approved!" And we all cheered.
"When is it?" Nayeon asked.
"July 7th!"
"OMG wait! It's a Thursday! Our first music show will be Music Bank?!" Sehyeol said excitedly.

"Your profiles will be revealed starting February 8th and from then some of your content will be released weekly. From your vlogs to your debut progress. Similar to Trainee A but more elaborated" she explained further.
Once back in Seoul, we were all picked up by different people. Nayeon, Sehyeol and Haneul by their families while Eunwoo and Minah by a company van and me by my brother's group.

Well- that's what they made us all believe...

"I thought you guys would pick me up after schedule! Why is it only you?!"
"Aren't you happy to see your boyfriend after two long weeks?"
"How did you explain this to the company?!"
"They gave us three days off. after awarding season"
"Wait, are we going straight to your home for real?!" And he just nodded. Panic. That's what I've felt.

I was gonna meet his mother!
I never talked to her properly!
While he talked to my whole family already! I'm not ready!

"Calm down, babe. She adores you already, don't worry" he said holding my hand and caressing it with his thumb.
"Still! I came from a long flight and I'm sure I look like a mess"
"I think you're perfect"
"Oh shut up, you're whipped!"
"If you want, we can wait before going inside, the time for you to prepare yourself"

"Oh by the way, we'll be staying there tonight and the next one too"
"What?! I don't have clothes and oh lord what?!"
"Dae, it's not like we've never slept in the same bed before"
"I know! But it's your house now, not the dorms! And is your mom ok with that?"
"Don't worry too much, she is. And about your clothes, you can just use mine"

"Fine... I've missed you, Jjong..." I said finally relaxing a bit and leaning my head on his shoulder.
"I've missed you too, Daeyangie" he said kissing the back of my hand.
After a long drive from Incheon we arrived in front of his house. As he said earlier we stayed in the car for a while before getting out.
"Oh? That's my dad's car! He's back too!"
"W-what!? Your father's here too?! Omg do I look presentable? Are my clothes ok? My hair-"
"You're fine, babe, now breathe and let's go inside"

"Mom! I'm home!" He said as we stepped inside and removed our shoes.
"Oh! Jay and you must be Umi! Welcome, welcome! Come sit here in the living room, Jay go bring her things in your room! Honey, they're here!" She said all excited.
I sat on the couch of their spacious living room and soon after Jay came back with his father. He sat next to me and held my hand.

Gosh, I'm so nervous!

"Mom, Dad, she's Nishimura Umi, my girlfriend"
"Uhm Nice to meet you, Sir and Ma'am" I hardly said.
"Oh sweetie, don't be nervous! We don't bite! It's nice to meet the person who has been making our son so happy!" She said smiling.
"Yes, you can also call us uncle and aunty, no need for formalities" he said laughing.
"See? I've told you, they adore you"

"Food is almost ready. Give me an hour for the meat, if you want you can go and wash up, sweetie"
"Uhm thanks, aunty"
"Cmon, I'll guide you to the bathroom"
Good thing I had spare clothes from America and Jay lent me his pajamas. After an hour or so we ate dinner together and his parents got to know me more.

They're so humble and sweet, no wonder Jay turned like this. They're great parents and I can see how loving they are.
Since the award shows season was over also the boys got few days off, it was perfectly on time. Jay decided for us to have a staycation at his house and that's what we did for two days.

"It's our last night before work again the day after tomorrow" I said pouting as we were laying on his bed ready to sleep.
"Yeah... Where do you wanna go tomorrow, before I have to bring you back to your dorms?"
"Hm... What about having brunch together?"
"Let's invite Riki too! I miss him and I also have his souvenirs!"

"Whatever you want, babe. You know? After these days, I've realized that it'd be nice if one day we could move in together" he said and the idea of it made my face heat up.
"You mean the two of us living together under the same roof?"
"Yeah, maybe when we're both years into our careers. Like, 5 or 6 years from now. What do you think?"

"I think... It'd be great. A small apartment all for us"
"Then one day, when the time comes, I'll propose to you and we'll move to a bigger house after our wedding"
"Yes, with enough space for our future kids"
"Kids Hm? You've thought of that?"
"Yes! Since I was a child actually, I wanted to have maybe two girls and I really like the name Roan"

"I love it. And I wanted to have two kids as well, since I've grown as an only child I don't want them to feel lonely as I did"
"I like this"
"Planning our future together?"
"Yes. Especially because it's with you. I love you so much"
"I love you too, baby. Now let's sleep"
"Okie, lemme just text Riki about the brunch"
"Sure" after that we went to sleep.

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