21: I don't think your mother was a bad person

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Jianyu was sleeping in Wei Yanlin's lap as Ning jie looked outside,

"Thank you for taking me imperial mother"

"You still call me that dispite knowing the truth" Ning jie said

Yanlin gently brush the sleeping Jianyu's hair

"Your the only mother I ever knew" Yanlin said

"Yanlin why are you trying to get closer to Wei Jianyu" Ning jie asked with a serious expression

Yanlin held his head down sadly and said nothing,

"............. Yanlin don't hurt Jianyu his only a child" Ning Jie said

Yanlin nod in understanding and looked at the child who was lying comfortable in his lap.

"Jie'er" a woman with a soft solemn expression said

"Mother" Ning jie answered smiling

The woman looked down to see Wei Yanlin who swallowed nervously, she smiled at him as he avoids eye contact she looked back up to Ning jie.

"Jie'er you've finally brought Jianyu"

The woman hand out her arms as she except little Jianyu

"Nainai" Jianyu said questionably

"Yes little Sunzi it's Nainai" she answered smiling

"Finally you've brought him here you stubborn child" the marquis said grumpy

Ning jie grinned playfully Yanlin watch from a distance sadly,

"Yanlin you've gotten bigger" jie's mother said smiling

Wei Yanlin nod then looked away in shame.

"Come on" she hand out her hand

Yanlin gently hold her hand as they both walked in.

"My my you looked so much like the emperor it's almost uncanny" the marquis joked

The marquis knew the emperor since young and now looking at his grandchild he saw every bit of the emperor in him, from the silky black hair to the beautiful golden eyes that looked just like his mother Jianyu was cute the marquis laughed.

"Yeye is very handsome as well" Jianyu said

"Haha your nothing like your mother or seems like even your personality is similar too"

"How is he anything like the emperor" Ning jie said upset.

"Forget forget it's about my grandchildren is that right Yanlin hmm Yanlin"

Ning jie and the marquis looked around and didn't see Yanlin are his wife anywhere.

"This is Ning Yuan your birth mother" madame Ning said handing him a portrait

Wei Yanlin looked at it with a sad hurtful expression she looked so much like his empress mother but why she did such an awful thing Wei Yanlin could never understand.

"Yuan'er use to be a kind child Hmp in contract to Jie'er who was always playful and causing trouble Yuan'er was kind gently and always helping out if she were alive I knew she'd be a great doctor" the madame said sincerely.

"But she was evil she could have lean you all to death she could have killed empress mother I'll never forgive her" Yanlin shouts.

Tears began to flood down his cheeks for as long as he knew empress mother was his mother but when he broke the news to him he didn't believe him but it was when his mother kept on insisting that he wasn't his child he went to the emperor.

The emperor didn't made the story clear and it was vague but then he asked the nanny of the story of what happen between his mother his sister and the emperor it was then everything became clear he was a child but he wasn't so foolish as to not know what his mother did.

Yanlin felt very guilty he could never accept such a vicious person as mother he didn't want to admit it then he realized he too needed self improvement since tried to take all his love away from him, it wasn't Yanlin's love but Jianyu's.

Yanlin deserves no love his mother was a vicious person who hurted a couple who was very much in love now he must dedicate his all to his little brother for atonement of what his mother has done.

Madame Ning looked at Yanlin with sad eyes he was a child he was innocent of the things his mother did no need to take up that burden on yourself madame Ning didn't know where she went wrong with her daughter but she would make the same mistake with her grandson.

"You know I don't think your mother was a bad person"

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