56: Rules

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Ning jie was upset Jianyu would have been a good reason to talk to TengFei Xinjiang but the little one looks as if he wanted nothing to do with him.

A few days passed and TengFei Xinjiang had already decapitated the minister's head many of the soldiers ran because of how ruthless and cold blooded TengFei Xinjiang was it was like be was squashing mosquitoes no even mosquitoes was given more mercy.

"Weak one I'm home" he laughed

Dispite going in the town soaked in blood he never came home like that he always came back clean as if he never when to kill off hundreds of people.

"Mr." Tang Yang ran at his leg and hug it smiling.

"Hello Xiao de Yi" he said smiling


Tang Yang showed a picture of him he smiled appreciatively.

"Isn't that sweet I'll treasure it"

He took it and gently fold in putting it gently away in his chest.

Even if the mighty dragon didn't see them as equal it didn't mean he doesn't appreciate their works and effort plus no one has never really drawn something so affectionately for him he was a mighty dragon nothing he ever had have flaws and honestly it was too boring.

Now he was no longer in the heavenly realm he can finally see something entertaining and he already has, he made Tang yang floats in the air the young on giggled as TengFei Xinjiang spinned him around.

"Me too me too" Tang Le asked

Soon him and Tang Nuying started to float the room soon filled with the laughter of kids laughing Zheng Chi smiled at the sight of his children helpless laughter Tang Jing looked up at him then at his siblings he then looked at Shifu only him was constantly on guard around the man.

"Welcome Mr." Zheng Chi

Zheng Chi too was aware of the dress code on how to address him and found that this man was very strange, Zheng Chi wondered if was interested in his body but that too he had no interest in him he claimed to be impotent but how could a powerful cultivator like himself be impotent.

Zheng Chi didn't bother him any further and just saw him as their savior or benefactor so their whole family dedicated to him there was a few rules that need to follow.

1. Don't address him familiarly
2. Don't approach him carelessly
3. Don't hug, kiss or touch him familiarly
4. Don't disobey him in whatever he says
5. Don't try to pass the boundaries set

These rules they needed to follow otherwise from that they did whatever they desire and was happy with it.

The next day

Tang Jing was enjoying dinner with his family it's been such a long time since he enjoyed a grand feast.

"Enjoy everyone"

Tang Jing looked at his mother who seemed worried usually the gluttonous shifu would be here devouring everything, his siblings and him was impressed by the bottomless pit the man has for a stomach.

Tang Jing also noticed that shifu wasn't interested in the least in his mother his shifu looked at his mother rather strangely.

Tang Jing knew what lustful gazes were cause he always sees them shifu gaze was more like how people looked at animals no not animals, ants Yes his gaze held no equally in them and this upsets Tang Jing.

He didn't Il treat them infact they were treated with lots of care and they could pretty much do whatever they want so Tang Jing didn't mind much.

Ning jie was sitting on the veranda looking outside Yuan's birthday was coming up closer he'd always get depressed around this time he stroked his bun hair as he looked outside.

Ning jie was sitting on the veranda looking outside Yuan's birthday was coming up closer he'd always get depressed around this time he stroked his bun hair as he looked outside

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Even after all this time and all that happened he still found it in his heart to love and care for his little sister even missing her.

"Yuan" he said in an hush tone

Soon Ning jie found himself looking at the Fènghuá ring after the nanny incident he decided to keep it on until Jianyu is old enough to keep it himself his eyes grow dim why was his life so unfortunate and sad.

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