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"I promise the king that I will not fail this time." I rebuked his words, replying as we stared into each other's eyes.

The static stare between us continued for a few seconds, silence falling at our lips.
But I could see the smirk on his lips almost threatening to fall out.

"The northern wasteland, if I succeed, Renever wishes to be rewarded." I added whilst breaking the silence.

"Interesting." The villain urged telling me to speak ahead.

"If I prove my utility, I hope the king will reward me with an official title deserving of me according to my service by the end of the year." I paused for a bit.  Then continued. "This lowly one wishes to be granted with the freedom of movement right from this moment. And depart for the northern wasteland."

The pinch on my chin got tighter.

I didn't frown because of the pain gripping my jaw. My eyelashes fluttered lightly. Despite this I made sure not to look away from the pair of maroon eyes towering over me. The more I provoke him with a side he has never seen on this face the more he will be willing to indulge his attention on me.  

"Hm...." He rubbed his chin with his other hand as he continued to observe me.

"King Rhaskhiz , please bear in mind that he has failed once already." Amiabah reminded the villain. As the right hand man of this king, Amiabah was equal to the villain in terms of strength and blood. The king considered him as his equal hence the red head was given the right to speak without being granted to do so.

King Rhaskhiz knew that already without being told. Infact he initially had no intrest in giving this little kid another chance to waste his kingdom's resources.
What was this? The clouded gaze of these purple eyes was tempting him to think twice before rejecting. That fresh look in this toy's eyes was tickling his intuition, urging him to give his toy a second chance.
The words this little red lips spoke provoked his curiousity as to why? Why the sudden change of demeanor in this little kid?
Make it an oasis by the end of the year? Where was all this confidence coming from?
Wishes to be granted the freedom of movement? Where was this burning courage coming from?

King Rhaskhiz's sixth sense was being teased to the point that he wanted to hear more before coming to a conclusive decision.

"How will you make it an oasis by the end of the year? Explain. Then perhaps, based on your answer, this king will grant all your request." The northern wasteland region was a crucial part of the kingdom's history. Back in the ages it used to be a flourishing army camp of the Harkin empire. It was the military headquarter of the kingdom. Unfortunately the region was burnt down to ashes during wartime. Even after the war was over the land could not be saved. Thereafter it ceased to exist instead a barren land with no hope remained.
So the statement of turning it into an oasis by the end of the year caught his curiosity.

I let out a contagious smile, playing my cards right.

Once I was done with telling him my plans he had a hard look on his face.

Then I got the answer I desired. "Very well. Amiabah, prepare the departure immediately. If by the end of the year you fail, your pretty Little head will leave your body."

This time I prostrated my head before him, bowing slightly. "Thank you my king."

With that I was already flying out of the court.

My steps were light. I was off to escape from this place showering in riches, leaving for a wasteland that was going to be the very first threshold to fame. The Northern Wasteland, the very first trophy that I must secure at all cost.