93: The Beauty In Love

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Today was the lucky day, a carriage travels through the city. Confetti through in the skies as it past by, Ning Jie smiles happily dressed in red from head to toe, he looks at Xixi..

“To think this day has come,” Ning Jie said with a sigh of relief.

“Do you not believe his imperial majesty doesn't love you?”

“Well, all honesty I do have doubts sometimes, his face just never shift its hard to tell.” Ning Jie said, “but it's only human to have doubts, I'm sure it will be okay now.”

“I'm sure, the imperial majesty loves you or he wouldn't marry you or indulge your foolary.” The cat scolds.

“STUPID CAT!!” Ning Jie yells as he pulls Xixi ears.

“Owow! You stupid you human!”

It was long before the footman begins to feel the carriage shake and shook as if on a bumpy road but it was only the master and beast fighting in the carriage creating a ruckus.

“Ow! You stupid cat that's my face! It's my wedding day.”

“You abusive master, die! How dare you harm me!!”

Soon the carriage stops and the carriage opens as Ning Jie stumbles out, he was a mess, his robes off his head. He looks up to see his father and all his ancestors glaring at him.

The eyes spoke words that the father didn't need to say, Ning Jie wants to cry. He works so hard he hopes they could forgive him.

“Brother,” Ning Yuan offers her hand as Ning Jie looks up to see, he takes it with a smile. “Brother get up, it's your wedding day, you should be the most radiant.”

She gently cleaned his clothes and face, there was such affection in her actions no one could see decite behind her actions. Though she meant every word she said, she gently pulls his forehead towards her kissing it. “I bless you on this grand day.”

Ning Jie smiles with a soft blush, “Hehe, thank you Meimei!”

Ning Jie holds her hand as they walk together down the path, Ning Jie stops seeing the bridge ahead this was the path Ning Jie should walk alone. But seeing the emperor in regal red opening both arms Ning Jie raises a hand and begins to run while waving his hand.

“Zihao! We're married,”

“JIE…ER!!!” The marquis Ning yells but pause.

His heart skips a beat, he looks at Ning Jie hoping he doesn't stop or turn around because an empress should never turn or stop while passing the bridge on their wedding day but luckily Ning Jie… loves to disobey him and just ran unwavering in to the emperor's arms.

The emperor hugs him, taking his face then kisses his forehead. Jie er laughs happily.

Such a grand day, such a beautiful union, Ning Yuan smiles it'll be her turn soon.

“It'll be your turn soon Yuan it's quicker than you think,” An Yuan said walking up to her.

“Huh?” She looks at him.

“Well, you seems very attach to your brother I fear you might feel displeasure within this union, like his imperial majesty taking away your brother. But please fear not you'll have your turn come soon, I can't imagine a young lady such as yourself struggling for a suitors.” An Yuan smiles.

“And what if the suitor I desire is not within my grasp, what if he loves another?” She asks looking at the emperor and Ning Jie.

An Yuan squinted his eyes then looks up at the couple. “then what's there else to do? Move on.” He confessed. “If his heart yearns for another there is nothing you can do but let him be.”

“Why is that?” She asks coldly.

“Why isn't that? Many despite knowing the truth still aim to pursue what minor or large chance they got that they end up forget what the true meaning and beauty of the word love. They lose themselves in the selfish intent of wanting that which is not theirs and lose the grasps of the true meaning of love.”


“To care for someone unconditionally while making yourself better and to grow past anything, I think love is such a beautiful thing. You're willing to live because of a request of a love one despise being in so much pain, will to honor a wish that goes against what you desire. There is just something beautiful about it but wanting to take away something that someone feels towards another just because you want your feelings aren't reciprocated, it makes your world looks sad and ugly.”

Ning Yuan feels angry, “foolish! You know nothing what is love if you can't have it.”

“It's the fact that you have and give it away instead keeping it and treasuring.”

Ning Yuan turns away leaving An Yuan, it was foolish conversation anyway. She will have her love as well and her world will be beautiful.

Later that night Ning Jie sits on the bed nervous, he had taken some wine already but he feels too sober and too nervous! The little fox isn't use to being out his element!

“Hmm, maybe I can spice things!”

Soon there was a knock on the door, Ning Jie opens it seeing a young. This was a sacred night dare someone knock om the door of newly weds?

“Sorry your majesty… but his imperial majesty request your presence. There is an emergency.” She said heads down.

“Emergency? Something happened on such a good night? Let's go!”

She nods leading him outside the room, leaving the room two shadows appeared inside revealing Ning Jie and Yuan's master only it wasn't Ning jie it was in fact it was Ning Yuan.

“Go sit on the bed, I will prepare the incense.”

“Will this work master?” She asks with doubt.

“Will it not? Look in the mirror.”

She looks in the mirror to see her brother's face, she touches it and smiles. “On such a grand day brother is beautiful.”

“And so are you,” the master smiles as he lights the incentives. “Once they are lit and inhaled you and all who smell will feel lust you never knew you have.” He warns.

“And you?”

“I will not be affected,” he answers.


“Because I lost the ability to, I am no longer a man. So I have no desires.” He smiles.

“I see,” she said. “You are truly kind master.”

He pauses then smile, patting her head. “You, Yuan is a very precious child.”

He soon disappear with the opening of the door.

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